What your cocktail for pain? When do I call the DR?

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Nov 28, 2009
I had the WORST cramps this morning thought I was gonna throw up. What do you all do when this happens and when do I call the DR?
I would say if you are having severe abdominal cramps to the point of feeling like you need to throw up. I would think about heading to the ER.

You could possibly have some type of obstruction. When I had a partial obstruction the pains were excruciating. I felt like I was going into labor. I was incapacitated by the pain. Would you describe the pain as a ten? Head to the ER.

Have you been able to go to the bathroom at all since the severe abdominal cramps started today? Pass gas? If you are still passing gas, then things are still somewhat passing through. If you've noticed you haven't been able to have any sort of BM or are having sudden bouts of diarrhea, again, i would consider the ER.

Symptoms of obstruction are severe cramping, constipation with periodic moments of diarrhea, vomiting, and possible fever.

The second I started throwing up I went to the ER and was admitted immediately. I worry for you. Emotional stress can trigger flare-ups, or worsen them. I know you are dealing with a lot right now. Don't delay if things get too bad. Don't even worry about calling your doc if things get worse. They can call your docs for you in the hospital.
Dreamtwilight is right.

I've always been one to endure pain. And boy can I endure it. When I finally saw my doctor and told him what I have been going through for the last few months he told me I was crazy and should of gone to the hospital.

Do not be afraid of going to the ER if you don't feel right. CD is a sneaky disease because the pain sneaks up on you and for some reason we always think it will pass. It does not usually and we need help to get it back under control. If you really hurt go for it and get the help you need!!

Keep us posted!
Me too Mary
I've always been able to manage the pain for years, but the minute I vomited, I knew something was wrong.
I would go to A&E, get some help, get some rest, some pain relief, things are not panning out for you at the moment, and whilst your there, call your husband's bluff, and tell him to do one! ie F*** Off!
I'm sorry, but you just don't need a soul sucker like him at the mo
get to hospital xxxxx
In our situation if I couldn't get the kids pain under control then depending on the time of the day I would either go straight to the doctor or to the hospital. In Roo's case, when she was undiagnosed, she at the very least was given something like Morphine or hospitalised. In Matt's case he has been hospitalised. As the others have said go to emergency, you deserve some relief!

Dusty. :hug:

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