Whats the most frustrating/funniest thing a DR has said to you???

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Ok we all see our drs alot right... Well surly there is something that they always tell you or a one off that makes you go huh, grr, or hehe...

Mine is how when you see the dr and when you walk in they say "so how are you today" i turn around to my dr and say " Im good im just here for an expensive socail call to say Hi" lol
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Well this happened to me when I was about 8 years old. I had a "rash" on my.. well you know... Basically it was caused from jock itch from my cup during the summer playing baseball.

Well I went to get it check out. The doctor ask "how many sexual partners have I been with?" Mind you I was EIGHT YEARS OLD. I of course said None...

He asked me "Are you sure?" Thinking back on it now if I was quick wittied back then I would have probably said, oh yeah I forgot about me and the chick I hooked up with on the jungle gym during recess..

then he went on and told me about the wonderful world of STD and all the other fun stuff I could contract. It freaked the hell out of me.
Kossy, even your stories are hilarious! Imagine at 8 years old...

Anyways Kate I think the most frustrating time for me was during a period when I was not able to eat much and was losing weight. I had tried a lot of different things and was just confused what to do next, as I was still sometime away from my next appointment with my gastroenterologist. I went to see my doctor and explained the situation and how I tried a number of different diets and nothing seemed to be working. The advice I got? Try another different diet! The thing was, it was basically the exact same thing I was on at the time! I left that day feeling just more confused and frustrated than when I had arrived.
mikeyarmo said:
Kossy, even your stories are hilarious! Imagine at 8 years old...

Anyways Kate I think the most frustrating time for me was during a period when I was not able to eat much and was losing weight. I had tried a lot of different things and was just confused what to do next, as I was still sometime away from my next appointment with my gastroenterologist. I went to see my doctor and explained the situation and how I tried a number of different diets and nothing seemed to be working. The advice I got? Try another different diet! The thing was, it was basically the exact same thing I was on at the time! I left that day feeling just more confused and frustrated than when I had arrived.

Isn't it great when you go to the doctor and all you get is a common sense answer even though you've already tried it a billion times.
The good news was that I did not have much time to dwell on my frustration. 2 days after that incident I got admitted to a hospital.
mikeyarmo said:
The good news was that I did not have much time to dwell on my frustration. 2 days after that incident I got admitted to a hospital.

I still say two days were two days too long for you to have to deal with it.
I agree but since it is all in the past now I have no complaints :).

Funny how time heals all wounds and frustrations!
Dr telling me I was an idiot

I had a gastro dr tell me to my face that I was an idiot for not taking any meds, that he wouldn't treat me unless I had emergency surgery and took his suggested regime of meds. We'd been dealing with my crohns with lifestyle and diet. My husband and I walked out, me in tears, he really angry. We went to see my surgeon who told me to get out and come back when I actually needed surgery. He fully supported my no meds stand and would not operate until absolutely necessary. I went another 3 years before I had to have the resection.

Some doctors have no understanding of what it means to be an informed, rational, reasonable patient making an informed, rational, and understood choice, with all the attending caveats that 'may' happen.
You're absolutely right cagfire...too many doctors get off on a power trip...they feel as if everyone should do as they say! Screw those docs!

Thankfully there are understanding doctors (like your surgeon)....noone should ever feel like they have to stick with a bad doctor...there are better options out there!
The most maddening thing I had a doc say, tho not to my face until I confronted him on it, was when I went to the ER with terrible terrible pain in my belly. I was in tears. When the nurse came in to take my info, I automatically say I have Crohn's. Well she went out to tell the doc my info, and when she said to him that I had Crohn's, he said, "You are kidding right? She has Crohn's? There is no way! Did you see how big she is?!!".

Ok, yes, I weigh Alot. (Thank you prednisone!). But that doesn't mean I buried my feelings in the fat layers somewhere. So when he came in, I said, "I have Crohn's and this could be a possible blockage." His reply, "were you actually diagnosed, as in tested?". I just snorted and said "yep...and I don't think you should talk with your nurse in the hall about the patient in the room. The walls are thin".

He left red faced.
That is horrible Donna. That doctor should be drop kicked out into the waiting room. I am seriously pissed off at that doctor.. that made me really angery reading what an a-hole of a doctor he was.
this is not a funny thing that a doc said but I once had a GI whose name was Dr. Rector....
The most annoying thing a doctor said to me:

When I had a mass the size of a tennis ball obstructing my bowels (which my doctor saw on the CT-scan!) his explanation for the findings was that I had a bit of undigested food in my gut and that it was "nothing serious" (I begged to differ).

As far as the ongoing epi-gastric pain that accompanied the mass and radiated through to my back... well (don't ya know) that was just a touch of "acid reflux." He gave me some samples of Prevacid, patted me on my back, sent me home and told me to make another appointment if I had any more problems - $$$$$$$

