When To Go To The Hospital

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Oct 3, 2011
I'm still pretty new to Crohn's, so I never know when I should go to the ER. I have been having a lot of pain today (more than usual) and it seems like its progressing. I've taken tylenol a couple of times today, but with no relief. I've also had a lot of nausea, and bloating. I'm just wondering at what point any of you go to the ER. I'm afraid to go because I don't want to get admitted. I had a colonoscopy 2 weeks ago and they said everything looked okay, except for some inflammation. Is it possible that I have become more inflamed? What do you guys think?
Did they give you anything for the inflammation then? Like Prednisone? They wont admit you unless its needed, and while that can be scary, its not something you should shy away from. I go when I either vomit (cause I never vomit, so for me its a sign on blockage), or the pain goes over a 7 on a scale of 1-10. If you are questioning whether you should go or not, its probably a pretty good sign that you should.
If your thinking whether you need to go to hospital or not then you should. I played my symptoms down for ages, they finally admitted me (with i didnt think was necessary) and after a week in hospital i was feeling best iv felt in over a yr. I wish i went sooner.

So if the pain is unbearible or you are feeling like normal day to day tasks are unobtainable without a lot of effort (walking, going upstairs etc) then you should go to hospital. If its only a slight pain then i'd leave it until you see the nurse/doctor again (colonoscopies always give me stomach pains for the next 3-5days)
Did they give you anything for the inflammation then? Like Prednisone? They wont admit you unless its needed, and while that can be scary, its not something you should shy away from. I go when I either vomit (cause I never vomit, so for me its a sign on blockage), or the pain goes over a 7 on a scale of 1-10. If you are questioning whether you should go or not, its probably a pretty good sign that you should.

Yeah I have been tapering off of Prednisone, I have been really nauseated today and actually vomited earlier. On the pain scale I'm currently at the 7-8 range. I have been trying to take my mind off of it but its pretty bad. I'm also on 6-MP and I have had Remicade a few times. I have a gut feeling that I should go, but I just don't want to. Every time I have this gut feeling and give in and go to the ER something ends up being wrong. I just don't want to put my family through anymore.
If your thinking whether you need to go to hospital or not then you should. I played my symptoms down for ages, they finally admitted me (with i didnt think was necessary) and after a week in hospital i was feeling best iv felt in over a yr. I wish i went sooner.

So if the pain is unbearible or you are feeling like normal day to day tasks are unobtainable without a lot of effort (walking, going upstairs etc) then you should go to hospital. If its only a slight pain then i'd leave it until you see the nurse/doctor again (colonoscopies always give me stomach pains for the next 3-5days)

Walking and going up stairs is currently a challenge, especially trying to get up off of the couch.
Then go. youre not going to get better trying to man it out. Also I find that family would rather you be under care than not. I'd go and leave a msg on your IBD nurse/Doc to say you are in just to make sure they know. Whatever youre taking now isnt working so being under monitoring they should be able to find something that does. I really do think you should go, its a pain to start with but defo worth it
I agree with Rygon! Go to the ER. I never vomit so when I vomit and the pain progressively gets worse I know I have an obstruction. We all have our "normal pain" but I think we each also know when there is something different about "this" pain. Trust your gut. (pun intended!) Good luck to you!
thanks guys, I took your advice. It was a good thing too because my pain got way worse. Luckily I didn't have an obstruction or perforation or anything. They gave me some steroids through the iv and some meds for nausea and the pain. Today I am feeling much much better. I just always hate going to the ER because they never seem to know anything about crohn's.
spongebob, I'm glad you went. I also hate going to the ER, but find even if they admit me, it is necessary. And if they don't, they can help treat the symptoms and you get the peace of mind that it isn't an obstruction.
Glad you went.

I am guilty of handling things on my own - I have frequent bowel obstructions.

Its just SO annoying sitting in the waiting room for hours, being in pain, when you know you can have a nice heating pad at home, in bed, with at least some TV to keep you semi distracted.

My ER visits go something like this
Me: "I'm having an obstruction, I'm in alot of pain"
Them: "How do you know?"
Me: "Because I've been here 4x in the past year for the same thing and I know. Please get some fluids in me, and I'd like something for pain"
Them: "Lets do an xray"
Them "Yes, its an obstruction"
Me: "No Sh(#%^@t. May I please have some morphine now?"

Now I've been so old hat at this that I don't even care if they think I'm a drug addict. I just say "I need morphine. I know it works, Ive been through this a million times"

While you get to know your own body and its symptoms, its good to get looked at.

