When its a struggle to drink water- Any suggestions?

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Jul 12, 2010
when its a struggle to drink water- Any suggestions?

Hi guys

Hope its okay to post here, am new so if its the wrong section just tell me!

Have been in remission 3 years, now due to stress.. uni/money etc.. now I am flaring, doctor given me predfoam for it and a week, then to come back if its not settled

Been finding it hard just to drink water, very painful to drink hot stuff- herbal tea, black tea etc

Been taking small sips.. starting to feel a little hungry now..but really at a loss as to what to try. Since Thursday have had

Blackcurrant Jubbly lollies
small amount of cold herbal tea
flat ginger beer - few sips (then extreme pain)

Any suggestions would be most welcome

Thanks in advance
Hey there. Make sure you don't let yourself get too dehydrated. If that becomes an issue, it might be best to call your doc so he can decide if you need some IV fluids or something. But when I get like this I always try to drink Powerade/Gatorade/some kind of sports drink (I dunno what they sell in the UK.) Normally I don't have too much of a problem keeping it down and it seems to really help me when I'm having trouble keeping other things down.
Thanks, will try Powerade ... liquid hurts, solids hurt... getting a bit fed up now.. GP just said "have whats comfortable"

Gonna go get more lollies, powerade and baby food after work, willing to try anything!

Thanks again
Liquids would probably go down best at body temperature rather than hot or cold. But if all liquids including water hurt, I would be concerned in case you have a blockage or something nasty like that. If you can't get anything down, you need to be in hospital for iv fluids and tests.
I agree with the others above me - if it were me, I'd be headed to the doctor to get IV fluids. When I had my first flare, I couldn't eat anything and I could barely drink water too, and I got really dehydrated and felt like death. When I finally did go in for IV rehydration, I felt so much better afterwards. They can also put medication in your IV (like anti-nausea medication) if you need it. Good luck, hope you are feeling better soon!
Thanks guys

I phoned the doctor, he dosent seem concearned at all.. hmm

Will keep trying to have a few sips throughout the day. Work are really against any time off so I am reluctant to go to A&E. Really need my job.

Have tommorow to rest, hoping I can start to tolerate a bit more fluid

Thanks again for all the advice
hey dancer, where does it hurt when you eat/drink? i mean you say it hurts going down, how so?
Uncomfortable to eat or drink, physically..feels sore, my mouth is bleeding etc

A few minutes after trying to drink or eat, sharp stabbing pain low left hand side.

Given up now trying to sip water, its too distressing
dancer welcome to our forum.

to see if your dehydrated pinch the back of your hand, if the skin goes down instantly then your getting enough fluids in. if not then go to the gp.

i couldnt get on with predfoam either, i couldnt get te dose right and then just "farted" out the stuff!!
i have had crohns ulcers in my esophagus and stomach before, which makes it very painful to eat or drink ANYthing, even just water. maybe you could have a similar thing going on?

the only other time i had such a terrible time trying to eat/drink was when ive had c-diff. different kind of pain than the ulcers but still rather extreme. thats probably highly unlikely but im thinking a stool sample would be a good idea, but i mean course im not a doc lol.
Pred is fine, reducing bleeding.. Dont have any problem keeping it in

Thanks for the replies

Pinch test seems fine, managed a few sips of water today

always get a physically sore mouth, but this is immidiate pain.. doctor says not to fuss!
Welcome to the forum dancer. I would push your doctor for an endoscope, that is not normal to be uncomfortable to drink water. Another thing, if I had a doctor who didnt seem to care, I would get another one. NO one should have to suffer like that. What meds are you on?
Thank you

currently just predfoam.. my GP said to come back Thursday if I am not improved any.

I can ask my Gastro about endescope..but that would be 8-12 weeks to see him.

Spoken to nhsdirect who said to go to A&E at hospital this evening if I cannot get in to see doctor. Trying to get through currently.

Fingers crossed can get an appointment

Thanks again for all the responses xx

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