Unfortunately, I wasn't working with a lot of time and ended up needing emergency surgery a few weeks later b/c of a COMPLETE bowel obstruction that nearly killed me! :mad:
I was diagnosed when I was 12, so I was still going to a pediatrician at that time. When my mom took me in to see the pediatrician for stomach pains, she looked me over and told my mom that I was faking because I didn't want to go to school. After a few days of not eating much my mom took me back in and the pediatrician refered me to a gastro dr.
Now this dr was a peice of work too. I was his youngest patient and he finally diagnosed me after about nine months. He would give me and my mom a description of the meds he could put me on and then ask ME what I think I should be on! Anybody see anything wrong with that??? He put me on Prednisone off and on and I had the usual side effects and then I began to build a tolerance to it after a while so he bumped the dosage way up and after a while I began pulling muscles in my back. NOT FUN! He said that that could happen and not too worry. It continued to get worse and we kept calling him (I was a Freshman in high school at the time). I had to be sent home from school a few times because it was so bad. One morning I was getting ready for school and I pulled every muscle and ligiment in my back, according to an orthopedic dr. The prednisone had taken all the calcium out of my muscles and left them weak. I was confined to a bed for two weeks on pain killers and muscle relaxers and in a wheelchair for three months because the muscles in my back could not support my own weight. All because a doctor said not to worry about it!
Opps...I went on a bit too long didn't I? If you read all the way down to here, I guess it wasn't all bad then huh? LOL
ncgirl said:
I was diagnosed when I was 12, so I was still going to a pediatrician at that time. When my mom took me in to see the pediatrician for stomach pains, she looked me over and told my mom that I was faking because I didn't want to go to school. After a few days of not eating much my mom took me back in and the pediatrician refered me to a gastro dr.
Now this dr was a peice of work too. I was his youngest patient and he finally diagnosed me after about nine months. He would give me and my mom a description of the meds he could put me on and then ask ME what I think I should be on! Anybody see anything wrong with that??? He put me on Prednisone off and on and I had the usual side effects and then I began to build a tolerance to it after a while so he bumped the dosage way up and after a while I began pulling muscles in my back. NOT FUN! He said that that could happen and not too worry. It continued to get worse and we kept calling him (I was a Freshman in high school at the time). I had to be sent home from school a few times because it was so bad. One morning I was getting ready for school and I pulled every muscle and ligiment in my back, according to an orthopedic dr. The prednisone had taken all the calcium out of my muscles and left them weak. I was confined to a bed for two weeks on pain killers and muscle relaxers and in a wheelchair for three months because the muscles in my back could not support my own weight. All because a doctor said not to worry about it!
Opps...I went on a bit too long didn't I? If you read all the way down to here, I guess it wasn't all bad then huh? LOL

Well considering all the times you've read all my ramblings it wouldn't have hurt me to read your whole story.
I just can't believe the amount of pain you had to have been in with your back along with your crohn's. I mean I whine worse then a new born because I have lower back pain due to a car accident and pulled muscles. But your who back, that's out of control. At least you got good "candies" out of the deal for two weeks but I know you would have rather not even have gone threw it.
Kossy said:
Well considering all the times you've read all my ramblings it wouldn't have hurt me to read your whole story.
I just can't believe the amount of pain you had to have been in with your back along with your crohn's. I mean I whine worse then a new born because I have lower back pain due to a car accident and pulled muscles. But your who back, that's out of control. At least you got good "candies" out of the deal for two weeks but I know you would have rather not even have gone threw it.

I like reading your "ramblings" and unfortunately, this is not my whole story. I have plenty more. This is just a drop in the bucket. LOL And yes they were very good candies. I pretty much laid in bed, watched Bugs Bunny and slept. I HATED physical therapy though. That was bad. To this day, my husband can't believe the tolerance I have to pain. I never complain about anything. Him on the other hand, thinks he's dying when he has a cold.
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NCgirl... you are hardcore! You're more then likely tougher then I am. I know I am take my shared amount of pain but your "drop in the bucket" is more then I could have handled.
Oh where to begin !!

Once when I was experiencing horrible pain, couldn't eat, felt horrible. My normal Dr. was away so I just took the firt appt. with anyone. Big mistake. He told my I was being way to sensitive and to go home and eat a bran muffin. A bran muffin??? I went home in tears, that night I ended up in E.R. with an obstruction and had to have emergency surgery.

Just last year my G.I. ( only one in the city ) admitted me into the hospital, he did an ultra sound and CT. After about 3 days he phoned my home to ask how I was doing. My boyfriend was shocked, he told him " she's still in the hospital " "oh really" my GI replied. So he calls the nurses station to talk to me and asked what the tests showed. "Well I was hoping you would know" again he replied "oh my mistake". Anyways they finally after 2 months in the hospital, air ambulanced me to a city 5 hours north. Where my specialist is. Had surgery and was home in a week!!

This GI here in town also was the one who when I asked about a bone density test because I have been on and off prednisone since I was 12 (now 36). He said no your too young. Went up north and the specialist there was shocked I had never been checked. Well we found out I have osteoporosis ( told I had the bones of an 80 year old). Came home and informed my GI of this only for him to say "Oh I guess I dropped the ball on that one ". This is why I call him the idiot Dr.

There are so many more I could write a book!!!

hitrixie said:
Oh where to begin !!

Once when I was experiencing horrible pain, couldn't eat, felt horrible. My normal Dr. was away so I just took the firt appt. with anyone. Big mistake. He told my I was being way to sensitive and to go home and eat a bran muffin. A bran muffin??? I went home in tears, that night I ended up in E.R. with an obstruction and had to have emergency surgery.

Just last year my G.I. ( only one in the city ) admitted me into the hospital, he did an ultra sound and CT. After about 3 days he phoned my home to ask how I was doing. My boyfriend was shocked, he told him " she's still in the hospital " "oh really" my GI replied. So he calls the nurses station to talk to me and asked what the tests showed. "Well I was hoping you would know" again he replied "oh my mistake". Anyways they finally after 2 months in the hospital, air ambulanced me to a city 5 hours north. Where my specialist is. Had surgery and was home in a week!!

This GI here in town also was the one who when I asked about a bone density test because I have been on and off prednisone since I was 12 (now 36). He said no your too young. Went up north and the specialist there was shocked I had never been checked. Well we found out I have osteoporosis ( told I had the bones of an 80 year old). Came home and informed my GI of this only for him to say "Oh I guess I dropped the ball on that one ". This is why I call him the idiot Dr.

