What should I expect with virus and Remicade/MTX

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Apr 26, 2012
Okay guys, I am wondering something. My daughter came home with some funk(fevers, sore throat, cough, achy joints). She went to urgent care and they tested her for strep(quick test) and flu both were negative. The next day I took her to the GP and he said that his office has seen alot more of this virus that had flu like symptoms than they had seen the actual flu strains. He said the good news was it didn't last as long and it wasn't as severe. I've been keeping C away but tonight before bed he mentioned he didn't feel good:(. What can I expect with him on Remicade and MTX? If he has it, do I call the GI(his Remi appt. is next Tues.) or go to GP(will antivirals work on it? Can he take those?):confused2:
Quite a dilemma.
Think I would get in touch with the Gi for any course of action that they think should be followed.
Hey Clash...we had the same situation a couple of weeks ago. We have basically two teams of doctors, one in Munich - Gasto and Remicade team and here in Garmisch we have a fantastic guy from Reumatology Klinik, who deals only with MTX (has hundred of kids on MTX not only Crohn's patients). While Remicade guys didn't seem to bother as long as she doesn't have respiratory problems and/or antibiotics when due for next infusion, our guys from here advised us to skip MTX for a week or two (we ended up skipping two as it was a lingering virus). They told us that since the mTX is given every week it has a bigger impact on the organism that Remicade for example but because of the same reason, it is ok to skip one or two (not more). At the end of her virus battle she had white blood cells elevated (not too crazy), CRP completely normal and the rest of the blood counts normal too. So in my head I am thinking that remicade didn't worsen the symptoms and maybe the fact that she didn't get MTX those two weeks helped too (my son and I ended up on antibiotics - it was too long and the virus turned into bacterial infection). I remember a few years ago she was sick and on MTX only and she did get worse and ended up on antibiotics. Of course this could have been coincidence.

Sorry for a bit lengthy post,

I don't know anything about Remi or Mtx and I know they don't think it's the flu, but we were told to commence Tamiflu at the first sign of illness with EJ. He's on Humira so I would think the protocol would be similar.

Uhhh, Go Dawgs….Jackets??
He woke up feeling good this morning but I'm afraid CD may be rearing its ugly head head...ughhh! He had urgency problems this morning and tummy cramps in the middle of the night.
The CD symptoms may be related to the bug... I hope he keeps feeling better and the CD symptoms go away as the day goes on!! :ghug:
I know that often my son has often notices some GI symptoms (more trips to the washroom, diarrhea, urgency) when he fighting a virus - it's almost like an early warning sign that he might be getting a cold. Usually the GI symptoms resolve within a day or two (often as he starts showing cold symptoms - even with just a mild virus).
He's been on MTX for almost a year and a half and has had a couple of illnesses over that time but seems to bounce back ok.
Here's hoping that he's just fighting a teeny tiny bug and everything settles really soon!!
Don't you just love the paranoia this disease has instilled in us. Come out of the corner and leave your eye lashes alone;)

I report everything to the GI in the interest of full dicslosure and let them make the call as to where to go and what to do.

I would watch him today and if things get worse call. I really really hope he doesn't get anything and if he does it is just a virus and not CD.

Why wasn't he in his bubble?
Tesscorm and S mom, thanks, that is what I am hoping. He is having some joint pain and says his stomach feels a little off. I'm just going to watch him for a day or two. Always something to keep things jumping!
CIC, I thought I had him in his bubble!!! Now, back to the drawing board on the bubble!! You guys think since NASA is shutting the shuttle program down they would be interested in selling me one of those suits??
I don't know anything about Remi or Mtx and I know they don't think it's the flu, but we were told to commence Tamiflu at the first sign of illness with EJ. He's on Humira so I would think the protocol would be similar.

We were told the same thing for Ellie - not to wait for a positive flu test - just to begin the Tamiflu right away because of her being immune compromised. At our last visit with the GI he did tell us that the studies show kids who are on immune suppressant drugs get on average 1 additional virus every 2 years than those kids who aren't. He also said that the viruses they do get aren't shown to be worse than the others. I wasn't sure I believed him at first but I guess that's what the data shows.

Hope everyone who feels icky starts to feel better soon!
I hope he is feeling better soon.

