What to do when nothing has worked?

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Apr 20, 2011
I've been flaring since April now. I had a brief "remission" type thing at the beginning of july, but I can pretty much equate that to the C-diff infection being cured at that time. I was started on prednisone in the hospital and I've been on it since then. I started feeling really bad at the end of july. I ended up in the hospital again, where they told me to increase my pred back up to 40mgs. I had a partial obstruction at the time, but it passed on it's own after a few days. The prednisone did nothing to my stomach. I felt worse and worse every day. My face continued to swell and I continued to get acne all over my chest, back and face. I was back to the point where eating anything absolutely killed me, but I was so hungry from the pred, I ate anyways. I started remicade about a month ago. After my first infusion, my stomach and joints started hurting a little more and I began having upper GI pain and pain under my ribs. Fast forward to last week. I'm in alot of pain. My painkillers are working. I sit on the toilet trying to pass a bowel movement. 40 excruciating minutes later, I stand up, soaked in sweat, shaking like a leaf and dizzy. I look into the toilet to see red. The whole bowl was filled with blood. I look at the ground. The blood is still dripping from me. I inspect my toilet. There are blood clots IN my actual stool. They were formed stools, and they had black and red blood clots mixed into them. I call my GI. I'm told that I need to go to the er immediately. So I go 6 hours later. They give me morrphine and tell me to see my GI on tuesday. So saturday hits, like a ton of bricks. All day I'm hobbling back and forth from the bathroom. I'm out of painkillers so the diarrhea has made a full comeback. Blood, mucous, the whole shebang. The cramping is unbearable. The sharp, stabbing pains are making me crazy. I somehow manage to drive myself to the dr. After doing an exam, he comes back in with a piece of paper, telling me I need to be admitted to the hospital. So I drive home, in tears from the pain. My boyfriend went to the drug store and picked me up some painkillers. Not great ones, but they will keep me out of the hospital until tuesday.
So here I am. Still in pain every day. nauseous everyday. Getting weaker and more exhausted everyday. Watching everyone I love just move on with their lives, while I waste mine away on the couch. Not by choice, but because I physically can not do anything. I'm taking all the drugs. I'm following the diets. I'm taking the supplements. I'm resting. And yet, I'm just as sick as I was in april. Nothing has changed. Nothing has helped. Where do I go from here? What else can I do? The drugs don't work. The doctors don't know what I'm going through, therefore won't prescribe the right medication I need to feel just ok. So that I can get out of my house. So that I can eat without wanting to die after. So that I can hug my boyfriend and sleep in the same bed as him. I just need to know what else I can do? What else my dr can do. I'm tapering off of prednisone and I will never go on it again. It has stopped working for me, and isn't giving me any positive effects. Just negative. So I'm getting off it. I haven't felt a single thing from being on imuran. It's been over 2 months now. My hair is falling out like crazy, but that's about it. Still waiting I guess. I've had two remicade infusions, each time leaving me feeling even worse than before. What's the point of taking these medications if they are not working? My blood work proves it. everything is still elevated where it should be low, and low where it should be elevated. Nothing has changed. I have wasted my entire summer being a sick person. An entire summer holding onto the words of my dr "you'll be in remission by july" "you'll be in remission by august" "the remicade will work." Clearly he was wrong.

I see him on tuesday, and I'm going to ask to be admitted. I have fever, uncontrollable sweats and chills, nausea, bloody diarrhea, my bloodpressure is low and my heart rate is very high. I don't know what else to do. I thought that once I got a diagnosis, I would get better. Maybe I was stupid to think that. I just want to be me again. I used to be so fun, and happy. Now I'm barely human. I feel like a broken, old bag of bones that someone threw on the couch a few months ago and forgot to move. I need to get better. What else can I do?
Hi Samantha, I have been where you have... and I think it could be time for a resection, because the meds are clearly NOT working and all you are doing is creating more side effects and long term that is not good.

You look young so I would tell your doctor the Remciade doesn't work for everyone, and you should seek a week of antibiotics, a resection and antibotics after for a week on IV. I had that and laproscopic (back in 1993) and I had 7 wonderful years pain free and only on Entocort as a maintenance drug in low doses. Prior to that I was on 27 pills a day, biologics werent invented then and I have had the biologics and methotrexate and nothing works.

