Wind probs post surgery

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May 7, 2012
Had the surgery friday. Been up and down and get conflicting stories. Was done by lap. I've thrown up every night, last night all acid and bile because still not really eating, the stoma nurse says it's working but only in part which is why I keep being sick. The worse thing is the wind pains, get worse after I eat anything and worse all day until i'm sick at night. I've tried the peppermint they've given me, i'm dubious, I've tried little walks etc, nothing seems to shift the pain, and apparently pain killers won't help. It wasn't what I was expecting. I figured i'd have pain but it could be dealt with, the wind pain has really gotten me down. Any suggestions on that, how long does it last, suggestions re the sickness? Docs think i'm medically fit to go, stoma nurses say no, and my bag keeps leaking too. Feeling quite down about these things atm
Hi persephone300,

I am sorry that this has been a stressful week for you. I don't personally have experience with having a stoma so I am not sure if some of the effects you are experiencing are common. I know that it is common after surgeries in general for there to be some time for your body to adjust to the changes that have taken place due to the surgery. This can last several weeks for some people.

In terms of eating, ensuring you chew your food very thoroughly and that you are eating slowly. This may help reduce overall wind. Your body is adjusting to a new way of transporting food through your digestive system so it is fairly common for their to be some initial pains and bloating that go away after a little while (once again this differs from person to person in terms of how long it takes to go away).

I personally did find walking to be helpful in dealing with excess wind. After my surgery (resection of my intestines) I did my best to walk as much as I could without over exerting myself.

Best of the luck with the continued recovery. It is very likely that these are just some minor bumps into what will otherwise be a strong recovery so try not to let yourself get down!

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