I started with the lower left abdominal pain at least 5 years ago, probably more. At the time, I went to a Gastro, had a colonoscopy and an upper endoscopy for reflux symptoms. There was a tiny area of inflammation in the large intestine near to the small intestine. Biopsy was inconclusive. I just continued on with this annoying pain. Was having serious marital problems so it wasn't my main concern. Went back a few months ago and had another colonoscopy/upper endoscopy. Aside from a polyp (benign) and a very small ulcer, nothing was found. My GI then had me do the capsule endoscopy which came back last week with the multiple ulcers showing in the illeum portion of the small intestine. Now, throughout the last few years I've had bouts with considerable hair loss. Luckily, I'm Irish and had a lot of hair to begin with!! My bloodwork sometimes comes back as low iron, anemic. My GI is surprised that the pain is lower left abdomen as well but, that has never changed and always been constant. Exercise helps it subside a wee bit.