Work Meeting with lunch provided.

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Jan 27, 2010
I just found out i have a work meeting in a few days where lunch is being provided. i do not now what is on the menu. i'm new to crohn's and still trying to figure out what i can eat and not eat. so i try to only eat new foods at home until i know how my system will handle it. i'm not sure if i should eat lunch before the meeting. it a big office so i dont know who to ask to find out the menu. I know if im not eatting at the meeting everyone is going to be asking why. im not really comfortable telling everyone i have crohn's ( a few close co-workers know). the meeting is 2 plus hours long. so long time to go if i have a problem with any new food. any help or ideas would be great. thanks
Yeah I would probably do as Erazer has said, or even try and find out who is organizing it and what is being served. Just tell them you are on a diet, and are really trying to stick to it. I have done that before, say how much Iam really enjoying my new diet and watching what you eat, its not a lie, and they all asume its just to lose weight or be healthier. :)
I agree with Erazer. My own approach to these things developed originally i) because I don't eat meat, and ii) I have a problem with eating in public which borders on the pathological... corner of a restaurant, OK; sitting round a big table at work... definitely not.
I tend to cram down some food at 11.30, before the meeting starts, then cheerfully decline whatever is offered. I then try not to gag when all these guys in suits are trying to talk and eat at the same time, usually spitting food particles all over the place... mmm... lovely!
Oh, the food anxiety! I'm sure we all know it too well....

I tell people I'm on a "medically restricted diet" or have "severe food allergies" and that shuts them up pretty good. Hopefully there will be a little something you feel comfortable with so you can fit it and not feel too conspicuous.

Good luck - let us know how it turns out! - Amy
when I have business meetings with lunch provided, I usually bring my own lunch. Most of the poeple in my office just think I'm crazy picky, but if asked I usually say I'm allergic to something or trying to figure out if I'm allergic to something. I've also pulled the "oh I forgot lunch would be provided, so I brought my own." Most people tend to be so distracted by the draw of free food that they don't even notice mine :) more for them hehe

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