Get your doctor to take you seriously or get a referral. I know Canadians have to wait but dont...watch how fast your doc moves their butt. :hang:. Being on painkillers just cause a vicious cycle sounds like you are narrowed. Keep us updated ok! Be firm with your doctor...dont let him push you off. Hugs.
HI Samantha, Your not alone i been flared up since june and now this is sept. i have been having pain in my lower right hand side, since then i pass a little blood. I go to my GP and get prescribe Predisone and painkillers and they are just not working just keeping things a bay. I don't an appoinment to see my GI until November. so, i got to put up with the ******* pain until then! i can eat anything soild.All i can do is drink liquid in which i find helps. Man this is frustrating i know what it feels like been on the couch crumped up in pain. No one seems to understand what i am going through, so times i am up all night with the pain. and when i take pain killers i go and sleep on the couch because that is the only place i feel comfortable. It's just driving me crazy. I know some People will say hang in there but they don't know exactly how i am feeling right now. my hold summer has been ruined. and i am still in pain . i just can't relax for an hour. i am popping painkillers like they are baby asprin. i hope your pain will end soon and get the right medications to work for you. best wishes.:rosette2:
I really feel for you, Samantha. I am so sorry nothing has helped. You said you have been on Imuran for 2 months? How long have you been on Remicade? It seems like you have had at least a few infusions. I think you should have seen results by now.

Where is your Crohn's located? Pen may be right; it may be time for a resection. Many experience long remissions after surgery. I sure hope you'll be one of them, if it does come to surgery.
I was just like you, except I was vomiting instead of having bloody diarrhea. I finally got another doctor, and now I'm having surgery in a few weeks. If medication can't get you under control quicker than 2 months, and you're symptoms are deteriorating instead of improving, surgery might be the only option. No one should have to live like that. I hope you get some help fast.

Samantha, I am so sorry you are going through this too. I have been like this for a year and this past week alone has brought me to my knees. I cannot offer any advice because I too am lost in this disease. However, I can, with complete confidence, assure you that you are not alone. I feel the same pain and I am stuck on that couch with you. I hope both of us find our way out soon. Big big hug.
As far as I know, my crohns is located in the terminal ileum and colon.. I get really confused when they try to explain it to me, but I know that I have inflammation and ulcers on my right and left side. I also have alot of perianal issues, and a foot long stretch of bowel located very low in my pelvis that is strictured. It's really narrow and twisted. I would have thought they would do a strictureplasty or balloon inflation or something, since it has put me in the hospital twice now.
I feel like I'm crazy. Like I should just get over the pain because this is how my life is going to be now. It's been 6 months! How much longer can they let me "live" like this? And I use that term very loosely, because I don't consider laying on the couch all day in pain, living. But anyways.
I'm going to ask my GI for surgery. I know it's not the best choice, but I feel like it's the only one that might work. I should be feeling a little better from the remicade, but I've only gotten worse. And I'm still on prednisone. It doesn't do anything but make my face fat and make me want to eat, even though eating hurts me so bad. It's so ******. And I'm loosing alot of blood lately. More than I ever have before. I see him tomorrow, and I think I'm gonna ask him to admit me for a few days to get my pain and other symptoms under control, and maybe have a surgical consult. Thanks everyone, I really appreciate your advice.
Good luck to you Samantha I'm sorry to hear about all of the pain and misery you're experiencing. I'm also going through a flare right now and meet with the GI doc today to see what our plan of action is. I'm going to discuss some medications that none of my GI docs have mentioned but that I've read about here (LDN, VSL#3, Entocort, Andrographis Paniculata). If I knew surgery would put me in remission for a long time I'd definitely consider it but I don't know that they can guarantee that. Until then I've got a handful of options to try including Humira.

Again good luck to you. I doubt the doctor's truly understand what you're going through, unless they have the disease as well, so you probably know better than anyone else what you need right now.
The sharp, stabbing pains are making me crazy. I somehow manage to drive myself to the dr. After doing an exam, he comes back in with a piece of paper, telling me I need to be admitted to the hospital. So I drive home, in tears from the pain. My boyfriend went to the drug store and picked me up some painkillers. Not great ones, but they will keep me out of the hospital until tuesday. Quote

Honey....why didnt you agree to go to the hospital then and there?? Thats where you need to be!!!!!!!! And yes, I agree it's time for surgery.
Sounds like an all too familiar story. My advice would be - look into stem cell transplants. Dr. Burt in Chicago saved my life last year. Everything had stopped working for me. I had been on remicade for 10 years, and i was getting no benefit at the end. Free falling, not even absorbing water, which was making my kidneys fail. Never been in such bad shape. Stem cells did the trick. Read Effdee's blog.

Good luck and God bless.
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