Welcome to this site. You will find so much valuable information and caring people.
There are so many that will give you great info regarding food. Everyone is different, but if you are still in a flare, some foods are better to be avoided. Usually most bland foods can be eaten during a flare. Low fiber foods: rice, white breads, applesauce, chicken soup and look into juicing on this site too. Gianni, a member on this site has lots of recipes that will give you great nutrients without the fiber.
Once you are in remission, the foods you eat can vary too. Some can eat almost anything but others have to stay away from spicy foods, acidic foods or lactose, to name a few. Everyone is different.
Keep doing research and asking questions.
that is great that you stopped bleeding. do you have pain?
Let us know, and you have come to the right place for help.
I love this site and it has helped so much as my daughter, 14, was diagnosed this year as well.
talk soon