Knock on wood, Ryan's bubble seems to be working. am hoping that trend will last through this bug season. It's my and the hubs bubble that's made like swiss cheese! Hubs has been coughing since Christmas. I look like infectious disease control walking behind him with a tub of wipes under each arm!
Things don't seem to be improving:(.

Right now there seems to be no sign of the virus his sister had, no fever, sore throat, coughing, body aches.

His joint pain became really bad last night, especially lower back and hip but also knees and feet. 4 bms yesterday first one was when he woke up and there was severe urgency and he didn't make it to BR, usually goes once a day or every other day with no urgency. His bum is hurting, on the inside and out and he says it hurts to sit on the floor or like in a dining room chair but the bed doesn't. Tummy felt off during bm times and after eating supper.

His joint pain is still with him this morning and a fair amount of fatigue, no bms this morning but there is a hard spot on his bum he says hurts. Tummy still feels off but he can't explain it. Woke up with cramps and urgency but no bm just excessive gas.

Some of the normal flare signs aren't present and he says he can't say that the joint pain or fatigue he feels now is like when he is flaring. He usually starts with fevers, mouth ulcers, followed by joint pain and fatigue.

I have a call into the GI nurse. I'm just not sure what this is, a side effect of meds or flare or virus. I just don't know at this point but he is pretty miserable.
Wow, sounds like he's having an awful time! :( :(

I hope you get a call back quickly!!! Could the 'hard spot' be an abscess?? I'm not sure if that's how they present?? Has he ever had a problem with abscesses before?

Praying for you that the call comes really soon!!! :ghug: :ghug:
In 6 years on immune suppressants of one sort or another including humira + 6MP and humira + MTX, Badger has only been on Tamiflu once. That was when the big scare about the new strain of flu was going on and we thought he had it. It made him really sick - vomiting, diarrhea. These are apparently common side effects. We stopped after 2 days.

Otherwise we have just weathered the viruses and strep throats and staph infections just like everyone else except that we test for strep, flu and staph sooner and based on fewer symptoms.

This week is a good example.

He had mild cold symptoms last week. Then this weekend he started a new virus with vomiting, headache and mild sore throat.

Went to peds Monday who tested for strep and flu. Both negative.

Most kids would not have gone to peds to begin with since there was no fever. But Badger can be really sick with strep and have no fever.

Most kids would not have been tested for strep or flu based on relatively mild symptoms but based on past experience he can have what appear to be mild symptoms and actually have strep or get much sicker very fast.

in other words, we practice cautious watchful waiting.

Hope that helps.
Thanks, Tesscorm, and no he has never had abscesses that I know of. In the week of dx he had an MRI of abdominal area and a colonoscopy wouldn't an abscess have shown on the MRI??? His CD was located in his TI. He finally let me look but I'm no doctor, it looks like a little bump??? Ughhh...I don't know, maybe a hemmie??? I'm so confused, everything was going so extrememly well so I'm am clueless at this point.:ymad:

His main complaint right now is joint pain.:(
Patricia56, this really doesn't seem like a virus now. I don't know what we are dealing with.
Could be an abscess, could be a fistula.

Need to get him in to his GI as soon as possible or at least to his pediatrician to take a look at the bump.

No, not everything shows up on scopes and MRI's. Unfortunately. That's why the docs have to actually lay hands upon the child.

Fistulas can be particularly hard to identify if you aren't looking for them on the MRI and if the opening is very small into the GI tract it is very easy to miss.

It sounds like he is going to need a change in meds.

More Shoot, darn and poop. Stronger words are offered silently.
Sorry Clash, I'm not much help here... hopefully someone else will come along with some thoughts. I guess you haven't heard from the nurse yet? :voodoo:
Patricia, yeah my mind went to fistula, but I was hoping for maybe internal prolapsed hemmie??!?

Tesscorm, GI nurse just called GI wants to see C tomorrow. GI has been out of office on vacay, still isn't back in office but is doing hospital service this week so fitting him in his schedule tomorrow.
In 7 years on boards never heard of peds Crohnie with prolapsed hemmie.

If it's perianal it's almost always inflammatory. And symptoms point to that too.

Sure do hope I am wrong, wrong, wrong.
I'll go for a regular hemmie, Patricia I don't know anything about it to be honest but by viewing it just looks like a really small bump, he has an anal tag which I can recognize but this is just a really small bump...idk

Is an abscess or fistula even likely if his CD is located in his TI? I'm just confused.
Sad to say you can get perianal disease regardless of where the main area of inflammation starts out. I think of Crohn's as a systemic disease with localized effects concentrated in the GI tract. I will save you the upset and not say any more about the rarer and uglier possible systemic manifestations but you already know about EIM's right?

