Would you go to the ER?

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Oct 11, 2009
I have had a fever night after night (between 101.4 and 103). I have been in so much pain for weeks that I can not work. The pain is incredabbly intense and it never lets up. It hurts too much too eat and causes too much cramping, so I have lost more than 10 pounds in the last few weeks (I didn't have it to lose). I also have completely lost my apatite. Blood in my stool and also vaginal bleeding.

My Dr is not taking me seriously because I am in the process of getting a new Dr (my current one stops taking my insurance Dec. 1) and so she has basically already written me off.

I feel very desperate and alone. My fiance is taking good care of me, but I have no relief from pain.

Would you go in? Would they be able to do anything if I did? I am very sad and I feel like I can not take this anymore pain wise. I tend to be the type to try to ignore this disease, but I don't feel like I can right now.
Jer's Girl,

I have gone through this situation many times, the pain and everything causes me to over heat, the nausia and pain take away the urge to eat. the last time I waited 1 month with the pain and lost 50 pounds, lets just say the doctors were annoyed when I finally went to see them. you should go to the ER, don't suffer anymore than you have to.

Thank your lucky stars for your fiance, just the moral support will help you.

now stop reading this and get to a ER, pronto... :)
I think you should go to the ER. If you can't eat and are in incredible pain for an extended amount of time, that is what the hospital is there for. I hope you feel better soon!
Yes, you need to have it checked out - that much pain could be a blockage - or an infection - don't wait or it could get worse...hope you feel better soon
heres What i go by.

Pain is one thing. intense or not You have Crohn's..

If the Pain is major WHEN you eat... and you have swelling and discoloration. YES u go.

If your intense pain and it goes away from gas relief or a bowel movement.. You can rule out something.

All day pain and you just can not eat from it? I feel like that ALL DAY and never once went to the E.R. Which is probably Why i am so thin. I always followed up with my doctor to get treatment.

To make a long story short.. You have to Demand Your G.I to do something.. I dont care if its just getting some norco, or some type of painkiller until your next remicade treatment for example.

Suffering sucks.
I'm hoping that you went already JG. That much pain for weeks needs to be looked at. Also, if the fever is just from some virus, it's not as big of a big deal for a few days. But if it's related to the Crohn's then it is. Better to be safe then sorry. If you THINK you need to go to the ER, then you probably do. Hope you get to feeling better.
Let us know how you made out there.
Thanks everyone for responding. It means so much to have your support.

I didn't go to the ER last night and decided to call my Dr again in the morning and ask her if she would admit me. As it turns out, she is on vacation so I was referred to another Dr who said that he didn't understand why I wanted to be in the hospital or be seen by a Dr because pain and not working and not eating and losing weight are just a part of Crohns. He was pretty condescending. He said that I should go to the ER if I felt like it but no one is going to take the time to see me since I see my new Dr next week.

I am so tiered of this disease. I am so sick of my life being torn apart by it. I am just so sad. I really am not functioning at all. I can't do anything and I feel so useless. I feel like I will never be taken seriously. I can't stop crying I am so frustrated.

Thanks for listening and for all of your advice. Just venting at this point.

I am feeling a bit better since I haven't eaten anything all day. I guess there is no point in going to the ER at this point.
oh that makes me so cross!!! just because you're seeing a new doctor soon does NOT mean that there's any rule to say you can't need help right now!!

please, ignore those stupid doctors - if it was their wife or daughter suffering as you are in front of them, i would bet any amount of money that they'd take it seriously and get them help. go to the ER.. go while you're like this, tell them how bad the pain is, how you can't stop crying, and how the doctor has given you absolutely no support or help...

let us know how it goes. but please - go!
Jer's Girl said:
Dr who said that he didn't understand why I wanted to be in the hospital or be seen by a Dr because pain and not working and not eating and losing weight are just a part of Crohns.

