Why do colonoscopies always hurt so much?

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Apr 24, 2013
Hi all

I've had 2 colonoscopies in the past (one while I had active inflammation and one while I was in remission)

Both times they put an IV in my arm and gave me some cocktail of drugs to put me in a twilight-like state. This did not work at all! I felt completely normal, and the pain from the colonoscopy was so bad that I cried.

Am I just immune to these drugs? I don't have the option of being put to sleep, this is all they offer.

Really really not looking forward to the next one..
Do you know if they used propofol or not to properly knock you out? The first colonoscopy I had I know they didn't use it, so I felt it the whole time too. My recent one they used propofol and I felt nothing, and just woke up afterwards feeling fine.
Definitely mention it to your GI the next time you see them, as well as before you book your colonoscopy! That way they should use it on you too. I don't know why they don't use it automatically. :(
There's a serious Propofol shortage and the alternative, Midazolam, is better tolerated and less dangerous.
I read somewhere that they prefer not to knock you completely out when doing a colonoscopy as the doctor can get you to change position to aid the passage of the scope. I can understand why you are put off if you get bad pain. I wonder whether you need a different cocktail of drugs before the procedure. I've been lucky enough not to get much pain so prefer to be as awake as possible so I can watch what's on the screen and ask any questions there and then.

I was due to have my annual "check you're still in remission" colonoscopy just before Christmas but, having had a year of tests and appointments, my consultant decided that he would do a calprotectin test instead. He explained that research has shown that there is a good correlation between the calprotectin results and the level of inflammation showing up on a scope. It would be worth asking if it would be suitable for you

BTW - if the camera is going in from the other end I definitely want to be completely knocked out. Tried it once without - never again.
Both are rock and hard place scenario,s I now find colonoscopy prep impossible,so Houston we have a problem,the endoscopy I,ve had a couple of times and I just found them to be bizarre experiences,I mean how can you breathe with 3 feet of camera down your throat?and come to that why isn't,t poking out the other end?ah the joys of being a crohnie!
Definitely let your Doctor know that this is happening. With my first colonoscopy, I woke up and said something to my Doctor. According to him, I cussed him out while I was sedated. Oops.... I don't even remember doing that. Slightly embarrassing....

My second colonoscopy, I was given a cocktail of meds, including some narcotics. Low doses of what ever Michael Jackson ODed on actually. I can't remember the name of the meds off the top of my head. It worked rather well, I didn't wake up at all.

There should be more than one type of sedation medication that they can find for you. Good luck!!!
So I expressed my concerns today when I saw my GI and he completely dismissed me telling me we have to do a colonoscopy soon :/
You should insist on having propofol. When I have scopes without it, I experience THE WORST PAIN. I have to have propofol or the scope just can't be completed because of my pain levels.
If you can feel the pain it is so extremely bad, you need to insist on propofol if other options have not worked for you.
They always knock me out for mine. The prep is the worst. And then the gas afterwards is pretty bad too :(
So I expressed my concerns today when I saw my GI and he completely dismissed me telling me we have to do a colonoscopy soon :/

If your doctor dismisses your concerns and pains it's time to find a new one that will listen to you and treat you with respect. I briefly thought about switching gi's to one that was overseeing me while I was in the hospital, but the disrepect he showed me from treating me like inward stupid and talking down to me as well as not listening to me when I clearly stated I'd tried several protein shakes with the same results of nausea, pain, diarrhea and almost vomiting...he still told me I needed to try them. And told me to try the brands I just told him causes me to under go the symptoms.
I so sorry ! I know how you feel it happen to me! The doctor slamed the door because i was screemed. And told the nurses to grab me and push. As the gas went though and the doctor said it was the nurses falt!! I cryed for days then the dr. Could not find anything and wanted to do it again!! I Fired him!! So when i got a new dr. That i have now. I had my husband hold my hand all the way to the OR doors. That never happens! The dr. Read my report. Said that will never happen again! It did not. Also the anathesogist ! Are awear of it and take of me. It sounds that dr. Is not concern of your health. Move on to another one.call the hospital and tell them. So they could look in to it. Its your right. I would not do it till it is settled. They will have to sedate you befor. It will eat you up. :hang:

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