Will I lose weight if I have surgery?

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May 12, 2011
I know the obvious, having to fast etc prior to surgery will make me shed a bit of weight BUT is there any dramatic weight loss until one feels better?

I'm just concerned as I'm still tossing up whether to have surgery (I'll be having the whole large bowel removed if I do); I'd only like a select few of my family and friends know. I'm worried that it'll be obvious that I've either been sick or had surgery, especially with my work and all those mothers that gass bag at school drop offs ;)
I'm sure it's different for everyone, but since my surgery I've lost a few pounds. I had an ileostomy and then had the ileum connected to the last few inches of my colon. I've been granny walking for the past week and my stomach can't handle much food anymore so I eat small meals through the day and drink ensure. I know I've lost at least three pounds though. I lost most of the weight after the first surgery when I had the bag.
I dropped 10 kilos.
I was on pred - so picked up 5 kilos. Then got very sick and only ate one small meal per day for about two weeks. Then had the op - no food for about another week ... Then small meals and super soft food. Still eating very small meals.
Weight loss was mostly muscle wastage.
I'm still pretty chubby around the middle. My arms and legs are like little sticks though.
I had a friend visit on Weds - he was a bit shocked at how frail I had become.
Frankly - I'm a bit shocked about it too!!