When food isn't a trigger

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Dec 12, 2010
Does anyone have anything else that brings on a flare? I know stress can do much damage. I think that is a biggie for me along with hormones (which is why I chose to stop using birth control pills). Until I hit into a full blown all out flare back in June, I went years eating a gluten and dairy free diet pretty comfortably. NOT that I didn't have issues. I would have urgent needs to go out of nowhere, mucus in my stool, etc. Missing out on lots of life activities. It made me paranoid and self contious to go somewhere w/o a bathroom. I could never get a job either. But when I saw my naturopath we usually could "fix" the problem. Usually with collidial silver or a mixture of bacteria killers. I never used medication (didn't and still don't have health insurance) until recently. Anyway, (rambling) I never connected any certain foods to a flare (beside gluten and dairy which is why it's omitted). I could eat popcorn, salads, raw veggies, loaded everything with hot sauce, lol. I just stayed away from fatty fried foods because they never sat well either (gallstones). I just don't know why now everything seems to be upside down. Is this just how the disease is? Right now I keep things simple, rice, chicken, mushrooms, protein drinks, mashed potatoes, etc. I did have chili tonight! everything is ok so far but my wonderful hubby made it very UC friendly..no skins or hot spices and only using Aduki beans and ground turkey (I don't eat beef or pork either, lol) which are easy to digest.
Only thing that's brought a flare on for me was discontinuing my medication. Food brings on symptoms but does not cause flares.
Antibiotics bring on a flare for me. I haven't noticed any foods that cause problems except popcorn.
Yeah, stopping my meds last time is what brought on this flare. NEVER will I stop cold turkey again. Lesson learned. I can see how antibiotics would do damage for sure. I'm pretty safe there though as I don't ever take them. Thanks guys :thumleft:
I feel more weight should be given to the older school of thought that Crohn's is strongly related to attitude and stress. For me it is all about the stress and feeling nervous. Yes I need to watch what I eat as it triggers excess Bile production, but the clenching of my gut over days, weeks, months is due to inadequately coping with stress.

My Grandmother had a saying, "Don't get your guts in a knot" I now know the true meaning of those words of wisdom.
I think when I ran out of meds was my last flair. I also think that because I ran out of meds i got alittle stressed, which caused me to eat comfort foods, (fatty, fried ect) So it becomes a visous circle for me. I find that if i get stressed out, even if im on the meds it dosent help. Meds are a big thing for me
It's so hard for me NOT to stress out. I guess it's just my personality? I worry way too much..a little OCD sometimes. Sometimes maintaining a household (in a very small house!) of 3 kiddos can be nerve twitching :rof: I mean, I love being with them and would never have it another way but where we live kinda kills things. I'm totally miserable in our environment (blah, NJ) and money...oh don't get me started! It's not easy living off on 1 income for the 5 of us ya know. Ok, I'll stop complaining. There's worse things in life, I know this. And we've been worse off then we are now. I guess just trying to find a balance is a struggle and it's literally killing me! What do any of you do/take to ease stress? Please don't say meditate..I'll never be able to shut my brain off long enough..trust me, I've tried!
to ease stress. what works for me is.................
Reading a good book, when everone else has gone to bed. Sitting by myself, with a hot cup of tea, and a good book
Going for a walk with my four legged child peggy sue. again by myself.
Turning up I pod realy loud, and dancing in kitchen while doing dishes. I dont have to be by myself as I cant hear anyone else.....
Writing in my diary.... sometimes its just about whats happening that day, or a memory form my childhood that makes me smile.
Thats what works for me,
Only thing that's brought a flare on for me was discontinuing my medication. Food brings on symptoms but does not cause flares.

I agree 100% with that. I do think that diet is really not such a factor with IBD and certainly not with UC. Diet is given way too much time with regard to its impact on IBD in my humble opinion.

OK for authors to push a healthy diet but that should go for everyone not just IBD patients. Of course eating healthily and in moderation is something everyone should be doing but for the people on here that feel that diet plays such a huge part in there symptoms, do they ever think that that may just be a food intolerance which by the way is prevalent in the healthy population.

I know many healthy people who for one reason or another do not tolerate certain foods/drinks and I'm not saying that IBD patients should'nt be careful with what they eat I just don't feel it should be thought of as a main attributing factor which in many threads on this forum it is given just that.

I am in the process of getting over the worst flare I've ever had and my first hospitalization. I had been completely fine for over 3 years, so of course, I was eating things that were maybe questionable, but tolerating them fine. That is, until I had a really horrible event occur in my life (long story that I won't get into), but my point is that I experienced such extreme stress and was so upset and immediately after that began experiencing symptoms which ultimately turned into this flare. I have no idea if that's really what caused it, and I'm sure there are a lot of factors, including the fact that flares can just happen, but I truly believe that had I not been so stressed this probably wouldn't have happened! Also, I notice that the minute something stresses me out, I get cramps and pain (maybe it's my type-a personality)!

Best of luck getting through this :)
Come to think of it I agree with crabby and yeah food has never caused me a flare only ever crappy meds or stress. Food will absolutely make me very sick for a night of 2 though.
Thanks everyone, I really appreciate your feedback. I agree that food is more of an intolerance then anything else. As the villa gets destroyed in our intestines it leaves it with little ability to break down certain foods. I know I have a problem with proteins (gluten and casein for sure). I've kept a food diary and was able to break those down. Ironically my children are the same way and so is my husband (none of them have an IBD and hopefully never will!). We eat as organic and natural as possible. There's very little canned anything in this house! And we never go out to eat. Now, to just work on the stress side of everything, lol. That's a work in progress :lol2: I know for sure that having all of you as support has made me feel not so alone and that is a big big help. THANK YOU!
Been on many diets for my uc and doc finally told me to eat whatever I wanted because food didn't seem to really have an effect. Just coming out of remission so I'm sure I will change my diet some but past experiences show it doesn't help very much.