There are so many more I could write a book!!!


That is just insane for you to go through. I don't know who you did end up beating the crap at the least to that doctor. I am really sorry to hear about your bad luck
Well the dr had just turned around to me and told me i had crohns and i was like aya an answer and he turned around and said for once a woman who dosnt cry when you tell her all the women when you tell them they break down and cry like its the end of the world, and i was like huh????
I think I cried... but I was 5 and in pain so I am not sure. But I am a grown man now.. I don't cry at all. Well, only if I watch the movies "Where the red Fern Grows, Old Yeller, and My Dog Skip.
i cry but i was happy to know i wasnt a hyopcondriac cause thats how i had been made to feel
I think I was labeled a hypo when I was little before they figured out I had crohns... Now that made me cry because no one seemed to believe me.

Kate said:
i cry but i was happy to know i wasnt a hyopcondriac cause thats how i had been made to feel
yeah been there i used to sit on the floor in copious amounts of pain crying cause noone would belive me
I think the worse thing a doctor has said to me, was before I was diagnosed. I kept going with the pain and d, yet he wouldn't do aything about it. One day while I was in tears he said, 'are you sure you aren't getting upset tummys like everyones else does?' I was so mad I didn't reply which I think was answer enough for him as it was then he finally referred me to a specialist.
I went into the ER for a kidney stone, and knew exactly what it was, because it was my third.. but the nurse at the triage insisted I just had a sore rib. lol, so I had to wait 9 hours. twit.
while i had pain and fever and no one knew what i had i was told it was the flu and i had er visits with spinal taps and dumped into ice to drop the fever. my internist says my 20 cups of coffee is to much :)
Frustrating: I think you're anorexic. (Pediatrician, before my diagnosis)
Funniest: We'll make your poop smell like roses! (GI, before medication)

I don't *quite* smell like a rose but my GI does good work haha :D
Annoying docs. I had 13 before I was diagnosed.
One said if I brushed my teeth the ulcers I had in my mouth would go away(due to CD)
Another asked how many people I had kissed-it was oral herpes..I was 9!!
Yet another gave me cream to put on the ulcers before I ate and they would go away.

Then docs wonder why you take everything they say with a grain of salt!?
Probably my first gastro doc who wanted me to take metamucil. Gawd - what a bonehead he was.
When I was in the hospital for about my 4th obstruction in about 5 months, the GI on call--Dr. Greenberg--came into my room and asked, "So, what do you think brought you in this time?" I responded that I had unthinkingly eaten an "everything" bagel (complete with sesame, poppy, and rye seeds--how stupid was that!) and shortly after I felt a flare come on that developed into this obstruction. He paused, gave me that doctor look that we all know and love and replied, "You're getting your PhD in what, English?" I replied, "Yes," having no idea where he was going with this. He then said in the most condescening tone you can imagine, "Well, I got my real doctors degree in medicine, so why don't you leave the diagnosing to me." Of all the ... he had asked ME what I thought had brought me in and I'd told him. I was steamed. I took a second to keep from spewing expletives at him, took a deep breath and said, "Perhaps in the future you should be more specific with your interrogatories. The subject and object of your initial query was the second person singular, which generally indicates a response is wanted from said subject. In the future, you may want to preface your question with the statement--this is just a rhetorical question, but...In the meantime, Herr Doctor Greenberg, allow me to grace you with one of my favorite interjections: You're Fired!" It obviously did the trick because I never saw him again. What an ass!
I wonder if any of these twits were into ob/gyn practice prior to switching to GI. I practically crawled in to the maternity ward within 1 hour of delivering my second child and the Doc had the nerve to tell me that I couldn't possibly be in labor because I wasn't due for a month. Huh? Excuse me? The nurse had to drag him to my room to examine me wherein his face turned a shade of white and he ran out of the room to prep the delivery room.

In all fairness, there are wonderful Doc's out there. My boys have a fabulous Gastro Doc who diagnosed their conditions on the first go around. Coincidentally, she is married to the surgeon who performed my DS#1's fistula repair. It's all in the family I guess. I often wonder what kind of dinner conversation these two have. :D
What? You can't stay in the hospital for 7 days for a bowel resection? Well, do you have kids, old people you care for? A farm? You have to take care of a farm? What does your husband do? He works for the state? Well, he can take off as much time as he needs then. They have GREAT benefits!

Got a new Dr. after that one!
Ha ha, I've got a husband who does that too!!!! Must be something in the water!!!

I had three emergency room visits prior to my bowel rupture, with the abdominal pain worse each time. The third time the doc said to me: "Do you realize that this always seems to happen on a weekend? Is your job stressful? Is it possible that you are givng yourself permission to get sick on weekends as a reaction to stress?" Well, my job was incredibly stressful at that time. I admitted that to the doc and asked how we could determine whether my pain was real or psychosomatic. He brought in a shrink & we talked a while. I left there (still in great pain) convinced that they were right & that the pain was "all in my head." My guts ruptered less than a month later. I was still trying to convince myself that it wasn't real several hours later when my son came home, found me on the floor and called an ambulance.

I don't want to imply tht all male doctors are sexist, but I can't imagine that same doc saying those things to a male patient.
I've got 2 funnies... One: I went to my GP because I had excruciating lower right ab pain and a fever. He did a quick urinalysis to check for blood. He said you may have apendicitis, and I'm going to rule out a kidney stone. He then went on to explain that I didn't want a stone because it was the worst pain imaginable, an on and on and on... I got a ct scan... It was a stone. I went back to the GP and was like... nice bedside manner you idiot!