If he has a tag that means he already has perianal disease. The tag is inflammatory tissue. This would increase the index of suspicion that the bump is inflammatory.

Like I said before. I hope I am wrong.
Patricia, thanks for the information, I've wondered before if due to the skin tag he has or has had some type of involvement there. He can definitely tell when the skin tag is inflammed. I'm making gathering my symptoms list and thinking of all the questions I want to ask now but I honestly don't even know where to start.

Thanks, Tesscorm, me too!! I could tell that they are concerned and the nurse said GI wanted to see him right away. We are supposed to call if any new symptoms arise before then.

It is so astounding to me that something could be going on because he has been having the best month or so. We are at 25mg of MTX a week and full Remi, actually I think there is a tad more room, something about full would include 1/2 of one vial so we are 1/2 vial from being at full dose and are scheduled at every six weeks. Ughhh...this is so frustrating and C hasn't gotten out of bed all day, says he's tired and his joints just hurt to bad to move.

He has dropped weight too, although for the last two days his eating hasn't been what it normally is so I guess that is to be expected but it is pretty low now, 110lbs:( before breakfast.
Hi Clash,

Sorry your guy isn't a 100% right now! This disease doesn't let us get too comfortable does it....grrrrr. My husband was sick a couple of weeks ago and was diagnosed with an upper resp. infection. S woke up with a fever a few days later with the coughing and congestion. We immediately took him to his ped who diagnosed him with the same thing. I texted his GI asking if we should give him his weekly MTX shot and he said no to hold off a week. S kept a low grade fever for 5 days which meant I worried non stop the entire time. He has never had a fever for that long so I blame it on the suppressed immune system. He will get his MTX shot tonight and then Remi on Monday.

Regarding "the bump". S's perianal abscess started as a little bump that grew bigger over time. An abscess can occur anytime regardless of where their Crohn's is located. I'm glad he's going in to have it checked out and I'm hoping it's not one. They are not fun!
So sorry sounds like abscess is a possibility
Is his remi dose up to 7.5 or still at 5 mg / kg??
DS bumped up to every 6 but at a higher dose .
Definitely helped.
Hope your Gi comes up with a plan . Glad you got in quick.
MLP, the GI said at the time of upping the dose the GI said that he is half a vial from full dose, if that makes any sense. I wrote the actual numbers down in my notebook but now going through it I can't seem to find those numbers.

C is still having back pain, no bm but excessive gas and fatigue but fatigue seems less than earlier in the day, idk I could be just hoping it is.
Typically remicade is dosed at 5mg/kg , 7.5 mg/kg or 10 mg/kg
The amount in the bottle has very little meaning since one kid may need two bottles but weigh alot less than someone else using the same two bottles
Which is why they dose mg per kg.

Your infusion discharge sheet should have how much he got on it .
Hope he feels better.
Idk MLP he was doing the math(weight, mg/kg) as we were talking and said ok he weighs so and so lbs(can't remember how much he weighed then)so full dose would be 5 and a half vials, I'm going to keep him at 5(what ever the number was) and not half that last vial.

Also, I remember the Remi nurse also saying he had a little room left on upping the dose on his Remi.

I looked through his discharge sheet from the last infusion but don't see any numbers, it is 3 pages long though, I'll look through it again.
Our report may be different
It listed time of infusion
All other meds given dose and when
Easy to ask the Gi or nurse it should be in his chart .
It still doesn't tell you whether he's being dosed at 5 mg/kg or 7.5 or what.

What the doc means is that his weight doesn't calculate out evenly for the amount of medication in each vial. So instead of wasting half a vial the doc rounded down.

Unless the doc specifically said he was increasing the dose along with the frequency I would expect that he was staying at the previous dose.

If he was re-calculating because he was changing the dose then your child is probably at the 7.5 mg/kg dose. But because of the rounding thing he's actually getting slightly less than that dose.
Yeah, I understand what you guys are saying, I just don't remember what we moved up to. I will ask tomorrow, when I see him. I do know we first increased the dose then we tightened the schedule to six weeks. Also, at the last infusion the Remi nurse when scheduling his next infusion said okay so six weeks(and more to herself than us) and what dose...looks down at chart...okay not quite full dose so still a little room there if needed.
Thanks, Tesscorm! He was hurting less as the night went on but I noticed he would wince when moving and was handling sitting with care.
Well you can add discharge instruction to the list of the many other things I don't get. Grrr! But at least I do know O's dose...guess that is something...

