Would acid reflux cause lower pain and all over abdminal pain?

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Feb 3, 2016
I'm a Crohn's patient that is going through trial and error to adjust my remicade dosage after five years. I've started flaring early so we moved to six week cycle. I still flared early and even a week after the infusion was having symptoms so, I went to see the doc.

I've been having intense abdominal and back pain. Doc ordered blood work, upper GI and small bowel follow through
-----CRP was normal
-----No blockages
-----Acid reflux damage

Doctor's nurse called and advised me to switch from Nexium to Prilosec and that seems to be the extent of treatment they want to pursue at this time.

Would acid reflux damage be sufficient to cause my entire abdomen to be tender, sharp intermittent abdominal pain and lower back pain? I thought reflux would be more localized to the upper GI.
I wonder if the lower back pain could be arthritis,? Have you talked with your doctor about your symptoms?
I have discussed the symptoms in detail but because of the blood work and other tests they keep saying that I'm not flaring but it feels like a flare. I always get lower back pain when flaring. I don't think it's arthritis because I had an infusion two weeks ago and the arthritis pain in my knees cleared up since then.
Someone told me once something like you know your body better. Even though the doctors say you aren't flaring you may be flaring. I had an enterography last year and was told I was in remission . I felt like I was still having symptoms . They did another enterography and found active disease . You may ask them to test you again or do some further testing.
I think you might be in a flare, your blood could be normal but the only way to know for sure are some test like ct etc. My flare showed normal blood but active disease on scans

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