I've seen a rheumatologist but he was absolutely worthless. I went to him for my hip arthritis. He ran some tests and said he couldn't find anything wrong, and told me to go back to my primary care doc, but in his notes he wrote that it's probable inflammatory arthritis. He did a couple steroid injections on my bad hip, which at first made me feel a lot worse. When I called him asking why that might be, he again said he has no idea and again tried to refer me back to my PCP. Ugh. That was it, I was done with that idiot. I probably should see a new rheumatologist at some point, although right now I'm sort of fatigued on doctors.
I don't think it's Behcet's, because I know that genital lesions are a hallmark of that illness, and I don't have anything like that. I also don't think it's SpA because my hip pain is usually not very bad and I don't have anything like stiffness in the mornings or any other signs of it. And I've been tested for a lot of other stuff, like RA and Lupus and Addison's.
If it were up to my GP, I'd be on Humira.

GI and GP have rather differing styles. GP feels it's definitely IBD and wants to treat it as such. GI is much more conservative and hesitant to treat it as a certain illness without absolute proof. I can respect that, but at the same time I don't always agree with him. Not that I want to be on Humira, but I want to be on more than just Lialda (and yes, my plan is to stay on it even if I go on LDN, as I know Lialda does help me somewhat).
I don't know why they can't find inflammation. I have an aunt whose story is eerily similar to mine (she's related by marriage, not blood, so it's not a family thing). She had symptoms for 30+ years, had many many tests, nothing was ever found. Finally in her early 50s they found scar tissue during a colonoscopy and diagnosed her with Crohn's. I'm afraid that's going to be me, too, just suffering undiagnosed for decades before they find it. My aunt is a very strong person and is my role model, but at the same time I don't want my story to mirror hers!
Next time I flare, I might just ask for exploratory laprascopy. They've scoped me up and down but haven't looked so much at the outside of my bowels. That's just my latest thought.