Wondering when I should go to the hospital?

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Sep 16, 2010
Through my childhood I had a lot of pain and ended up in the hospital getting tests, but they never really went in depth and told me that I just wasn't eating properly. About 2 weeks ago I started to feel constipated, but I was getting extreme diarrhoea cramps and always felt like I constantly had to go to the bathroom, but nothing would come out. It then got to the point where I was getting extreme lower right abdominal pain. Everyone was telling me it was just constipation and that I shouldn't worry. I finally got to the doctors about it because I was concerned, got tests and an ultrasound done, and they observed that where my small intestine and my large intestine meet is inflamed, I have mild hyperemia in that area, and decreased peristalsis. Not only do I have no clue what this means, but I have been in increasing amounts of discomfort and pain as the days go by. They are assuming it is IBD, most likely Crohn's, considering the conditions and my family history as well.

My doctor put in a referral for a specialist so I can have a colonoscopy, but there could be about a 3 month wait. I feel sick to my stomach constantly, I have a bump where my large intestine is when I lean back, and I feel extremely uncomfortable with sharp pains every so often. Every now and then I feel like I'm overheating and get headaches, which I assume is likely a fever.

Now, I have severe anxiety aswell. I'm only 18, and I don't know exactly what to do. I've been crying every so often when I'm in pain, but also because I assume that I'm supposed to wait until I'm in a lot more pain than I am now to go to emergency. I'm having a super hard time dealing with this thought, mostly BECAUSE of my anxiety. I'm wondering if I should wait, or go now? All advice would be appreciated. Because I'm very scared. I watched my cousin grow up with Crohn's, and it terrifies me because of the things she went through.
hi - welcome to the forum. i'm so sorry that you're suffering so much, and coping with anxiety too :(

it's really hard to even hazard a guess at a diagnosis here - we're not doctors - but we do get used to similar symptoms being posted time & time again, so sometimes we can make an educated guess - but that's all it can be. you really need that scope done - does your GI know just how much pain you're in, and about the lump, and the fevers?

some of what you describe sounds familiar... very IBD-ish, to me.

did the GI give you any advice as to how to cope until the scope date, with regard to diet/meds? 3 months is a long time to wait with that amount of pain :(

i think i would be inclined, if it were me, to go the ER - we don't need to feel that pain has reached an unbearable level before we're entitled to reach out for help - the fact that it's as bad as it is, and it has you in tears, is enough reason, i think. also, going to the ER might bring the scope date forward.
Well, I haven't even be able to see a GI yet. They're saying I could be waiting between a month and 6 months before I see a GI, and get a scope for that matter. Ive only seen my doctor, and she advised me to drink lots of liquids and stick to light foods and Boost. It's not helping me too much.

I'm just so overwhelmed and stressed at the idea. My parents keep assuming that I should wait until I'm in a considerable amount of pain to go. And I know that I'm not keeling over in pain, feeling like I'm about to die. But I am in an amount of pain that scares ME. I've already had one person tell me that it would be a waste because there's people in the ER that need more attention than I do. But I seriously want to get something done about it, I don't handle feeling sick very well and my anxiety is not helping. I need help. I've already missed a week of work because of my pain.
I have extreme anxiety also and that makes everything worse. So if it were me I also would go to the er no matter how scarey that is.
sorry - i didn't realise you'd said you'd only seen your doctor, not a GI yet.

regarding whether/when to go to the ER - i think you should listen to your own instincts - only you know how bad you feel, and although people will usually have your best interests at heart, they often don't totally understand how bad you're feeling right now.

i've also suffered with anxiety at various points in my life - but strangely enough, hospitals are the one place when the fear/panic lifts, and i feel safe there. i can't remember how many times i've visited ER over the years, for me, my kids, my mum.... and not once have i been told, or got the feeling, that i'm wasting anyone's time because there are people suffering more than we are.... if you think you will get reassurance, help, and get things moving quicker by going, then i would say go.
Other people should not tell YOU when you are in 'enough pain' to to to the ER.....it is your body and you nkow it best. That being said, what is agonizing for one person may be only mildly irritating to another. Me, for example - I have a very high tolerance for pain - and would wait until I was pretty much incapacitated before going to my Dr.....which would then lead to an admission straight to the hospital from his office.....

Where are you from? I can't see that if you are in as much pain and discomfort as you say, that you should have to wait months for an appointment....

My GI doc is at a very large, busy hospital, and I was able to schedule my colonoscopy just over a month out - could have had it earlier but I wanted a Friday :)

If the lump you are feeling is an obstruction, you really need to get that checked out sooner than later.....

