Worried for my son

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Jun 6, 2011
worried for my son

Little Zach has lost 8lbs since Sept. Lately he's complained of his tummy hurting and feeling like he's going to throw up and he has diarreah a lot. He's also been running fevers off and on for awhile. He's also had 2 ear infections, one on Feb and one he's now getting treated for. I'm feeling a little lost and not sure what to do. I have had crohns disease for the past couple of years and I'm feeling like he may have crohns or something like that now(although I've had that feeling since the first time I saw him poo blood when he was a month old) Advice please!!
Gosh! I am so sorry your son isn't feeling well.

Was he given antibiotics for his ear infections? Did the diarhea and nausea and tummy aches coincide with that? I know they can cause those symptoms sometimes. Hmmm but many of us will caution on shrugging these convenient coincidences off.

However, the weight loss (8 pounds! how old is he) would concern me and given your history with Crohns I would say it warrants a call to your ped at the very least. My ped says "a mother always knows her child so if you are worried call".

I am sure others with far more experience than I have will be along shortly.

Good luck and keep us posted!
His stomache aches have coincided with his fevers or his ear infections but I feel like there's something more going on you know? Last October during his well visit checkup his ped told me he only gained a pound and he seems to be getting worse you know...weight loss wise and with his stomache aches :( His medicine doesn;t seem to be affecting his stomache or anything...I dunno I'm confused :/
Hi there!

I am so sorry that your son, Zach, is not feeling well. And I can fully understand your concern. I can't offer any medical advise, but I would definitley talk with his doctor about your thoughts. He might even be able to put your mind at rest.

Take care of yourself - and let us know how you go.
Sorry to hear about your son. It would definately be worth getting him checked for Crohns - has he had any tests? Maybe a colonoscopy and endoscopy which apart from the no eating before, is not too stressful because they put children to sleep while they do them. At least you would know for sure.
I really hope you get answers soon!
Oh my, I'm so sorry to hear about Zach...:hug:

I think the only way you will find any peace of mind hun is to go with your gut and I would start by discussing your concerns with the doc. In the interim start a diary, if you haven't already done so, so you have something concrete to refer to and validate what you are seeing and feeling. Have you seen the one in the wiki?...

I so hope your boy is okay. Please keep us posted on how he is doing. Good luck!

Dusty. xxx
So sorry to hear about your son, it's so tough when they are so young and you don't have any answer. I would call, the answer isn't always what you want, but it beats the stress of not knowing and always second guessing.

I hope and pray that everything works out for Zach and your family, let us know.
I hope you get some answers. Such a shame for a little one to go through all that. The good news is you understand what your child is going through. You keep searching for the answers!

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