White mucus?

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Nov 4, 2013
Hi All :) Yesterday I had no bm's (I've been constipated) but today i finally went and this white stuff was twisted into my poo. It was very weird. I then had A bm twice more and i saw it look a little more slimy that time. What does this mean?

I am not diagnosed yet, colonoscopy in a week, also my blood work came back pretty normal.

Thanks all!! :hug:
I've have white mucus before. Just to rule one thing out, are you using any enemas, like steroid foam or anything that that? You'll definitely notice white stuff in your poo with that.
VeganOstomy, Thank you for the reply ! :) I am not using any enemas. I am not currently on any sort of medication except for my daily vitamin. :)
I suspect I do, after eating I get bad stomache pains, also a pretty constant lower right pain. I've also had blood in the stool & constipation. However, I look pretty much healthy on paper (blood work) my crp was in normal range! as was my sedemetation rate.

I just wonder when I have the results of the colonoscopy, what the results might be because my blood results show no inflammation, however I had a very slightly elevated white blood count.
I suspect I do, after eating I get bad stomache pains, also a pretty constant lower right pain. I've also had blood in the stool & constipation. However, I look pretty much healthy on paper (blood work) my crp was in normal range! as was my sedemetation rate.

I just wonder when I have the results of the colonoscopy, what the results might be because my blood results show no inflammation.

Good luck. I hope that what they find can be treated easily and that you don't have an IBD.

Your constipation could be the cause of both the bleeding and pain. Did it just start recently or are you prone to constipation?
I've had constipation on and off for quite some time now, i've also had the bleeding off and on. Crohns runs in my family as does colitis, but I just hope it's not related to this, hopefully whatever it is, it will be a quick fix!!
I've had constipation on and off for quite some time now, i've also had the bleeding off and on. Crohns runs in my family as does colitis, but I just hope it's not related to this, hopefully whatever it is, it will be a quick fix!!

Maybe prunes will be all you need! :) I'm hoping so. Please keep us posted.
I am finding that ibd is so much more complicated then what I thought. I have also experienced the white stuff in my stool, I usually have lots of mucus, but it is like jelly not what the white stuff was looking like. I am on medications now, but this was occuring before I started the meds and suppository.

All of my lab results came back normal, but when they went in they found the proctitis, this along with my other symptoms gave me an ibd diagnoses, just not sure if its crohns or uc. It just goes to show how irregular the disease is and how tests may not reveal anything. I am not sure what the white stuff is but it seems from what others have posted it is connected with the stomach problems. I hope you get some answers soon, good luck.
Thank you for the reply belovednokie! I'm glad i'm not the only one who had bloodwork that was normal but still having symptoms. I was beginning to think that maybe its all in my head. lol.

Best wishes to you in the future!
I always pass mucus, when my UC started it was white, but then it got yellow and once it was green, I always have blood now but when it first started it was just white mucus which looked like loo paper

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