What should I be eating?

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Jan 3, 2016
I am 19 years old and I was diagnosed with crohns March 2015. I had a fistula and a stricture, so I had a small bowel resection in May 2015. However, I still have some spots on my colon, so I have been taking 100mg of Imuran everyday and Humira injections every two weeks. Since I dealt with chronic constipation from the stricture, I still tend to get constipated every once in awhile. I eat a lot a fiber which I know a lot of crohnies are not able to do. Sometimes my bowel movements are completely normals and sometimes they aren't. Just wondering what I should be eating, so that I will not get constipated often while still eating healthy.

Hello abramslg and welcome to the forum! :)

You may want to check out the Diet section here: http://www.crohnsforum.com/forumdisplay.php?f=17

If you normally deal with constipation then you could try foods that have more fiber in them that you know you can tolerate. Dried fruits especially prunes (prune juice is also great) contain the most fiber but even regular fruits and vegetables with the skins on (apples for instance) are also a healthy source of fiber. Everyone is different in what foods they can tolerate. You may want to keep a food diary to help you keep track of how you did with certain foods. Many members aren't able to eat raw lettuce/salads during a flare but if you're able to tolerate it then it should also help with the constipation.