When are your symptoms most present?

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Jan 10, 2010
Hi everyone was just wondering when was the most time you noticed your symptoms i say this as im experiancing the symptoms more at night time and first thing in the morning when i wake up, more at night time though, was also wondering does any of you guys ever feel like next to the belly button tingles sometimes and also feel like you have period cramps?
i dont have a belly button!!! the surgeon took it away when he took most of my other stuff away.
i get bad flares when i get stressed, then i suffer all day and night.
The morning is always harder for me...It really makes it hard to run errands first thing or travel....I never get the belly button tingle.....Mine is all a pressure feeling, if I don't relieve the pressure then I will have cramping, it is much different than period cramps.
Yeah mine is a pressure to like it sits on top of my tummy and just hear the gurgling noises ive noticed more night times after ive eaten and whenive had my hot drink for bed i hear noises sounds weird but like its water tinkling its really weird.
I used to have most of my problems at night. I used to get up between 4 and 12 times a night...it was gas for the most part, but one never knows with this disease! I still have the bad gas at night, but now it all goes into my bag, so I don't have to get up! Woohoo!! lol
Mine are first thing in the morning, the pain wakes me, because I need a wee!
it's like when you're pregnant and the baby is pressing on your bladder, once I've weed, it's ok!
Last thing at night, I hear the babbling brook noises too!
Evenings are my worst time. Figures, that's when I am most awake and try to get most of my work done. I start to notice my stomach acting up around 4pm or so...and it usually carries on until about bedtime.
porter89xxx said:
Hi everyone was just wondering when was the most time you noticed your symptoms i say this as im experiancing the symptoms more at night time and first thing in the morning when i wake up, more at night time though, was also wondering does any of you guys ever feel like next to the belly button tingles sometimes and also feel like you have period cramps?
My symptoms are definitely worse at night, esp. during a flare. It always carries over to the next morning-I can't even remember the last time I woke up and wasn't nauseated.
As for the tingles, no-but the cramps like a period-yes! And I've had a hysterectomy so I know it's the bowel that's causing it for me.
Why do you think these noises are hear i swear mine just sounded like something like what you dowith your mouth like gaaaaaaaaaa it sounds soanimal like so annoyin
Night an morning my worst times

but then again I'm goin every hour too half hour I wouldn't know wen is worst ATM
Thats when mine is most troublesome lately itsreally weird how alot of people get more symptoms in morning or night not throughout the day
I seem to have the most gas/bloating/BM's/pain between 10-4 in the afternoon. However at night I always feel very nauseated and have alot of pain in my right side right when I'm trying to go to bed. I actually am starting to think that laying down makes me feel this way...
Again..I don't have a diagnosis..but it's a possibility...so...my sx are always worst in the evening. Much worse about 2 hours after I eat supper....evening is when the fever and chills set in too...ick!!
Mountaingem said:
My symptoms are definitely worse at night, esp. during a flare. It always carries over to the next morning-I can't even remember the last time I woke up and wasn't nauseated.
As for the tingles, no-but the cramps like a period-yes! And I've had a hysterectomy so I know it's the bowel that's causing it for me.

Mgem - so you also get bad nausea at night and wake up with it. I get this too it has settled down a bit but with my first major flare it was horrible I would wake up early around 5am to nausea pulsating thru my whole body and I would end up having to get up just so it would calm down a bit. Not a nice feeling at all. I now only get it every so often but when I do it freaks me out wondering if it will continue. I think I could handle this disease if all I got was the bowel issues but the nausea just wipes me out.

Porter - I get a pressure feeling on my right side doesn't always hurt sometime just the pressure is there. I also get bad cramps and gas but once I have been to the toilet this seems to settle down. I seem to find when flaring that Im worse first thing in the morning and then again in the early evening.
My symptoms are worst after I eat anything. Definitely the best in the morning cause I haven't eaten for like 8 hours. Worst at night after I have eaten 3 meals. Makes me not want to eat but I know I need to so I don't lose weight

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