I've had Crohn's since I was 20 and am now 61. I have osteoporosis due to (mainly) loosing 90cm of small intestine. Since june I have had back ache which has got worse and worse. It is worse after sitting around and sleeping. I have to get up and use the exercycle. I figured I must have some sort of enteric arthritis. The orthopaedic surgeon told me my disk has degenerated and a facet joint has been rubbing and is now worn. The facet joints have nerves in them. He said there is no successful surgical treatment "I could do xx and you would be back here in 3 years"?. Although I was listening carefully i was so shocked I couldn't take it all in. The surgeon seemed to think he was giving me good news.
I'm not sure which would be worse: hearing you are going to die or hearing you are going to live a semi invalid with bone rubbing on bone?
I'm not sure which would be worse: hearing you are going to die or hearing you are going to live a semi invalid with bone rubbing on bone?