I was diagnosed with crohn's last August 2011. After having battled kidney cancer in Aug. 2009 and am in remission. God is good. Anyway, I think crohn's has been a part of my life off and on since I was young. I remember having bouts of diarrhea when I was a child and always being under stress in my house. I married at 20 who I thought was my soul mate. He turned out to be a total alcoholic and addict and I was under stress everyday with him. I had two children who I loved so much and we all lived in that eggshell mode when Dad came home. I put up with it for 20 yrs. and then made him leave. He commited suicide 6 mnths later. All those years I would get intestinal pains and diarrhea, especially in stressful times. I never knew what it was. I had a bout of diverticulitous in 2005 and was in the hospital for 5 days. Then I had a colonoscopy when I turned 52, nothing showed up then but polyps which they removed. Then I was having alot of stomachaches and occasional diarrhea again last year and my PCP sent me for another colonoscopy. Then they found the crohns in the ileum and colon where it connects. They put me on asacol which did nothing. Then entocort for months and it worked. I was fairly symptom free for 5 months. Now the diarrhea is back and abdominal pain and under left breast and around the back pain. I have an appt. this month. They want me to get a new scan that see's inside the small intestine. I am on Cholestryramine and it really helps the diarrhea and bile acid problems I have. I take Vit D3 everyday up to 5000 units. Fishoil twice a day. Biotin because my hair was falling out. EffexorXL for fibromyalgia pain and arthritis in my neck and hands. Inderal for essential tremor which I inherited off my Dad.Hydrocodone when I can't handle the pain. I get eye pain and runny nose and cough I never used to have. Also weird skin rashes sometimes. Lovely! But, I am keeping an upbeat attitude. If I can beat kidney cancer with God's help, I can beat this.:wink: I am not angry. Just taking one day at a time and wondering, WHAT'S NEXT?
Love to all! Teresa
Update; Aug.18th,2012
I am now diarrhea free and doing better. Started taking probiotic multi-enzyme formula with every meal. I don't eat any processed food except rice noodles occasionally. I eat real butter and cheese. Alot of chicken and fish. Veggies from the local amish farms here and fruits. I use extra virgin olive oil and occasionally extra virgin coconut oil. I don't use any sugar or anything with any type of sugar in it. No bottled dressings or ketchup etc... No fast foods or
pizza, which I miss terribly!!! I drink alot of water and make sure I take all the proper vitamins we need. Doing much better most of the time!:ylol2:
I'd like to say I am still doing fine. I can't eat any type of raw veg anymore. I am in the loo within a half hr. with terrible runs if I do. I miss them terribly. Especially a good salad. I have an appt. tmoro with my GI. I hope he doesn't give me the run around. I had been having the runs all the time and pains for quite awhile. Hoping he actually does something this time.
Update; Aug.18th,2012
I am now diarrhea free and doing better. Started taking probiotic multi-enzyme formula with every meal. I don't eat any processed food except rice noodles occasionally. I eat real butter and cheese. Alot of chicken and fish. Veggies from the local amish farms here and fruits. I use extra virgin olive oil and occasionally extra virgin coconut oil. I don't use any sugar or anything with any type of sugar in it. No bottled dressings or ketchup etc... No fast foods or
I'd like to say I am still doing fine. I can't eat any type of raw veg anymore. I am in the loo within a half hr. with terrible runs if I do. I miss them terribly. Especially a good salad. I have an appt. tmoro with my GI. I hope he doesn't give me the run around. I had been having the runs all the time and pains for quite awhile. Hoping he actually does something this time.
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