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Jun 6, 2012
Does it sound like an IBD?

Hey everyone :)

Some of you may know the gist of what I'm suffering with, but I haven't really asked this before and as IBD sufferers I'm curious as to what people think.

I've been suffering with bowel problems for about 10 months now. I had severe diarrhea throughout the last two months before my baby was born, and severe abdominal cramping of which was never looked into. I used to hae to take paracetamol on nights it would occur, and would have to wait for the pain to pass but I've never felt anything like it before.

After my baby was born, my bowel problems continued, with gas, a frequent incomplete evacuation sensation and frequency issues (up to 8 times daily sometimes). My stools were on the looser side but still formed. My previous doctor was convinced nothing was wrong and it was related to past mental health anxieties. After going back several times complaining of the same symptoms the most they gave was a rectal exam (physical) and told me nothing was wrong and I was constipated. I was a bit confused seeing as I'd been going loads during the day but took their word for it, however nothing relieved my symptoms. The doctor finally put me on mebeverine for IBS without a proper diagnosis.

I kept querying this, but they kept fobbing me off and in the end I switched doctors.

My current doctor thinks I have a bowel inflammation pointing more towards something similar to my brother (UC) as bowel problems run in the family. I'm curious what makes him think this and wondered if anyone can tell me whether my symptoms would be very IBD like as my brother was very sick with colitis and although I have difficulties I nowhere near had the same symptoms as he did.

I have passed what looks like coloured marroon mucus or a jelly like substance previously, and had coloured mucus on my stools very occasionally, but nothing that is bright red nor have I passed fresh blood in the toilet. I feel incomplete evacuation most days (almost everyday) though I now realise its because my bowels literally don't empty in one movement and I don't get satisfaction, and need to pass more. When I 'flare', despite meds my frequency will be more often (sometimes 4 times, sometimes more), I feel rectal pain, incomplete evacuation and have loosely formed stools. I get a bit nauseas and crampy too. This doesn't happen everyday and usually the mebeverine can bring me down to twice a day if I avoid fibre, tea, etc (things that make me worse). I will still have the incomplete evac most days though but just the feeling like I need to go except on flare days when I do go too much.

Does this really seem like an IBD to you? I know my brother had incontinence issues and severe severe diarrhea and blood to the point he couldn't get out of bed, and although I suffer fatigue every day I can get up and do things most days. Can some people have milder cases?

Sorry for the long post, I was just curious on opinion. I know that I would only get a true diagnosis from a colonoscopy but my doctor is reluctant as I'm only 27 and he believes that it is more likely to be inflammatory. (I did tell him about the IBS diagnosis but because of the dark mucus he's second guessing it)

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You can absolutely have a milder case of IBD. Some people have mild crohn's or UC, but if it is left untreated, it can turn into a more severe case.

I would maybe follow up and have some tests done. I obviously don't know if you have an IBD, but if you are having problems, it wouldn't hurt to get checked out.
Ah okay :) I'll see what my dr says when I see him next. My brother is in remission now and doing much better, I'm having a hard enough time but would hate for it to get worse than it already is! Thanks for your opinion! I didn't know there were milder cases and will definitely see what he can do!
Maroon colored slimy mucousy stools plus incomplete evacuation makes your case suspicious for some sort of inflammatory process in the rectum, such as UC or Crohn's. A lot of people with UC start off that way.

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