What to expect?

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Oct 11, 2013
Bath, UK
I saw my gastroenterologist on Tuesday who told me that he was going ahead with the next stage of treatment and gave me the choice of Infliximab infusions or Adulimumab injections. I went for the Infliximab infusions but I have no idea what to expect.

I know I have to go into the hospital where they'll attach a drip for an hour or two but that's pretty much all I know. Will the infusion make me feel tired for the rest of the day or will I be able to carry on as normal after it's done?
I've been on Remicade since July 2013. I take the premeds offered before each infusion. The premeds are a Tylenol and an antihistamine.
After each of the intro infusions, I was very tired. The following 3 to 4 days I didn't do much because of fatigue. Then I started to regain my energy and had no reactions to the drug after that. I always have someone go with me so they can drive me home. My GI nurse/remi nurse says it's a good idea to have someone drive you home due to the fatigue of the infusion. Other than you spending 3 hours at the infusion clinic, it's pretty non-eventful.
Good luck with your infusions. We will keep our fingers crossed that you go into a remission soon.
Just had my first infusion last Tuesday. They give you a Tylenol and an antihistamine then they put in an IV, they tried my hand but had to use my arm because I was dehydrated, so drink lots of water beforehand. Then you sit for 2 hours while the IV drips into you. I was REALLY tired afterwards, had a tad nausea during, with a slight headache. The second day I was tired, but not as bad, and by the 3rd day I was great. Except for the bronchitis I wokebup with. The doc thinks I was coming down with it when I had the infusion. I am on antibiotics and will hopefully get my infusion in 2 weeks. All in all I had a great experience and am very hopeful.
You will possibly be given an anti-histamine or steroids before to premedicate you. The infusion will be 2-3 hours. As for how you feel after it varies by person, some feel tired, have a reaction, others feel energetic or nothing at all.
Thank you everyone.

I am at the hospital now with the infusion running and it seems to be going okay. I've been feeling so awful these past two weeks but I'm hopeful that eventually this infusion will help.
I know when I started I wasn't given any premeds (in the uk), the infusion lasted 2hours and had to wait the same afterwards to ensure there were no adverse effects. Eventually the IV is given over a shorter time and less wait time is required. Like you I wasn't feeling great so I napped most of the time whilst at hospital but within a few days I began to notice a big improvement. Good luck and hope it goes well for you 😀

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