Worried but, hopefully, unnecessarily :(

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Jun 14, 2011
Okay, I'm probably being really paranoid and stupid here :redface: but, guess I just need to get it out...

This morning, Stephen took the commuter train with me and, just before arriving, said he needed to get the bathroom right away. When he came back, he told me he'd felt really nauseated and had vomited. Okay, wasn't worried then - am 99% sure it was just motion sickness (we were on the second floor of the train, which sways a bit and he was sitting next to the window...).

But, now, am thinking he obviously rinsed his mouth, perhaps drank some of the water from the sink, etc. There are large signs on the train very clearly indicating that that water is not suitable for drinking purposes! :eek: But, I'm so worried now that, given the circumstances, Stephen certainly used the water to, at least, rinse! Now I'm so worried about if that water is contaminated, what chemicals are in it, etc. :ybatty:

I'm totally stressed over this and feeling like I may be feeling unreasonably stressed over it??? I've been feeling lousy with my own issues so am probably over-reacting just because I'm already stressed but... ugghh!

Just needed to vent I guess :(
UGH! Vent away Tess and totally understandable but the thing to remember is what is done is done and stressing about it now won't change it. Watch him and that infamous shoe. Did you search to find out why you shouldn't drink the water and what can happen if you do and what signs you should look for.

Boy I hope he just rinsed. And I hope you start feeling better with your own issues.
First of all I would be stressing out too so I totally understand. I agree with crohnsintinct google and see what the issue is with the water and what to watch for. Hopefully he just rinsed!
Sounds just like me - don't blame you one bit for stressing out. I remember worrying for about 3 weeks after Andrew fell into the little stream at the back of a friends house. Funnily enough only yesterday I nearly freaked out because we were out for Amy's birthday and had a group toilet trip (hate being responsible for other people's children) - anyway, I heard my mother-in-law wondering if the water was ok to drink the water in the public toilet. Amy had mentioned being thirsty, I was in the toilet thinking I'm going to sound incredibly paranoid if I shout out from behind a closed door, "Don't let Amy drink any of the water"!!!:ybiggrin:
Just bumped into him which, of course, gave me the opportunity to ask a million questions...

Well, he did not drink the water but did rinse with it. Not as bad as drinking, I guess but, still not happy about it. But, like Crohnsinct said, what's done is done.

But, seems it may not have been only motion sickness :( Said he had D this morning, before we left home, then vomited on train, then had D one more time this morning. :confused2:

Since he started EN, it's been normal for him to have D, fairly often, first thing in the morning (makes sense to me as he ingests the formula all night long)... but, it's never caused him to vomit or continue to have D later on in the day. My husband, who has a very sensitive stomach (once told he has IBS), had a terrible time with his stomach all weekend... hmmm, wonder if they both ate something and it's just affecting Stephen now (he said he's been fine till this morning)???

Hopefully, he'll be feeling better later (at least we already have an apptmt with his GP for Thursday :))

(But, just absolutely hate :ymad: that it takes almost nothing to start panicking about that 'other shoe'!!!)
Aaah! Stomach bug confirmed in our schools this a.m. got notice so maybe just a bug.

O.K. Paranoia confession here also...West Nile Virus is on the rise here in CT. 12 confirmed cases almost all in my county. They are closing parks and golf courses at dusk. THey advise any with compromised immune systems to stay out of parks and such after dusk. So where was O all weekend...at her youth group retreat in the woods!!!! They are outside all day and all night. I just laughed because seriously what are you going to do? Plus, her younger sister and I had a wicked cold so she honestly was probably safer in the woods.

Why oh why don't our friends with perfectly healthly kids not share our obsessions? They are missing out on all the fun! How boring would life be if colds were just colds and bugs just bugs and tired meant you just needed more sleep. I wonder how they make it through a day without checking their kids bm for color, texture and blood?

Have I told you lately how much I love you guys?

