I have Crohn's Colitis.
I was Vegan for nearly three-years and the combination of high fiber and anti-nutrients caused my flareup.
I cut out ALL fiber about six weeks ago as to allow my GI tract to have as much easy to digest food as possible.
Regardless of what we've all been brainwashed into accepting as normal, we were not designed to consume so much fiber, but I will eventually reintroduce plant foods into my diet.
And the "Eat Right 4 Your Blood Type Diet" has people who swear by it (I have not tried it yet).,
UNSAFE animal products for me:
Bacon or any other kind of Pork
Bleu Cheese Dressing
Probiotic drinks such as Kevita
Carbonated beverages;The gas really does irritate the lining of my GI tract.
My only condiments are mustard, salt and pepper.
Ice cream usually causes diarrhea
Hot sauce or any other hot spices (PACKED with anti-nutrients)
Chewing gum causes the secretion of digestive enzymes and it causes gas
Yogurt just sits in my stomach like a lead weight.
And I urge anyone reading this to avoid nuts, seeds, bread and other grains that have not undergone thorough fermentation to remove phytates and other anti-nutrients, to avoid Deadly Nightshade Vegetables, oats, brown rice (HITE RICE is much safe as it won't be like sand paper in your gut), avoid ALL fiber supplements.
Please consider reading a book entitled "The Fiber Menace"https://www.amazon.com/Fiber-Menace-Constipation-Hemorrhoids-Ulcerative/dp/0970679645/ref=sr_1_1?hvadid=241579854453&hvdev=c&hvlocphy=9005545&hvnetw=g&hvpos=1t1&hvqmt=e&hvrand=15896875794481838634&hvtargid=aud-676677759524%3Akwd-370335503967&keywords=the+fiber+menace&qid=1553321909&s=gateway&sr=8-1&tag=googhydr-20 and check out the You Tube channel, "Gut Sense"
Every physician's and Gastroenterologist's office should ask their patients if they are Vegan and do an overall assessment of their diet.
Foods that seem to work best with me:
Just about all other animal products such as turkey, chicken, liver, beef, fish, eggs, raw and/or aged cheeses, some dairy, butter-These are all fine.
I have had ultra-low pasteurized milk (145 degrees for forty-minutes preserving most of the enzymes) and have felt GREAT after drinking it.
And for laughs, here in Buffalo, NY have I have a CSA share, community supported agriculture-all produce and due to my flareup, I have had very little vegetable fiber in six-weeks or so-THANKFULLY, I have some people who can use this organic produce.