:mad: :awe: This makes me boiling mad just sitting here read this! yes it is a part of the Crohns but it doesn't and shouldn't control your life or overall wellbeing like that. It shouldn't matter if you will have a new Dr. in a week they should still take care of you and relieve the pain and symptoms thats what they are paid to do. JG please take care of yourself don't wait to long to get help it's not worth being a hero over or so Ive been told...
Jer's Girl said:
...pain and not working and not eating and losing weight are just a part of Crohns. He was pretty condescending.
Grrrr. This makes me furious. Those things are a part of Crohn's when it's not well managed! It's not something that you should just accept or put up with.
When I was to the point of crying over my symptoms, I would end up going on prednisone. I can't remember if you are on anything at the moment, but that might be worth a try.
Since you haven't had anything to eat yet and you feel better, I wonder how you would feel drinking some Boost or Ensure? Or maybe just chicken broth or something like that?
I hope you have such good results with your new doc next week.
My Butt Hurts said:
Grrrr. This makes me furious. Those things are a part of Crohn's when it's not well managed! It's not something that you should just accept or put up with.

Exactly! There are way too many doctors out there who won't do anything unless you're so bad off they have no choice.

Don't settle for this! You need to be able to have a better quality of life so you can live somewhat normally again. There are so many different treatments out there that you don't want to be stuck with a doctor that will just let you deteriorate until surgery is your only option left. If you feel like you need to be seen at the E.R. then go!

I really hope your new doctor is better. A proactive doctor makes a world of difference.
Grrr...I hate doctors so much. If you go to the ER they WILL treat you whether or not you are seeing a new doctor.
If the pain is unbearable go. There is no reason to suffer because some doctors like to sit around with their thumb up their ass collecting a paycheck.
You all are so wonderful! I bet a lot of you know just what it feels like to not be taken seriously and to feel like things will never get better.

Fortunatly, I am doing some what better today. The pain is not as excrushiating as it has been. I have lost more weight (5' 4" 102lbs now), but that is more hard on me mentally than physically. I look pretty awful.

Pewpew, I really hate Drs. too. I have only ever had one that listened to me and she moved.

The temporary Dr called and said that he could ether prescribe me some steroids (shudder) without seeing me or I can wait until I see my new Dr. Personally, I rather actually be seen by a Dr before I make a big decision like going on steroids. I will if I have to, but they make me crazy and have never helped. I am on Cimzia now, but that is obviously not helping.

If I feel really terrible again tonight, I will go in. I promise. Thanks to all of you for your support and advice. It means more to me than you know. I think what I need most right now is just to have someone listen to me and not just blow me off, so you all fulfilled that roll for me since the Drs wouldn't. You all are the best!
You have to have some quality off life. Sorry to hear the Dr. are jerking you around so much.

Do what is best for you and take action. There is no reason to live like that. Hopefully you can get some action from the "medical professionals" soon.
Jer's, I'll tell you like my brother did to me. " either you walk to the car or I carry you out." He weighed over 300# and I only weighed 118# at the time. Well I weigh 175 (down from 225 about a year ago) now and your only 102. You decide.

Here's where I give you the big brother stare. Don't make me give you the evil eye. lol
Awww thanks guys! I actually am feeling better. I don't know how or why. This is the weirdest disease ever and I don't understand how this pain can just come and go. I have an appointment with my new Dr. on Tuesday, which isn't so far away now. I think at this point it would be more productive to just wait and see him since I am feeling like my pain has become a little more manageable.

I will say, if I am ever in pain again like I was earlier in the week I WILL go to the emergency room without hesitation. I wont try to suck it up or be a hero again. I really appreciate all of your support.
you know what my doctor says at the university of chicago (Dr david Rubin).. PAIN IS NOT ACCEPTABLE. This is 2009 and Crohn's is treatable.

If you have pain, there is a reason for it and he does a SMBT...

Glad I started seeing him.

He says Prednisone and Narcotics are the 2 worst drugs for Crohn's.

I hate suffering 2.

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