I've been pondering the idea of having our wonderful programmer, Who, create a custom food diary for us. However, it would be a food diary on steroids in that it would also allow you to enter how you feel at certain times of the day. The system would then allow for statistical analysis to point out potentially problematic foods or ingredients.
I ask if you'd be interested because:
1. Coding this would be very time consuming and expensive.
2. It would only work well if a lot of data was entered.
3. I'd be a sad panda if it wasn't utilized after all of that.
And nobody likes a sad panda.
I've posted this poll in multiple forums to make sure people see it. Please only vote in one Thanks!
I ask if you'd be interested because:
1. Coding this would be very time consuming and expensive.
2. It would only work well if a lot of data was entered.
3. I'd be a sad panda if it wasn't utilized after all of that.
And nobody likes a sad panda.
I've posted this poll in multiple forums to make sure people see it. Please only vote in one Thanks!