What to do with a parent with no interest

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Jan 17, 2013
What do you do with a parent that shows no interest in his sons crohns?
I am a single parent with a 12 yr old son. His dad is involved [ sort of ] in his life, in that he phones him once a week for 10 minutes. He does live 300 miles away, so they only see each other some weekends and holidays.

But my ex shows no interest at all in the problems his son is going through. This was much the same before diagnoses when we were still together, he thought I was making a fuss over nothing and couldn't see how ill our son was getting and he doesn't see it now. When he does see him, he will just say he looks okay doesn't he?
He has never been for hospital visits with us, even when we lived near him, he has never shown an interest in wanting to come along and see what our son has to go through.

Each time we have a hospital visit, or if our son is having problems with his crohns [ as he is at the moment ], I email ex telling him all that has gone on, results of anything and how son is feeling. Often I get no reply, if I do, it is just to say "thanks for letting me know" -- that is it!

My son is going in to hospital tomorrow for endoscopies, and an MRI on Friday because of the problems he is having at the moment. Ex shows no interest at all.
He was here last weekend and took our son out, so I thought when he comes back we could talk face to face for a change. I tried to tell him what has been / will be happening, but apart from saying I hope it goes well next week, he asked nothing at all about what is going to happen, how we will manage it all, if son is okay with it, am I okay. Nothing. He then goes back home as if everything is normal.

One thing that really gets me is that I know he plays the "poor dad with sick child" card with his girlfriend, parents and work collegues. So I know he does read my emails, as he tells these people everything his son is going through to get sympathy from them and plays on this. What he omits to tell them is that this information comes from me, and that he hasn't actually asked anything about it.
He always liked to be the centre of attention when we were together, so maybe this is why he is like he is now, he can't cope with his son getting more attention than him?

I know this is a moan I shouldn't really be having. But being on my own sometimes dealing with this is really hard, and I could do with some back up from my sons dad sometimes.

Does this happen with other single parents? Or am I just very unlucky in my choice of ex partner :yrolleyes:
My daughter is supported by her wonderfully step father but her father has never been to a medical appointment or asked any questions about her Crohn's.

She sees him for 5 hours most Saturdays.

Christmas Day 2011 before Sarah before her dx. Her father decided she needed to go emergency and met me at the er, he lefted before she was seen by a doctor. I was lefted trying to explain why we were at the er, we had been there to night before as well.

I was then lefted dealing with a teenager was sick and unhappy being home with us while her father carried on his Christmas plans with her sisters.

The only good thing when they take no interest is they also don't want a say in treatment options either.
Thank you for your reply Catherine, it is nice to know I am not alone with my choice of ex. I can't understand why these men have so little interest in their own child, especially one that is ill.

Yes, I agree with you that as they have no interest, then they get no say in the treatment options either.
He's a narcissistic ass!! I hope your son grows to realize that and becomes a better man for it!
Sarah's biological mom had about the same level of contact with Sarah as your ex with your son. She was also similarly disinterested in Sarah's medical issues, her schooling, her life in general...

I finally told her one day (after a particularly egregious incident impacting Sarah's safety) that Sarah would be better off without her, and I'd like her to get lost. She did. So.. in that I was lucky.

Sarah recently started to feel some obligation toward her biological mom because her therapist was pushing for contact (we eventually fired the therapist). Sarah contacted her on facebook and email and that lasted about 6 weeks and has totally petered out with no input whatsoever from me. Some parents just shouldn't be.
I'm wondering if you stop giving info to him if he will seek it. He seems to be getting some secondary gain from the info. If he isn't showing interest, don't give it to him...sounds like he doesn't deserve to know...
I was thinking the same thing as Carolinalaska. If Dad shows no interest, don't add stress to your life by giving him updates. If he really wants to know, let him contact you or come see for himself. We can't change other people's actions, but we can change our own. You really don't owe him any information. If he doesn't have info, he can't play the "pity me" game. You have enough to deal with keeping your son well and doing it on your own.
Actually I'm pretty sure I paraphrased a little and when I say I told her to get lost, what I think I actually said was "go drink some Drano", but, hey, you know. Tom-ay-to, to-mah-to...

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