You're so right... bathroom water (not too worry, Sas, that would be me yelling 'nooooo' from the stall! :lol:), west nile (worried about that too when Stephen was reffing soccer! :lol:) OMG, does it ever end? I guess not...

and, yes... thank God that I can come on here knowing it will be perfectly acceptable to be neurotic about anything! :Karl: When it dawned on me that he'd rinsed/drank that water :eek:, I had that tingly feeling that runs through your body, thinking 'OMG!!!'

Thank you for calming me down! :lol: I'm sure part of the panic attack was just that I've been feeling like 'sh-t' lately!- cold, allergies, fibroids and really low iron! So, maybe I was just a bit too close to that edge of how much you can handle at once! :yfaint:

(((Hugs)))) Tess! I so can understand where you are coming from on this. Doesn't take much to set us in a tail spin does it? I doubt a little water rinse would have any impact. Maybe in the future he could bring a water bottle with him on the train...just in case. I'm surely hoping that he only has a touch of something and the symptoms have nothing to do with his Crohn's. I'm a bit skitzy today too as S had a bit of D yesterday. I'll be wondering all day until he gets home from school as to whether he had it at school too. This disease takes nerves of steel!!
Ohhhh let me join this club, paranoia is my thing!! I know where you are coming from Tess and hopefully just a rinse did no harm. C is having some weird issues right now, luckily no fever, joint pain or achiness but alot of D and it has me stressing, too. We just had remicade last Monday. Ughhh..that other shoe is killing me!
That no good 'other shoe', just waiting to kick you in the butt whenever it can! :ymad:

And, Shelley, you're so right... we all definitely need nerves of steel (or a couple of glasses of that wonderfully fortifying wine!! :D)

I had a similar experience with Johnny right after he was diagnosed. We were swimming in the ocean in Florida and he swallowed a ton of water. We were then told not to swim because the "red tide" came in. I was sure his stomach would be on fire. Nothing ever happened of course but I am sure those moments just come along with having this disease.

Also, I spoke to Johnny's nurse because we are going to the bahamas next month and I was worried about the water. She said to put him on a probiotic. Maybe you should have Stephen take one just to make sure the water didn't have anything in it?

Hope he is just having a virus and is better soon. :) Time will tell, ups and downs I think are normal but anything that sticks around too long gets me worried.
He didn't go to school this afternoon... just went home and slept for about 4+ hours. He's up now, ate some chicken and rice and wants to go play hockey at 10:30. Would've liked him to rest but I guess if he slept four hours... I'm still worried about rinsing with that water but, maybe it was motion sickness that caused the nausea to begin with and nothing will come of the water (please!).

The sleeping could be from 'whatever' made him sick or the fact that he's got a new routine now (a real life one! :lol)... he's started a co-op program at my company, working every morning and then goes to school for an afternoon class ('Food and Nutrition' of all things! :thumright:). But, this means he's getting up HOURS earlier than he's ever gotten up! Slept in all summer, come Sept, his school schedule was such that he didn't get up until 8:15/30... now I get him up at 6:15 to get ready :lol: Welcome to the real world! :D

I am going to ask his new GI about probiotics... I can't imagine that, when we go away, the chemicals in the pool will be any healthier!
Why oh why don't our friends with perfectly healthly kids not share our obsessions? They are missing out on all the fun!

Because then we would have to share our wine with them :eek: Also hate those friends who's kids seriously go out with no coat, no shoes, eat after people, lick their fingers after pushing a shopping cart....and NEVER get sick!!!

Seriously, I am glad I am not alone in the paranoid world of Crohn's! Waiting on the HACA and remicade results any day now! In the meantime, watching Ryan and every tired moment, lack of hunger is a "sign" that the results must be bad! AAAAGH!

Hugs for everyone! :ghug:
Well I for one never worry about such things Tess! Yikes! A big pink pig just flew by the window! :yfaint:

Oy, oy, oy. It would be easier to ask when I DON'T freak out at every little thing that I think is Crohn's or will trigger it!

I reckon the new schedule may well be playing havoc with his system too Tess. Matt has had some stomach aches and feeling nauseous the past couple of days and I have gone into ARRRRGH! mode big time! If I allow the voice of reason to come to the fore, it doesn't happen often mind :lol:, then I have to admit that it is likely due to him being tired. It's the end of semester and exams starting next week. I can't wait for him to get some decent sleep ins so I can go back to sunny dreamworld!