Hope things went well Clash!
Well C woke up this morning with no symptoms:ybatty: went to the appt, went through exam and the doc nothing seemed out of the norm, he didn't feel anything. C didn't feel pain while he was doing the exam. The GI thinks it could be breakthrough CD since the next infusion is so close. He did blood work should get the results back in a day or so. He is moving C up to every five weeks on Remicade.

We got home and C crawled into bed, said he didn't feel good:ybatty: and slept for two hours!! He just got up and ate, I asked how he was feeling and he said fine maybe a little tired. I just don't know and I'm about ready to start pulling all this gray hair CD has caused out of my head!
Oh and I guess the bloodwork could change the tightening of the schedule but I'm not certain on that.
Thanks, MLP. Oh and I forgot he said abscesses or some scietific word that meant fistula tracks can be really small and undetectable by even imaging(already informed thanks Patricia) so he put C on 30 days of Cipro and then re evaluate.
C is coughing now, he just asked if we had some cough medicine. No fever. He takes his MTX tomorrow, I'm going to check for fever again before but if there is no fever and still coughing should I be concerned about giving the MTX?
Just give your Gi a heads up different docs have different protocols.
We never stop 6-mp but others did.
No cold at all while on Mtx so I don't know
Thanks, MLP. I think he has a tender lymph node in throat so he may have picked up something.
Still no fever, just the cough and a slightly sore throat. I put in a call to the GI nurse. I feel like such a bother since we just got back from "an urgent visit" that didn't turn up anything solid. Ughhh...

Not to mention C isn't in the most agreeable of moods, I'm getting full teenage eye roll at most anything that comes out of my mouth right now!
Glad he seems to be a bit better??? I think??? :confused: I hope you can go ahead with the metho shot.

Hugs to you in dealing with teen emotions! Lots and lots of hugs!!!... :ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :ghug: :)
Ahhh...teen emotions...! Thanks, Tesscorm. He ended up coming home from school, severe joint pain. He says every joint in his body is screaming, even his toe joints. I'm making the flax seed heating pads now, we already bought the pharmacy our of their heating/cooling gel bead pads. I heard back from the GI and he said if no fever give the MTX so he took it when he got home. Still no GI pains or issues.
I was just beginning to wonder if the Remicade might be causing the joint pain. Dusty had just posted info in another thread about EIM being larger joints and C couldn't point to joint that didn't hurt today. But with seeing the blood, it wasn't much but it makes me think it was just C not making it the full six weeks.
With DS he gets joint pain ALL over
Legs knees back ankles hips etc...
And that was long before any remicade

Does he have the flu???
No, no flu but the inside whites of his eyes are inflammed again, it looks like episcleritis(actually it looks like a pic that was posted on here that was labled episcleritis because I have no idea what that really is!!) It happens when he starts to flare and goes away when it resolves, I'm going to the eye doc and let him see the pic if it has resolved, the GI seems unconcerned about it. I think he thinks I just list everything that happens and associate it with CD.

I know the feeling good idea to get opthamalogy involved.
DS has one who is really on top of the crohn's side of eye stuff.
Wish things were easier for him.
Should I try to find one that deals with CD or is that even possible? Thanks for all the help MLP, has DS's joint pain resolved with Remicade?
We just we t to one associated with our hospital so Gi could see the records plus they send patients there from Gi .
We didn't pick the doc he just happened to there when DS had an emergency visit per allergist .

His joints are doing alot better since starting the remicade
Ok that makes sense, I'll try that. And the remicade really helps C's joint pain too, he will complain about his back feeling like an accordian from time to time but it takes care of the rest.
Whoa Clash...I have missed so much! I really need to quit working! :eek2:

I am so, so sorry to hear of all that C has been going...:hug:..and you too! :ghug:

I'm not much help when it comes to the biologics but it surely does sound like the infusion time needs pulling in.

About the joints: The EIM's of joint pain can occur anywhere but pain located in the large joints runs parallel to disease activity wheras pain in the small joints can run independently of it. His large joint pain would fit with the Remi wearing off.

