I would say if you are having severe abdominal cramps to the point of feeling like you need to throw up. I would think about heading to the ER.
You could possibly have some type of obstruction. When I had a partial obstruction the pains were excruciating. I felt like I was going into labor. I was incapacitated by the pain. Would you describe the pain as a ten? Head to the ER.
Have you been able to go to the bathroom at all since the severe abdominal cramps started today? Pass gas? If you are still passing gas, then things are still somewhat passing through. If you've noticed you haven't been able to have any sort of BM or are having sudden bouts of diarrhea, again, i would consider the ER.
Symptoms of obstruction are severe cramping, constipation with periodic moments of diarrhea, vomiting, and possible fever.
The second I started throwing up I went to the ER and was admitted immediately. I worry for you. Emotional stress can trigger flare-ups, or worsen them. I know you are dealing with a lot right now. Don't delay if things get too bad. Don't even worry about calling your doc if things get worse. They can call your docs for you in the hospital.