BTW, I would ask your Dr. for a script for some pain meds. Not that you should self-medicate when something serious goes on, but I for one am much happier, safer feeling, that I have Vicodin in case I have some minor pain that Tylenol doesn't fix.
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Glad you went.

I am guilty of handling things on my own - I have frequent bowel obstructions.

Its just SO annoying sitting in the waiting room for hours, being in pain, when you know you can have a nice heating pad at home, in bed, with at least some TV to keep you semi distracted.

My ER visits go something like this
Me: "I'm having an obstruction, I'm in alot of pain"
Them: "How do you know?"
Me: "Because I've been here 4x in the past year for the same thing and I know. Please get some fluids in me, and I'd like something for pain"
Them: "Lets do an xray"
Them "Yes, its an obstruction"
Me: "No Sh(#%^@t. May I please have some morphine now?"

Now I've been so old hat at this that I don't even care if they think I'm a drug addict. I just say "I need morphine. I know it works, Ive been through this a million times"

While you get to know your own body and its symptoms, its good to get looked at.

BTW, I would ask your Dr. for a script for some pain meds. Not that you should self-medicate when something serious goes on, but I for one am much happier, safer feeling, that I have Vicodin in case I have some minor pain that Tylenol doesn't fix.

That's how it usually goes for me. They always insist on a CT scan. I've had around 7 or 8 in the past 4 months. Luckily I've never had an obstruction. Just very bad inflammation and tons of ulcers. Today I'm still in pain but there's not much I can do, I had some vicodin earlier. Its not like I'm going to go back to the ER. I HATE getting admitted into the hospital, but atleast they can somewhat manage your pain until the inflammation subsides. Does anyone else get very bad pain from drinking that CT scan contrast stuff?
I usually do but I make sure I'm pain-managed so its not too bad. If I'm obstructed its usually the first thing to come back up, anyway.

Its funny. When you drink the contrast they're always like "Let us know when you're done and we'll call down". I'm like "Call now". "Why". "Because my system works fast. I guarantee by the time you walk out if this room it will have made its way down".

Sometimes I am REALLY scared by people in the medical profession.

When I was preggo, I had an obstruction, and the OB resident told me I was just constipated "oh it happens in pregnancy", gave me some laxatives and sent me home. I called my GI doc and he was furious he wasn't called in on it.
when i get my obstructions i ring ambulance. They're able to manage my pain and vomiting on way to hospital and i bypass the waiting room.i live alone and are unable to drive myself to hosp when i am obstructing.
I generally find that whenever you have to ask if you should go to the hospital, the answer is almost always yes, you should go.
I love reading all of your messages and thoughts because it makes me feel normal as far as the crohn's goes and it lets me know that I am not alone as I know no one around Duncan B.C that has crohn's.This site is so good to have I wish I would have found it three years ago.
I usually do but I make sure I'm pain-managed so its not too bad. If I'm obstructed its usually the first thing to come back up, anyway.

Its funny. When you drink the contrast they're always like "Let us know when you're done and we'll call down". I'm like "Call now". "Why". "Because my system works fast. I guarantee by the time you walk out if this room it will have made its way down".

Sometimes I am REALLY scared by people in the medical profession.

When I was preggo, I had an obstruction, and the OB resident told me I was just constipated "oh it happens in pregnancy", gave me some laxatives and sent me home. I called my GI doc and he was furious he wasn't called in on it.

That's terrible! in my experience there are some people that just should not be involved in the medical profession at all. Compassion goes a long way. I've had some very kind doctors and nurses and I've had some that were very cruel and one I would even go as far to say was sadistic.

Once when I was admitted, and had inflammation throughout and ulcers I had one nurse say "let's see how long you can go without pain meds" when I requested what my doctor had ordered.
I usually do but I make sure I'm pain-managed so its not too bad. If I'm obstructed its usually the first thing to come back up, anyway.

Its funny. When you drink the contrast they're always like "Let us know when you're done and we'll call down". I'm like "Call now". "Why". "Because my system works fast. I guarantee by the time you walk out if this room it will have made its way down".

Sometimes I am REALLY scared by people in the medical profession.

When I was preggo, I had an obstruction, and the OB resident told me I was just constipated "oh it happens in pregnancy", gave me some laxatives and sent me home. I called my GI doc and he was furious he wasn't called in on it.

I am currently 14 weeks pregnant, and I went into the ER thinking I was having an obstruction, and was told it was constipation. I've had a history with obstructions before and they still sent me home! Did you call your GI right away? I am not sure what to do.