Number 2: I was having oral surgery to correct problems that my orthodontist caused? One of the nurses was really attractive, but slightly older than me... plus it's hard to ask someone out when you are having your mouth cut on. Anyway, I decided that when I went for my follow up I would see what her situation was. On that visit, after the periodontist saw me, she closed the door behind him and said, "can I ask you a question? why are you doing this? this costs a lot of money and do you really need perfect teeth?" I jokingly replied "No, but I've got to spend my money on something." She then replied, "Well, how about spending it on an older girlfriend?":ylol2: :ylol2:
"Well, how about spending it on an older girlfriend?"

Please tell me you asked her out!
I've had a ER doctor ask me if I've been having diahrea, right after I tell him I have an illiostomy.
About twenty years back, before I was diagnosed and was being sent from one specialist to the next as they tried to work out what the problem was - a male GI bluntly asked me if I was sure if the blood wasn't coming out of the "other hole".
I nearly decked him.
This thread may be years old but it's been bumped so I'll post!

"So, you haven't been feeling too well I see. What's this 'Crohn's' thing that's been going on?" -GP after I had surgery. I actually had to explain to this doctor what Crohn's is, seriously. How does a doctor not know about Crohn's? Or even have an idea? I fired her.
Hmm, here's a few of my personal favorites, most of my best stuff (or worst) comes from ER visits:

My husband I went to the ER to meet my GI. I had a fistula that was draining and infected. Instead of waiting for the GI a resident doctor wanted to examine me; by then I was in terrible pain and desperate, so I agreed. He shines this huge light on my rear and after staring for several seconds, says "You know you really should get a Brazillian wax-then this thing would be easier to see." My husband was so pissed he chased him out of the room and down the hallway. When I told my GI he was furious;waxing's the last thing I should have with that lol! Not funny at the time, but we laugh about it now.

I recently had a doctor order a pregnancy test at yet another trip to the ER, even after I told him I had a hysterectomy!

I was in "the position" for a gyn exam and had the doctor say "You have a really nice body." Needless to say I did NOT let him do the exam!
my doctor always asked if my stomach made any noises or if i passed gas a lot. i just answered i guess. he proceeded to make a bunch of gurgling noises and farting noises and laughing... haha a lighthearted conversation. mind you this goes on everytime:D
I think the most frustrating thing I have had said to me, and if they said it once they said it just about every bloody day, was that Matt was a very sick boy. It wasn't what they said but how they said it accompanied by the "look".

It happened when went he went to the ER last January and ended up being admitted and we were there for nearly a month. I think what they wanted to say was...we think you have been sitting on this instead of getting him to hospital sooner. I know they didn't believe that his symptoms only changed in the early hours of that morning. I ignored them for the most part but I got my own back in the end!

Dusty. :ybiggrin:
I went to see a nutritianist (thinking it would help). I got told to eat a healthy and balanced diet .. wow thanks for that info but a lot of that you said I cant eat, and yeh I know the reson im losing weight in a flare is that im not eating enough...
The most frustrating was the doc who told me I wasn't 'giving him enough clues.' Oh yea? I had bad stomach and pelvic pain, vomiting, all the symptoms of a UTI that antibiotics wouldn't shift, I looked grey and I'd dropped two dress sizes. He gave me 100 paracetamol for the pain.
The funniest was when the GP who did get me diagnosed was explaining that I had a fistula and told me I was 'farting into my bladder.' I know her quite well and for some reason this sent us both into a giggling fit.
Sometimes you gotta laugh or you'll cry :)
I went to see my GI several times last year, I was vomiting nearly everything I ate and was having severe pains. I was 82 lbs, more than a 20 lb weight loss! He knew I had a stricture because he had dilated it twice in the previous two years.

He did a CT and told me there was no obstruction. Then he offered to up my Zoloft dosage and put me on Abilify. He basically told me in a roundabout way that he thought I was making myself sick by being emotional. I stopped seeing him shortly after that.

And then I had surgery. Flippin jerk.
I went to see my GI several times last year, I was vomiting nearly everything I ate and was having severe pains. I was 82 lbs, more than a 20 lb weight loss! He knew I had a stricture because he had dilated it twice in the previous two years.

He did a CT and told me there was no obstruction. Then he offered to up my Zoloft dosage and put me on Abilify. He basically told me in a roundabout way that he thought I was making myself sick by being emotional. I stopped seeing him shortly after that.

And then I had surgery. Flippin jerk.

I have had the same experience. For a solid 10 years I had GI doctors tell me I was depressed, insecure, anorexic, bulemic, attention-seeking drama queen.

I was down to 92 pounds and throwing up literally anything I put in my stomach. No one wanted to do a colonoscopy because this was the 80's and I was a teenager and they thought it would be "traumatic". Not as traumatic as being ignored constantly when I went to the doctor!

Finally I saw a GI who actually examined me; when he felt my left side beneath my ribs he said, "Oh my, you have Crohn's disease." He could actually feel how rigid and distended I was, and you could actually see my bowel under my ribs. A colonoscopy confirmed what he saw, as did my blood tests. I also had a massive systemic infection, which thank God they found in time!

@ SarahAnne-You look fantastic!!!!! So happy you're doing better!:ybiggrin:
My son was diagnosed at age 11. After losing weight for 2 years in a row I told our peditrician I was concerned and wanted him to see a specialist. She commented that my husband and I are thin and that our son was just going to be skinny.
My son was diagnosed at age 11. After losing weight for 2 years in a row I told our peditrician I was concerned and wanted him to see a specialist. She commented that my husband and I are thin and that our son was just going to be skinny.

