Hello everyone i new to this blog:I am 45 and have crohn's till 2009 i was doing ok , the odd couple of days sick few stays in hospital but mostly good. Then it went pear shaped . Iv had all the drugs [asacol ,loperamide, measlazine buscpan which are all no rubbish like taking sweets then iv had omepazole , azathiopine.mp6,infiximab ] some with really bad side effects between having scans ,x rays ,endoscope and all the other invasive procedures we all had in injure.
:sign0085: In 2010 i was admitted to hospital after a really bad spell the steroids stopped working and i was suffering from dehydration after more tests my Dr told me he couldn't do any more for me medically so they stabilized me then two weeks later i was moved to a different hospital where i had a colostomy at first i felt really well but when i started to ween off prednisolone that when i started feeling really ill my stoma keeps bleeding i have abscess around stoma rectal bleeding ulcers in mouth very tired i feel i have lost my dignity as well as my health the stoma leaks continually so even on a day where my pain is manageable i cant go out alone because of leaking and when i do go out with my partner i have to take spare clothes since having op i have had humira which hasn't worked either i am now on list for more surgery the have removed 80% of large bowel now they want to take 60cm more and stitch my bottom up in the meantime i have to go on modulen ibd till my surgery not looking forward to that i don't want be mutilated anymore any one know of another way
:sign0085: In 2010 i was admitted to hospital after a really bad spell the steroids stopped working and i was suffering from dehydration after more tests my Dr told me he couldn't do any more for me medically so they stabilized me then two weeks later i was moved to a different hospital where i had a colostomy at first i felt really well but when i started to ween off prednisolone that when i started feeling really ill my stoma keeps bleeding i have abscess around stoma rectal bleeding ulcers in mouth very tired i feel i have lost my dignity as well as my health the stoma leaks continually so even on a day where my pain is manageable i cant go out alone because of leaking and when i do go out with my partner i have to take spare clothes since having op i have had humira which hasn't worked either i am now on list for more surgery the have removed 80% of large bowel now they want to take 60cm more and stitch my bottom up in the meantime i have to go on modulen ibd till my surgery not looking forward to that i don't want be mutilated anymore any one know of another way