Well, over the past week or so, i've educated myself considerably on the B12 subject. My DR wanted me to start having B12 injections more frequently than once a month and I didn't want to do the 45 minute drive more often ------- so I bought supplements, and then started reading on "why all the fuss over B12". I've learned 2 very important things:
1. If you are missing valuable body parts in your intestines due to surgury, you are most likely missing the body parts that absorbs the B12 that you consume each day, so it isn't sticking with you. Likewise, you would have probably depleted all your "stores" of B12 that you may have had in your liver before your surguries. So, if you take supplements of B12, you need to find a way to get them in your system so they can be
absorbed, (as suggested under the tongue). And that your standard drug store bottle of B12 may well be a waste of money. This is why most of us with this condition get B12 shots.
2. I also learned (as I was trying to make excuses to myself not to go that distance for a shot), that B12 is very important in a lot of stuff our bodies do. Won't bother to relay them here, as any google search will tell you. More than I ever thought, and my negligence in taking this subject seriously has probably contributed to symptoms of fatigue and bruising and other nuisances that absolutely didn't have to happen.
So, yesterday, after learning all this, I made the trek to get my shot, got an extra dose because I have been somewhat tardy, and made the committment to show up more often. And, I intend to head to my health food store to see if I can find these B12 under the tongue slips I've been reading about here in these forums.
B12 -- It's a good thing!