:ywow: Wow, oh my goodness, just terrible for your little guy! It's one thing for us to go through this stuff as adults, but children??? Unacceptable.
Me describing how I feel and my dr says well if you can find soemthing for me to prescibe you tell me.

Or them say well what do you think we should do?<--------------- This is my most hated response
Before I knew I had Crohn's, I had a rectovaginal fistula and I went to my OB-GYN. She looked at it and said "I have never seen anything like that before". So she proceeds to get every other nurse/doctor in the building to come have a look. So there I am in the stir-ups with 6 people staring at my vag with horrified looks. Then she squeezed it and pus/stool oozed out and one of the nurses jumped back and yelled "Oh My God!", like it was some kind of freak show. It was sooo humiliating. When I left I sat in my car in the parking lot for 10 minutes and cried.
My husband I went to the ER to meet my GI. I had a fistula that was draining and infected. Instead of waiting for the GI a resident doctor wanted to examine me; by then I was in terrible pain and desperate, so I agreed. He shines this huge light on my rear and after staring for several seconds, says "You know you really should get a Brazillian wax-then this thing would be easier to see." My husband was so pissed he chased him out of the room and down the hallway. When I told my GI he was furious;waxing's the last thing I should have with that lol! Not funny at the time, but we laugh about it now.

I hope you're not offended at this well-intended comment, but this is the second time I have read about this happening to you (or rather the Dr who got chased by your Husband) and it really does make me :rof: I can't believe a Dr would say something like that and a big cheer for your Hubby for reacting like that!

BTW, I don't find what the Dr said at all funny, but what makes me giggle and cheer is the thought of the Dr being chased by your Hubby :) hehehe!
@StarGirrrrl-The even funnier thing is he's normally a very easy-going, mild-tempered kind of guy; he's the calm one in his family! But there's something about being at the hospital that puts him on edge, and he's always looking out for me, which is really sweet since I usually am given so many drugs I often can't really help myself.

I'm sure it's from years of experience with these kind of idiot experiences we've all been through that make him this way.
I'm enjoying these stories...I think they should give doctor's an empathy test before getting hired somewhere. Anyway...my story is about the last time I was in the hospital recovering from my recent ileostomy takedown surgery. I asked an intern how much weight I might lose. I suppose I'm an idiot for not wording it differently, but his only reply was "it depends on how much you eat." REALLY? I never would have guessed...:p I just wanted him to explain what I could eat or how much weight people usually lose. After surgery it's as if the stomach shrinks. I hardly ever feel hungry. Doctor's are so insensitive.
I once had an ER doc tell me I was to fat to have Chrons. Ever heard of steroids doc. Of course that was after he accused me of being a drug seeker and before he saw the pictures of my bowel in the chart. Funny he didn't really come back in after my GI hand delivered the pictures to him personally and I got all the meds I needed
Me describing how I feel and my dr says well if you can find soemthing for me to prescibe you tell me.

Or them say well what do you think we should do?<--------------- This is my most hated response

I really hate when they do that in the ER it is like they are setting you up they say well what usually works for you so you tell them and then they put in the chart that you came in requesting specific meds and you get labeled grrr that really tics me off
Same thing happened to me in the ER. I am convinced ER docs are not brig sharpest tac in the back

UOTE=Donna;1473]The most maddening thing I had a doc say, tho not to my face until I confronted him on it, was when I went to the ER with terrible terrible pain in my belly. I was in tears. When the nurse came in to take my info, I automatically say I have Crohn's. Well she went out to tell the doc my info, and when she said to him that I had Crohn's, he said, "You are kidding right? She has Crohn's? There is no way! Did you see how big she is?!!".

Ok, yes, I weigh Alot. (Thank you prednisone!). But that doesn't mean I buried my feelings in the fat layers somewhere. So when he came in, I said, "I have Crohn's and this could be a possible blockage." His reply, "were you actually diagnosed, as in tested?". I just snorted and said "yep...and I don't think you should talk with your nurse in the hall about the patient in the room. The walls are thin".

He left red faced.[/QUOTE]
When I first got sick and they hadn't diagnosised me yet they insisted because the pain was below my bellybutton that it was "female related". The OBGYN they made me see said "I wish you had a sexual disease, then I could cure you.". I told her I was happy I didn't have an STD, that was disgusting. Then when we got outside my mom got on my case for being rude to the doctor. I couldn't win for losing.
I was told after 3 colonoscopies two CT scans and two barium tests over the period of two year, we know your in alot of pain and it looks like you have some tummy trouble ! No **** I said !
My doc gave me some strong pain killers and sent me home. Ended up in hospital two days later in terrible pain , given morphine and left in the ward for three days and then sent home. Have pain 24/7 ever since.
Ever watched the show "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia"?... I actually ended up in the same clinic that was written about in one of the episodes. It's off Broad Street and is known for being the spot to go to for confidential HIV testing. During my visit, I ended up sitting next to a clearly drunk women still out from the night before dressed in her club clothes, and a few of the local prostitutes.

When I first had a fistula in '05, I ended up with a Bartholin Cyst as well. It was very painful. I had no health insurance and I ended up at a public STD clinic, as I thought it was, well, not crohn's related. I truly had no idea what it was, but it was 'down there' so I figured, perhaps the STD clinic could help?

I ended up seeing a doctor who was about at his wit's end with the world. After getting a pelvic exam, he explained to me, I will never forget this... "Something is using your vagina as a cess pool" ; I was given a shot, and they watched me swallow another pill as if I was in jail. I was then warned at the dangers of having sex, and told to come back in 48 hours for the results of what the lab report came back saying I had. I was clearly instructed not to pop the cyst. "Do not use a toothpick. Do not use a hair pin. Don't even touch it".