Good luck with everything - I know there will be more replies here before long.....
Welcome to the forum. If you are in that much pain, please go to the ER. Like Pasobuff said, a visible lump could be an obstruction which can get very serious, very quickly and needs to be investigated. Best of luck and keep us posted :)
I dont have a high pain tolerance at allll. The only time I subjectively put up with pain was when I got my wisdom teeth out and decided to put up with the pain instead of taking the pain killers because they made me sick. I don't like pain. I don't deal with it well.

Im from Calgary Alberta (Canada), I guess there's a long waiting list. :\

I hope it's not an obstruction. We thought it was my appendix at first which is why I got the ultrasound, but when they were putting pressure on the lump it hurt, and that's where they found the wall thickening/inflamation and all the other things that they found wrong.

I've decided I will go to the hospital. I'm not sure how long my anxiety can put up with it, and I need closure as to why I feel and look so sick. Not to mention, I can't keep losing weight.
I suffer terribly with anxiety too. When I went to hospital two weeks ago, I had panic attacks in the ER. Sometimes we have to overcome this because our healthy is in jeopardy but you won't regret going to the hospital if they're able to give you some answers and some relief.
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Hi skepticism,

If it were me I would go to the ER, I just think it too long to wait when you have the symptoms you are describing. I always figure if it turns out to be nothing then you're no worse off and at the very least it gives you peace of mind. Sorry I just read where you have decided to go to the hospital :eek:

Perception of pain is a very individual thing. You may very well be right in stating you don't have a high pain threshold but when you have chronic pain it blurs what is normal. In effect what you consider to be a low indication of pain is for a person that does not normally experience it most likely at the higher end of the scale.

Please keep us posted on how things turn out.

Take care, :)
I've already had one person tell me that it would be a waste because there's people in the ER that need more attention than I do.

Do NOT listen to people who say things like that. They're the kind of people who need to see that your arm has been visibly torn off. Your pain is on the inside and can't be seen and the only way to know what's going on is to have all these tests done and since you have to wait so long to see a GI, better be safe than sorry because pain isn't normal and means that there's something wrong and as many people said, only you know how much pain is normal for you. I'm glad you decided to go to the hospital. Its best to prevent or nip something in the bud before it gets too serious such as an obstruction like others have mentioned. If the hospital can't find the cause then the one thing they can do is help with pain management and so can your GP (but I'd consult them after the hospital visit). And like Ding said, you may get that GI appointment and scope date pushed in your favor with an emergency hospital visit.
HI Skepticism..welcome!

As others have mentioned you go to see the ER and you have the right to be there! Yes there is a waiting period to see a Gi, I am in that boat too sort of. My current gi is retiring and my Gp is getting me another referral..Sometimes takes months. Depends on the area you are in. Many people from Calgary here so they can help you out too. Hang in there, let us know how you make out at the hospital.
If your covered and it won't cost anything go to the hospital for sure. When I was really bad it was either jumping off a bridge or going to the ER for some good ol' Ativan and Dilauded.
Hey and Welcome

Please get yourself down to A&E if your in that much pain you need help. I am so angry that you have been told you have to wait that long to see a GI, its a joke. If you don't get anywhere with A&E then go back to the docs and say you need to be referred urgently you can't carry on like this. How about taking your mum or dad? I used to always take my aunt with me and she was great at getting me seen.

Keep in touch and let us know how your doing. Remember your not alone.

Jo xxxx
Hey Jo, it is frustrating with the Canadian system. It isnt perfect and waiting times are being lowered, not much but depending on where you live the Gi's are not plentiful here. There are many internists but they don't specialize as well as Gi's. We have some people who do overload the system by people who are going in ER for things that a not an emergency situation because they dont have a doctor or they are getting a script for a cold or flu.
I got my current GI because of an ER visit. I was waiting on a referral, by the time the office of the GI called with an appointment I had already been in the hospital for a week and a half.
sorry dont know why but thought Skepticism was living in the uk things are obviously different here. Just so frustrating when people have to wait such a long time to see someone when they are that ill
Thanks for the help :)
I ended up spending 9 hours waiting in the ER on Thursday. Sort of just sat there in pain and nothing really happened. I saw a GI specialist the last half hour I was there and I'm now awaiting a call for appointments within the next two weeks. I'm not pleased with the service at the hospital at all, but it was worth the wait if I'm going to be able to see someone quicker. :D
Good for you! Ya the ER focuses on the obvious "arm chopped off" type of emergencies before they can get to you but the fact of the matter is that they DO get to you. What did the GI specialist say to you?
The hospital/ER route usually gets you a specialist faster than waiting for a GP's referral, and if unfortunately you need to be admitted you see one really quick.
That's how come across all of my Doctors.
I was referred to my current specialist after an ER visit too.
I was seeing a private specialist which was costing me a fortune and now I get everything bulk billed through the public system plus my GI is awesome :D
I'm glad you've been able to get pushed up the line a bit further and I hope you get some answers soon :)

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