I so hope the next infusion pulls everything back into line for C and he is soon feeling fab again! Good luck!

Dusty. xxx
Oh and visualising abscesses etc on imaging...

If there is inflammation present then it can very easily mask them. It took them 3 goes to find Matt's and then they only found it after 5 days of IV steroids and antibiotics. There was another fistula and abscess that remained hidden and was only found when they operated.

Dusty. xxx
Thanks Dusty, I agree the tightening of the schedule will hopefully help. All your links and info on EIMs have been such a help, especially with this joint pain.
Ok the Remicade can't come soon enough, the whites of his eyes are red, strings of blood in bm and now we have about 6 mouth ulcers and C says more are on the way. Ughhh, he has complained of joint pain in the knee and back but not at the level it has been.

I have a friend who works with an ophthamologist office and she is going to try to get him in tomorrow, if she can't then I'm going to make an appointment hopefully with one through CHOA. I would like to get him seen tomorrow though, just because it is flaring now...who knows if it will be if we wait for an appointment.
If you call the choa opthamalogy group ask to speak directly to the triage nurse
There are certain things that will get you a same day appt
That was how we got in less than an hour .

Good luck
Hope the remicade helps soon
I'm hoping to get in tomorrow with this local guy as CHOA will be a 3 hour drive. I would like to have something with the dx on it to take to his remi appt and have put in his file. But I would like to get in with the eye doc at CHOA so I will definitely give that a shot!
Okay so we are back from the Remi appt, all went well. The eye doctor here couldn't see C until today at 8:15, which wouldn't work since we'd be on the road, so scheduled it for Monday.

Just hoping the remicade works quickly.
Grrr...so aggravated! A nurse(not the reg. GI nurse) called to tell me C's lab work was all normal including CRP. I asked what about the mouth ulcers, blood in bm, joint pain...her response I know but his labs were normal(all bubbly). I was so flustered I just said ok. Then started thinking, the GI had said we were moving to 5 weeks but the Remi nurse didn't see it in the notes when she was scheduling next one but said she was going to schedule 5 weeks and speak to him if he wanted to change it back to six she would call hut she didnt want the 5 weeks slots to fill up. So I've called back and left a msg to see if we are at 5 weeks and if the normal results change that.

It really bothers me that with all the symptoms everything was normal, it seems like his labs were normal when I asked for the FC test it was 1700. So I'm glad she was happy about the blood results but I can't trust them compared to what I'm seeing with my own eyes!

Anyway, C is feeling a bit better today and says there is less joint pain and the fatigue is a lot less! So that's good.
That is frustrating and worrisome! Ugghh!!! Hopefully the regular GI nurse will call you back and you can ask her to pass along your questions re the symptoms vs the results. When did you last do the FC test? Can you request another given the inconsistency between his symptoms and lab results?

So frustrating to be left with the questions and not enough feedback from the GI! :voodoo:
Yes just so aggravated!!! I was going to ask for an FC test if his symptoms persisted after the Remicade. It is a little early to tell yet, I guess but he seems to be a little better.
Ok so I heard back from C's GI nurse, after hours too, which was nice.

Anyway, she agreed that normal blood work didn't mean much for C as his bloodwork doesn't seem to show when he is in a flare. C seems to be improving quickly now(joint pain is lessening, ulcers are drying up, fatigue is definitely diminshing) but he hasn't had a bm in 4 days now so she said if he doesn't go by tomorrow to push miralax and call back.
Glad he is improving.
We have a two day limit in BM for DS.
Then night 3 miralax - Gi is overly cautious with prolapse kwim
Yes, I honestly didn't think much about it but the nurse said the same as you. She said next time give on 3rd morning, but I guess since it was late she didn't want him awakened by laxitive?
So good to hear the infusion went well and the Remicade seems to be pulling things back into line. :hug:

How is C going today hun? Has he had his bowels open?

Thinking of you. :heart:
Dusty. xxx
Dusty, he actually went before bed that night then another last night so he never needed the miralax. He is feeling better and went over to his GFs house yesterday evening.

On a lighter note, my daugher sent me a pic of her BM last night...she is terrified that she is going to have CD and swears she isn't going to tell me if she starts having any of C's symptoms. So during supper last night I get a pic on my mobile from her with the caption "Is this CD?" Ummm....no that is D, why am I getting pics of poop during supper? She responds, "Just making sure...cause I got plans tonight!" Wow...
Nope, just kept right on eating! Ha! I just wonder if I would've said yep CD would she have not gone out for the night...doubtful! And what does she think...that there is some pattern of a bm that automatically screams CD? Yes, sweetie, we could've just looked at C's bm but we decided on the colonoscopy just for poops and giggles!