I left thinking, this is crazy. How do I have an STD? I don't even have a boyfriend! I had broken up with someone a year before and moved cross country to start over, and I wasn't seeing anyone, and hadn't been for some time. I assumed the worst, I started thinking what if I have what think they have? I'm going to have to call the guy I just moved cross country to get over a broken heart because, and announce I have a STD.

So, in two days time I went back for my follow up appointment, where I was prepared to walk into being diagnosed with the worst of the worst. It turns out they can't find any reason for me to have a cyst and my pap smear was fine. I left rejoicing.

Later on I would discover they clearly missed an abscess in a fistula, but at least I never had to go back to the public health clinic.
I had a Pilonial Cyst, also known as a Pilonial Sinus. And my idiot(former) GP sent me to and ear nose and throat Dr.! I didn't realize what kind of Dr. he was until I started to pull me pants down to show him my issue and he turned bright red and told me he was a "nasal" sinus Dr. So embarassing!! I immedietely called my GP's office after I left and gave them ****!..It's a funny story to tell now but at the time I was livid:voodoo:
Mine is actually the most frustrating thing a doctor has said to my father-in-law. :D

My FIL is in his mid-70s and had need for a colorectal surgeon. So, he called me up because I know all things bum-related, I guess. Anyway, my father in-law goes in to see the surgeon I recommended, introduces himself as my father-in-law and makes some crack about how I had a frequent-flier discount with this surgeon. The surgeon, a bit put back apparently, informed him that I was doing very well (I'm surprised he remembered my name!), and signed my FIL up for a colonoscopy before his consultation. Neither of them thought either was very funny. ;)
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had a doctor tell me: Did they hospitalize you for this? REALLY? sounds like a huge overkill.

2 years and a total of 9 weeks of hospital stay later, here i am, and i still got the same wound he laughed at nearly 2 years ago.
When I was a 17 I was in the ER due to a bowel obstruction and my belly was distended. I had this obnoxious medical student see me and he was like you need to pee in this cup to verify that you are pregnant. I was like no I am not pregnant. I have Crohn's and a bowel obstruction.

He was like I still need you to pee in this cup because I don't believe you. I was in so much pain and very upset and said firmly NO! I have an obstruction and AM NOT PREGNANT. NOW GET ME MY GI IN HERE TO SEE ME. Luckily he walked in and I was like, please tell this student that I have a blockage and am not pregnant.

Dr. Rock turned to him and said she is NOT pregnant. She has a blockage. You should've READ her chart. She has Crohn's. Dr. Rock then told him to go and I got my pain medication. Later on I learned that I have the right as a patient to throw students out of my room and just request my doctor only.
Not a doctor, but a nurse in the radiology department.

My Crohn's was very bad at the time and they pumped me full of Barium to do the x-rays. The nurse was not happy when a bit dribbled out on the table, but then, when they had finished I had to get off the table and go back to the room with the toilet. Of course, the barium dribbled out of me all the way across her clean floor. She, very sarcastically, said: Couldn't you have waited until you reached the toilet?"

Fortunately, I had enough presence of mind (and was angry enough at her comment) to say: "I'm here because I can't control the output of my own bowels. How do you expect my to control what you've pumped into me!"
My mother was with my GP the other day and she said my son Peter is having a really bad week , he is in pain and his feet hurt all the time. The GP said hhmmmmmm I know he has had a lot of tests, but he does not look sick !

So the moto of this storey is LOOK SICK when you go to the doctors.
After having pains in my stomach which would eventually be found to be Crohn's, the doctor initially told me it was wind pain and prescribed peppermint tablets. After these failed to work, I went back and told him the classic symptoms of Crohn's and he still defined it as wind problems. Sigh.
I don't know why it bothers me sometimes, I know it's just the doctors being polite I guess, but every time I'm waiting in the exam room the doctor comes in, shakes my hand, and says, "How are you doing?"

Um....I just shelled out $50 for a co-pay to tell you I've never felt better!

I'm not good. That's why I'm at your office. I wish they would walk in and ask me, "What's wrong with you?" It would feel less like whining or complaining to me, I guess.
I don't know why it bothers me sometimes, I know it's just the doctors being polite I guess, but every time I'm waiting in the exam room the doctor comes in, shakes my hand, and says, "How are you doing?"

Um....I just shelled out $50 for a co-pay to tell you I've never felt better!

I'm not good. That's why I'm at your office. I wish they would walk in and ask me, "What's wrong with you?" It would feel less like whining or complaining to me, I guess.

My consultant just asks 'how have you been' - so its easy to answer one way or the other. Though it will be nice to be able to answer "i've been really well!'
I too hate that feeling of being a whiner when you just give a list of bad things.
Not a doctor, but a nurse in the radiology department.

My Crohn's was very bad at the time and they pumped me full of Barium to do the x-rays. The nurse was not happy when a bit dribbled out on the table, but then, when they had finished I had to get off the table and go back to the room with the toilet. Of course, the barium dribbled out of me all the way across her clean floor. She, very sarcastically, said: Couldn't you have waited until you reached the toilet?"

Fortunately, I had enough presence of mind (and was angry enough at her comment) to say: "I'm here because I can't control the output of my own bowels. How do you expect my to control what you've pumped into me!"

I had this happen when my fistulas were being 'diagnosed'.....they were big enough that as soon as they started pumping the barium it came right back out! I know I left a mess to clean up....but OH WELL!.....

