Who can administer Remicade? (Dayton - Insurance)

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Mar 26, 2012
Does anyone know who or where all can administer Remicade? We've been going to the same office (The GI Dr.)for years but our insurance just changed and now it cost us $300 just for administering it. Plus more charges on top of that. I'd like to call around and see if there's someone who will do it cheaper and maybe even if we can buy the drug from a differen pharmacy to get it cheaper.
I've had mine done at the infusion center in a hospital, in the same place where they give chemotherapy. I think they do it there because it's similar to chemo, with premeds and monitoring. I had the prescription filled by the hospital pharmacy, because they have to prepare the infusion and then hang it within 3 hours.

I'm wondering if you know what's costing the extra money. Is it the actual drug or the infusion? Because of all the different elements, you don't have a whole lot of wiggle room to shop around, but a hospital might have negotiated lower costs for everything with your insurance company than a dr's office, which would leave you with less to pay. Hope this is helpful. Good luck :)
I get my infusions at the hospital infusion center also, but I know that some members actually have a nurse come to their home to administer the Remicade (Jessi, I believe, is one). I'm sure there is the cost of the medicine and the nurse, not sure what the price difference is to a hospital setting.
I'll hav to call the hospitals. The extra 300 is just to have the iv put in. on top of that the drug is now $90. With the old insurance the total for eveything was $50 so this is quite an increase.

i've never heard of a nurse coming to the house. i wonder who i could call for that?
I go to a private clinic funded by the company that markets Remi in quebec.

It's all included in teh medicine price. Which my insurance company pays in full.
This probably doesn't help you now, but I got mine done at Kettering Medical Center. This was 6 or 7 years ago and my insurance covered it in full. I do not know if my GI's office ever was in the business of administering it. You may want to check into KMC to see if it's cheaper.
Cookie - I will call them in the morning. Thanks for the tip!

Moogie - I've never heard of clinics funded by the drug company.
The company that gives me the remicade is called Bio advance. They actually do all the paperwork for my insurance company to make sure I have nothing to pay and they have some private clinics where you go to get the medicine.

Pretty neat stuff.

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