That is just the best! :rof:

Dusty. :)
We had an eye appt. this morning. All went well, his inflammation was almost gone but I had a pic of it at it's worst. The eye doc feels it is episcleritis and said of the eye EIMs it was the easiest to treat, most times self limiting. So if he flares again he wants to see him as soon as inflammation appears, if he doesn't flare he wants to see him in 3 mos.

C is definitely improving, though it seems slower than in past times.
So happy the Remicade is getting things back on track! You never know what causes a flare it seems...doesn't mean the bioogic isn't working (That's been our experience).
Good to see your sense of humor intact after all you've been thru! Funny story about your daughter!!
So yesterday evening the GI nurse called. I heard my cell ring but I was navigating the stairs with a load of laundry so just let voicemail get it. Anyway, on the message the GI nurse said the GI had went back over the labs and symptoms and really wanted to scope C, upper and lower. I thought for a minute during the message she was going to give me a scope date then and there but by the end of the message she stated that if remicade didn't do the job this time then he wanted to schedule the scope. If C were to have any symptoms before the remi date to call right away and if I had any questions to call.

Ummm...I don't even know where to start with questions, the call seemed so out of nowhere. The last time I talked to the GI nurse, two days after Remi I told her I thought C was improving. Plus, the results looked good, or so the random GI nurse said. I'm confused.
I would definitely call back first thing tomorrow and ask what the GI had seen when he went over the labs/symptoms to prompt his request for a scope. Once you know what the 'issue' is, then you'll know which questions to ask... :ghug:

(seems like we wait forever for these calls and then they call the one minute we're not available! :ybatty:)
Yeah, thanks Tesscorm. I went back and forth all day today, I knew I should call but all my questions were rolling around and the more I thought about it the less productive the questions became. I sat down after supper tonight and wrote down my questions and now I am going through and editing down.

My questions tend to start jumping all over the place so I wanted to take the time and nail down exactly what it was I wanted answers to. Also, it has jarred me a bit so I needed the day to absorb it, I think.
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I feel for ya Clash,:frown:
When the GI called the day after scopes with the biopsies result it went to voice mail and it still took me a couple hours to call. It's crazy but you feel you need all your questions written and to prepare yourself.;)

I hope all goes well.
Sometimes it is better to have a bit of time to absorb...

I'm going to GUESS at what it could be... Given that C's labs don't always indicate his level of inflammation and as metho has been added, perhaps the GI is thinking that labs can't be trusted and the presence of symptoms mean he needs to 'see' if inflammation is apparent. If yes, then try to group your questions by what the GI may suggest..

- increase of metho
- change of biologic, cud it be an issue of antibodies??
- addition of pred to halt inflammation (cud entocort or EEN be tried)

You cud also ask abt other tests - LF, pillcam to see SB, MRE, etc.

I also think since Chase was originally scoped and dx'ed by an adult GI this GI wants to see for himself since we are having issues. My questions are along the same lines as the ones you have posted. I'm going to post them in the morning and see what you guys think.

I don't know about the antibodies since it seems the Remi works great for the first few weeks but who knows.
I don't know much about the antibodies and how/when/if it happens??? I think metho reduces the risk of antibodies though.

And, you might be right... I have read here that GIs often prefer their own scopes rather than just going by someone else's. Stephen's GI even had his own radiologist reread the MRE films to get their own opinion on what had been seen...
I think that C is going to need supplemental EN regardless because we aren't gaining. Now I know that could be due to simmering inflammation or these flares but since the pred didn't seem to quell the inflammation when we utilized it at dx then the EN could also help there. I'm going to bring it up anyway.
Sounds like we are in similar boats Clash. I'm definitely bring up EN tomorrow morning and push for it regardless of what the scopes will show
I hope Jack's appt goes well tomorrow and his scopes are scheduled soon!
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I'm so sorry your guy seems to be flaring. It's so hard waiting to talk to the doctor!!!!! I feel that way each time I miss their call. I'll keep you in my thoughts - hopefully a bug or little virus is just working its way out of his body. Fingers and toes crossed!!!

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