Thankfully noone said anything sarcastic to me....or I might have made a bigger mess HA!
In 1989, I had lost weight throughout my pregnancy and delivered a very small but otherwise healthy baby. I had been off meds throughout the pregnancy. Then I resumed prednisone and gained weight quickly over six months. When I returned for a follow-up visit with the GI doc, he exclaimed, "You're cured! You got fat!"

I was embarrassed and stifled. I was still having crampy diarrhea and fistulas. Sheesh.

In 2002, I had rectal surgery that rendered me unable to pee, but I wasn't told that and my recovery room nurse didn't understand that, either. She wouldn't let me leave the day surgery recovery until I produced urine. She provided IV saline to help this along. It was 11:30 p.m., I was the last patient in there, along with my sister who was there for support and to drive me back to her home since my own home was 60 miles from the hospital. I had become bloated all over, and my clothing grew tight. I had a series of involuntary shaking that led to the nurse giving me a catheter but then continued with the IV saline bags and over medicating with pain medicine. I finally produce one drop of urine and she sent me home, saying she was just about to admit me to a room for the night.

Once at my sisters, I vomited and rested fitfully.

The next day, a call to the surgeon revealed his instructions had been for the nurse to give me a catheter and then send me home as soon as I was awake and ambulatory. He said, "After what I did to you (meaning the surgery), you wouldn't be able to pee for a while." He collected the nurse's name and followed through. Apparently, she didn't understand his instructions.

I was too medicated to think clearly, and my sister didn't know any better, and the nurse was friendly enough and talked about her life with my sister while dripping liquids into me while I lay there swelling up. I could have had a heart attack and died. Sheesh.
Real funny doc

Last week I went to see my GI. When he came into the room he greeted me, sat down, and then said, "well i haven't seen you in 6 months because I have been on sabbatical. Do I look different to you?" I rack my brain trying to think, what looks different about him? I draw a blank. He says, "I've lost weight." I say, "That's great," but in my mind I am thinking, why are you telling me this? Isn't this appointment about me? Not to be selfish, but this is an appointment to talk about my health. Also you're still overweight!

Then he says, "I know losing weight isn't a problem for you."

Geez. Thanks doc for pointing that out to me. Real helpful.

[I lost 15-20 lbs with crohns and am slowly gaining it back.]
I posted this before in another thread but it works for here...couple months ago I was admitted to the hospital thru the er dept. An intern comes into the room holding my chart and talking with an attending. She's basically at my bedside and apparently thinks the morphine has affected my ears and she says, out loud "she's too fat to have Crohns". (I'm about 180 and too short to pull it off) I then responded "and you're too dumb to be a doctor".
My GP before he referred me to gastro and on my 4th visit about prolonged diahorrea and very frequent bowel movements (like 20 a day) - "This is normal for some people"
Yeah - People with Crohns!!!
I've had a few. In 08' I had a heart attack and ended up with a couple of stents. For some reason my GI was brought in and since she was on vacation another one from her office took over. The cardialogist wanted to put ne on Plavix and I said it wasn't a good idea because they said if you suffer from bleeding not to take it. Well the stand in GI says to me "We have to worry about this (pointing at my chest) before we worry about this(pointing at my stomach).
Well, I said okay, but I'll be back. Sure enough, 2 weeks later I was back in getting 2 units of blood because I started bleeding. I spent 4 days in the hospital getting things straightened out. My regular GI took me off the Plavix and I was put on low-dose Bayer and haven't had a problem since.
I have been fortunate the Doc I have been with since I was twenty has UC. But our humor about our illnesses can be be somewhat tasteless.

When I went in for an upper and lower GI he had a student who was interning with the hospital. The student was nervous as it was the first time he was going to be participating in the procedure. I quickly put him at ease....by telling him to no get camera happy shooting pics of my ass. My doctor chuckled. The student was speechless.

I passed out and woke up to find lower GI was good (for having Crohn's). The upper GI showed a twisted esophagus which was repaired while I was out. And nothing appeared to be cancerous.
the first time I finally went to doc to confront stomach issues and tell him something was definitely wrong. I said my bloated belly was far too bloated to be normal, after he kept shooting down other symptoms. He then looked at me and said, "Honey, EVERY woman gets a larger tummy as she gets older." I thought I was going to kick him where it counted.
So today my appointment with the consultant was cancelled and rescheduled for the 13 th of next month. Been waiting since Xmas. I phoned up and got an appointment with my doctor to get more Meds as I was running out and was hoping the GI would look further into my problem and prescribe better Meds.
so I went to my doctor and he politely said " I think it's time we stopped looking for the cause of your D and pain and lets consentrate on treating your symptoms.

I'm speechless .
Wow. Sounds like your GI just gave up.

I'd find another one if I could. I honestly can't believe a doctor would say that to a patient! So sorry, good luck finding someone who listens and keeps looking for the cause.
After months of being sick my dr (also one of my bosses) told me to take my husbands credit card and go shopping. I told him if I could afford to do that to make myself feel better I wouldnt have to be working !! I ended up with an obstruction and stricture in the hosp for over a week.

Switched Drs.
When I first went to a doctor after having pain for THREE MONTHS last year, I went to our student health center because I thought I had a ruptured ovarian cyst. I was 21 years old at the time and had just finished the last few finals of my first year of law school. After describing the discomfort/pain, this is essentially the conversation between the idiot doctor and myself:

Doctor: "Well, I would say you are either pregnant or have chlamydia."
Me: "I can assure you... it's neither of those things. I'm 100% certain on that."
Doctor: "Honey, that's what a ton of people say. And half of them turn out to have chlamydia. So I'm gonna test ya for both."
Me [crying at this point]: "Okay..."
Doctor: "I've got to go to the lab really quickly to have them run the tests. We're on the fourth floor up here, so don't do anything irrational."

