Where do i turn now. op cancelled

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mum with a dogdy tum
Oct 10, 2007
where do i turn now. op cancelled

as you may all know i was gonna go into hospital in sept to remove my very annoying anul stump. all the plans were going well,the cat had a sitter, my son was gonna board at school. that was until news filtered through that a school in kent is closing down in july and most of the kids will come to my sons school and will be boarders. this means no room for my son to temp board. i can understand that perminant boarders have priority over temp, as they bring more money into the school.
so i have no option but to cancell my operation.

my options were to see if i can bring the opertaion forward to june or july. so after what seemed hours of phone calls i was told that the only way i can have the operation in june or july is too be admitted as a emergency case, via a&e.
to me, it seems they have the staff and bed, because they would find it if i was a emergency, so why cant they just do the op in the next few weeks?

any ideas how i get admitted into A&E? without abusing the system.
heck Sharon, i wouldn't cancel your operation in September.. not yet, at least - there may be a way round it.

is there no-one who could help out with your son? neighbours, family, friends?

what about trying ringing different hospitals in other areas near you... sometimes they have shorter waiting lists for various procedures... maybe somewhere could get you in for the op in July...
i agree with ding, anyone else could take care of your son?

but if not

the way ive gotten admitted thru emerg. has been thru either my GI or surgeon. can you call whoever is your dr in charge of you surgery and tell him about the problem, and have him be the force behind your admittance?
I also agree, don't cancel your operation until the very last minute.

How old is your son? If you don't have anyone to be with him 24/7, is there any way he could be left on his own if there were someone to look in on him once or twice a day? Such a person may be easier to locate. Any social services, perhaps part of the NHS, for such a situation? Must happen fairly often.
Ah Sharon...whatever you do ..don't cancel your appointment.
Time has a way of straightening things out and I'm sure
something or someone will come up to take care of your son.

Don't let this get you down...there must be a work-around.

david i cant leave my son on his own, he is 12 yrs old but has a mental disalbilty.

i phoned social services and asked if they could care for him in september. there answer was no as they can only take children into temporary care under emergency situation.
i still have a few more people to ask yet.
will keep you updated
Hi Sharon

Try not to panic yet, you've got a few months to work with, I wouldn't cancel til the very last minute, you never know, your son's school might have a cancellation or come up with a contingency plan, I'm surprised tho that they haven't given him priority over outsiders, considering it's his school, if it was me, I'd contact his school first and kick off there.
Have you spoke to the LEA? they're the ones who put up the dosh for boarders, give them a ring, wishing you luck
I agree with Joan about contacting the school. I am not familiar with how all that stuff works with boarding and things, but perhaps if you talked with someone pesonally about your situation they might be able to help out. :)
before i found out about the other school closing, i did speak with the LEA and stated that if he was boarding, then they would save on his taxi fares. the miserble woman said "transport was a different department from education. and education dont have any spare cash as people keep winning thier tribunials". what the heck? was she in a bad mood or what?
i can understand school accepting perminant boarders over my son. perminant boarders bring in around £19,000 a year whereas my son would only stay for a week, that will cost me £175. its not the money that is a problem, its just findin somewhere wher he can stay and where he is safe.
Hi Sharon

bloody typical LEA! money grabbin tossers!
You know you said son has mental disability, what exactly? has he got a statement for ASD? just wondering if it's worth phoning the National Autistic Society, they are brill for arranging respite care in emergencies.My school do Extended services, where they offer boarding, respite for outsiders too, the NAS can tell you which other boarding schools in your area offer this service. Failing that, how about Citizens Advice?
dont give up yet, something will come thro
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yes he has a statement, he has adhd, ASD, PDD, dyslexia and dyspraxia. THE LEA wanted this child in main stream secondary school!!! i know they have to protect public money, but come on guys.
Sharon, I'm so sorry you have to be sorting all of this out. I wish I lived on that side of the pond, I would offer to help watch your son!

Good luck - Amy
any ideas how i get admitted into A&E? without abusing the system.

Abuse the damn thing!! It sounds like the systems been abusing you.

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