How is Stephen now hun?

Dusty. xxx
He seems to be fine... have no idea how soon after rinsing with the water he'd see any symptoms but I'm going with 3 days (3 days just seems like a good number to me :)).. so that's today and, so far, so good! :thumright:

We took the train again yesterday, so ever the 'once burned, twice prepared-for-every-possible-emergency', I asked him if he had a bottle of water in his bag... :lol: He replies that there are drinks available in the kitchen at lunch, but I tell him 'NOOO, in case you get sick on the train, be ready, take a bottle of water to rinse, who knows what's in that water...' :eek: I'm sure you can all imagine the exasperation in his rolling eyes! :lol: (Hid a bottle of water in my purse... :redface:)

Hope Matt gets through his exams without too much stress!! End of year is always such a busy time! :thumbdown:

And, hope all our other boys are doing better too... :ghug: Clash, Shelley (mom2oneboy) and jmckinley
3 days sounds very scientific to me!!! I'm glad there has been no issues. Don't you just love the teenage eye roll? It is such an art and my kids have it down pat!! Actulally, my son has elevated the eyeroll to an art and my daughter the exasperated breath sound and when they both get going well that is just teenage angst at its finest!!

Dusty, hope Matt gets some rest soon and all calms down quickly!!
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I reckon 3 days is plenty Tess! :) But yeah, 3 is a pretty handy number...the 3 day fridge rule, the 3 second floor rule...:lol:

But oh so fab to hear all is well!...:mademyday:

The eye roll...:rolleyes:...the sigh...(((SIGH)))...and then add the look! You know the look, a cross between if looks could kill and something that could scare a dog off a meat cart!

Thanks guys, :hug:, Matt seems better tonight. :) Last day of uni lectures for the year tomorrow and then just his exams before 4 months off! Do ya reckon he will get enough rest?! :lol:

Dusty. xxx
Always seems so odd to hear you talk about your schedules down under... here we are just starting the school year :) Bet you're smelling spring in the air and I'm pulling out the flannel sheets! :ymad:
Sorry I have no idea about the teenage angst you girls speak of. O invites me to join her in the bathroom ALL the time..kisses and hugs me when I remember her medication or remind her to get her rest, where her jacket or say no to a questionable activity etc. Sounds like a problem in the child rearing if you ask me.

JMK: Those remi level tests can take up to a week to come back. Hang in there girlfriend!
kisses and hugs me when I remember her medication or remind her to get her rest, where her jacket or say no to a questionable activity etc.

Hmmm... and this is BEFORE or AFTER the Magnolia cupcake bribe! :lol:
^^^^Yeah crohnsinct! and I'll throw this in for good measure! :kissgrits:

@Tess. Bloody oath! The cherry blossoms are looking a treat through my puffed up watery eyes! :lol: Thank god for Zyrtec!

Dusty. :Flower:
UGH! Fall allergies in CT are a bear! three of us just cleared but today they just hit O big time today...of course it doesn't help with all the outdoor trail running she does for cross country...who let her pick THAT sport?

Ugh! Just realized this is our first allergy attack with IBD....but I am not coming out of my bubble...no way no how...you can just have the cupcake brought in thank-you very much...
Really?? You don't have Fall allergies there??? :lol: What's 'hayfever' to you? To me/us, it's allergies to the pollen in the air in the Fall. We also have spring allergies, but mine are very mild, if any, compared to the Fall hayfever. (Hayfever - congestion, coughing, itchy nose and eyes, red or swollen eyes, hives, etc. but, not necessarily all at once! :eek:)
Oh yeah, we have seasonal and perennial hay fever but I don't know anyone that suffers with allergies in Autumn! Doesn't mean on one does of course! :lol:

By far the worst time of year here is Spring. Atchoo!
All I can say is ACHOO! It's fall in Kentucky, y'all. Everyone's sneezing!


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