Are you kidding me? A week later she calls me:

: "Hi. I just wanted to let you know that we got your lab results back. Everything came back normal. Did the radiologist figure out what it was? Is it an ovarian cyst?"
Me: "Yeah, they figured out what it was. A f****** two-inch, gaping hole in my intestines. Thank you SO much for all your help. Not." [Hang up].

What a witch. I'm still tempted to report her.
For me, the most frustrating was when I was pregnant. I was flaring badly, losing weight (even though pregnant) and had hyperemises on top of it, so I was having massive diarrhea, vomiting about 8 times per day and having abdominal pain. My OB sent me to a dietitian who suggested I eat more fiber, even though my GI had put me on a low fiber diet. I just looked at her and asked if she thought a bowel obstruction was really something I needed. I didn't heed any of her advice because I thought she was 100% clueless. My son was born low birth weight but otherwise healthy.
Funny story... Between when I was 13-17 I had random spouts of rectal bleeding (sometimes quite a bit would come). My brother was diagnosed with crohns when he was 17 (this information will be relevant in a minute).

Anyways, not sure why it took so long for me to go see a doctor about my bleeding, but nonetheless, I went to my brother crohn doctor for my bleeding (she isn't specifically a crohns doctor but rather a all-around-GI doctor). Anyways, shes talking with me and based on my initial symptoms she thought it was simple an anal fissure of some kind, not a big deal. I remember her saying "this is a simple easily fixable problem, you don't want what your brother has, crohns disease is a life-long problem etc"

I remember after the colonoscopy she called me into her office and was like.... "you have crohns...." I was like "ohh..... ok.... then..."

Not that funny, but yea..
Best was me being around 8-10 and complaining of stomach pain etc. Dr said my underwear was too tight.
I remember her saying "this is a simple easily fixable problem, you don't want what your brother has, crohns disease is a life-long problem etc"

I remember after the colonoscopy she called me into her office and was like.... "you have crohns...." I was like "ohh..... ok.... then..."

Not that funny, but yea..

actually, that was funny :) reminds me of this one time.....

a dermatologist had prescribed tetracycline for my acne but i noticed it also helped with my arthritis... so i told her... and she told me that yeah her other patients experience the same thing with the arthritis being better... then i went to my rheumatoid (arthritis) doctor on the next floor whom i had an appointment with on the same day.. i told him that coincidentally the tetracycline made my arthritis disappear .. and he turned into a brick wall as if he didnt believe me? then i told him that my dermatologist saw the same results in many of her other patients, as if to prove i wasnt crazy?.. then he picked up the phone and called my dermatologist and blasted her and she denied ever saying that to me.

Mine was when I went for a sort of emergency check up when I was really sick. I hadn't been diagnosed yet.

So the doctor walks in and asks how I'm doing, I obviously say I'm doing terribly. He says "Well, we have the result back from your barrium enema". "Um, I haven't had a barrium enema". "But I'm looking at your results right here". "Well I don't know who's results those are, but they aren't mine, because I haven't had that test." "Hm.. that's strange". :yrolleyes::shifty-t:

I started to see a different doctor after that.
Hmmm, most frustrating thing a doctor ever said to me... he asked if I had a history of depression. I told him that I wasn't 'depressed', I was just sick and tired of being sick and tired. It was way before diagnosis, and it wasn't my first visit to see that particular doc, and... hey, if you've ever read anything I've written on here, well that is me. That is who I am. I really don't do 'depression', you know what I mean? It was like he was thinking I was clinically depressed, and maybe that was causing all the symptoms he couldn't explain.

Funniest thing... Well, it wasn't a doctor. It was a very young and in-experienced hospital dietician. She dropped by to see me during one of my many stays at the local hospital, and was discussing my diet restrictions. And, at one point, she just tossed out "Well, you might feel better if you masticated more". To which I replied. "Well, in a ward there just isn't any privacy". She just looked at me un-comprehendingly and carried on.
Then she left. Me? I damned near laughed myself into the toilet. As did my 3 male wardmates. You have to get your chuckles where you can.
When my 11 year old daughter was a baby her ped told me that babies don't get constipated. I told him that he needed to tell her that because she was constipated. Then when my 3 year old was a month old I was told by a ped neurologist that 1 month old babies don't have seizures. I ended up taking him to another hospital where the neurologist looked at me funny when I told him what the other one said.
OK I have three short ones.

1) when I was undiagnosed and my Mum was calling the GP for yet another appointment, the GP said "what exactly would you like us to do?"....um, well you could start by reading your job description.

2) after self injecting with humira and suffering horrible side-effects, a paramedic suggested that it was "a coincidence".

3) whilst being seen at A&E in the early hours of the morning, the nurse asked me to do a urine sample. I explained that I've been throwing up all night and am pretty dehydrated so don't think I could manage it. She asked "so how do you expect me to know if your pregnant or not?"...er.....maybe lets start again and you take a look at your computer screen which tells you why I'm here?

Having an IBD certainly tests your patience with "medical professionals"!
when i was younger and undiagnosed my doc told my mum "once she gets a boyfriend with a motorbike she'll feel better"

ha!! i wish that was the cure for crohns!! x
when i was younger and undiagnosed my doc told my mum "once she gets a boyfriend with a motorbike she'll feel better"

ha!! i wish that was the cure for crohns!! x

:ywow: Oh my God, this reminds me, when I was a young teen the doctor told my Grandma I had PMS when I was having bloody diarrhea-WTH?????