Which doc do I call?

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Jun 26, 2015
L has been getting bad headaches lately, and they seem to be increasing in frequency. I suspect they may be side effects from her meds, but I am not sure, and there is a strong migranoid tendency on my family. I am planning on talking to the nurse about it today or tomorrow, buti am wondering at what point I should be talking to her regular pediatrician. Lately it seems like I refer everything to the GI, but I don't want to simply assume they are going to have an answer, or if they do, that it is the right one. I also have a fatalistic feeling the pediatrician won't have an answer.
If there is a symptoms that may be related to GI but falls outside of his specialty I generally call the GI nurse let her know about it then I approach it with the GP/ped or the specialty the symptoms falls under.

I hope she feels better soon.
Since so many drugs can cause headaches as a side effect, I call the prescribing doc first and let them decide if I should go to ped or specialty.

I tend to find anything outside of normal kid stuff (strep, viruses etc) our ped says, check with GI. So I just start there.
I was always unsure re which doctor as well. I finally just asked the question to my son's GI. He said I was to contact his office with any concerns, if he felt it was IBD or med related and needed a referral, he would make the referral. If he felt it should be addressed by our GP, he would say so.

I use his advice as a 'general guideline' - with S's issues with a rash and chest pain over the past year, we went to GP first (didn't seem directly related to IBD/med), when GP couldn't offer a solution after a number of visits (ie vague heat rash and vague sore muscles 'diagnosis') and issues did not go away on their own after weeks, I emailed GI and asked if it could be related to IBD/med. In both cases, GI referred to derm and rheumatologist.

I also keep the GI aware of any medical issues that might affect lab results - when S dislocated his shoulder out of the country, I sent GI's office an email as I thought it might affect his CRP (GI's office called me to request a copy of doctor's notes and meds given to S). Also, if we ever need to go to ER for a non-IBD related issue, we always go to GI's hospital and request the info be sent to GI.

I'd suggest you ask your GI's opinion at your next apptmt - it really helped clear up my question re which doctor.
One last thing Ds was dx with recurring headaches and migraines prior to being dx
Neuro is a big help with the pain and prevention side of things regardless of the cause
For ds if he is weaning pred or having inflammation from anything pollen joints skin or gut we can count on headaches

We do let the Gi and allergist and Rheumo know
But the Neuro handles what to do about them

No need for the kiddo to be in pain
I know the feeling of not knowing where to turn. I'd say Ped, but expect a referral since we have complicated kids.