Whats going on with my body?

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Aug 29, 2012
Hi all im new to this so here i go. im 25 and been having a lot of different things going on with me. im normally a healthy person but in the last month i have been in hospital for a peri-anal abscess and continuous diarrhea and abdo pain this is when i was told about crohns disease that i had a 5% chance of having it at this point, but as i have continued to have problems and seeing different doctors all 4 have said have you heard about crohns?
i thought nothing of it when i had diarrhea which i thought was from the antibiotics i was on for an ear infection, i was put on different antibiotics to stop it, but it didnt stop. on average i go toilet up to 10 times aday now and my peri-anal abscess is still open after over a month and im still on anitbiotics for it but its still oozing. i have regular check ups from my doctor for it. so now i have had a blood test and a stool sample done and the have both come back inconclusive towards crohns disease. i have a review soon from my surgeon soon but thats not coming fast enough. when i was in hospital just over a month ago my surgeon said i was very close to having septicemia. i have never felt so much pain before it was excruciating.

but now my symtoms are:
mucus in my bowels (sometimes)
going to the toilet up to 10 times aday
i have diarrhea and sometimes constipation
still have a peri-anal abscess open
abdo pain
back pain
dehydrated all the time (even when im drinking plenty of water)
i feel bloated

i was also a heavy smoker but havnt had a smoke since i got really sick! read that smoking can increase getting crohns????

im to scared to eat as i will end up going to the toilet and i end up really sore as it feels like my body is trying to reject every thing in my bowels.

all i want to know is whats going on with me. its only been just over a month but this is crazy.

please help :)
Crohns disease should be diagnosed with many tests. crp/egd/colonscopy and biopsies. But to me it sounds like IBD. I have crohns and its moderate. I have had a blockage ,cramping,mucus,fissures. Hopefully you will find a doctor that will do all the right testing to find out whats going on with you. Till then you can follow a low residue diet to help with the symptoms.
ive started a food log today and made a plain soup just made from vegetables to give my body a break it seems to have worked today but im still sore. thanks for that i have been thinking it could be something else but i will keep going with the waiting and the testing.
Hi Steph and welcome to the community :) I'm so sorry to hear of the troubles you're having, you poor thing. Nobody should have to go through that :(

Out of curiosity, did they test for c.diff when doing those stool tests?

All my best to you!
all i know from my tests were they were inconclusive thats all the nurse told me i have to wait to go talk to my doctor and still checking my letter box every day for the referal for a colonoscopy plus ct scan
it so could be c.diff. ive never felt so much pain before and been on antibiotics for so long could have done this to my bowels. i will talk to my doctor about it on monday and see what she has to say. thanks for the advice David.
If they haven't tested you for c.diff I'd definitely request that. It was the first thing I thought of when you mentioned the antibiotics usage.

Please keep us updated as to how you're doing!