Years w Crohn's & Current Age????

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Aug 30, 2014
Hey There,

I thought it would be interesting to hear how old all of you are and how long you've all been diagnosed with Crohn's disease. I understand that Crohn's is considered a "young persons disease." I'm just curious because I haven't really met too many older people with this disease and the ones I have met, have not been diagnosed very long.

I have had Crohn's for 21 yrs and I am 34.
Diagnosed 23 years ago and I'm now 32 years old.

Back then I was told it was a disease that only older people get. I don't think it's either personally even with more and more younger people being diagnosed. I've heard so many stories about older people toughing it out and not going to the doctor or assuming it's their diet but not willing to change their ways. Just a year or so ago my grandma was diagnosed with Microscopic Colitis (another form of IBD) after having bowel issues for a long time. My mom made her go to the doctor just like parents these days will take their children to the doctor if something is wrong. One of my husband's grandma's also died from an undiagnosed bowel condition. Both of my parents and my grandpa have been showing symptoms but none have gone to the doctor because they have poor health insurance (that may be one of the biggest problems in the USA when it comes to people getting a diagnosis).
I was diagnosed in July 2014 BUT I believe I've had Crohn's for 39 years!! I'm now 49!!! Long story..... Many misdiagnoses!!! Ugh!
I'm 45, officially I have had it for 27 years. I believe however that my first real attack came at 5 years old (based on vomiting, diarrhea and pain that went undiagnosed at the time, was though to be appendicitis), so it would be 40 years in total.
Age 61, 44 years diagnosed (it was called regional enteritis) when appendix and 7" of small bowell removed.
Diagnosed at 29, after at least 7 years of undiagnosed complications and serious struggles.

So... 8 years diagnosed, 15 years of disease that I can figure.
I was diagnosed roughly 5 years ago (i can't remember if I was diagnosed in 2009 or if i became symptomatic in 2009). I went a year with severe symptoms before getting a proper diagnosis. Had stomach issues since high school and started passing blood after I had my son in 2006. I'm going on 28, just had a daughter and the disease is raring it'suugly head again...
Symptoms started around age 22, then got really bad around age 26. Diagnosed at 27, now I'm 34. So diagnosis is 7 years ago, but symptoms go back 12+ years ago.
Crohn's symptoms but undiagnosed for over 10 years, diagnosed Crohn's for over 40 years. Am now aged 71.
I was diagnosed with UC a year ago yesterday... on my 21st birthday. It's been a heck of a year. My brother was diagnosed with crohn's 10 years ago at 24.
I'm 46 and have had Crohn's for 28 years. Wow, I just realized I've had Crohn's for more than half my life.
Was diagnosed at 22, close to four years ago. 26 now. Symptoms started at age 16, right after my traumatic brain injury.
Symptoms since I was 6 (so that is almost 14 years ago) and diagnosed 10 years ago.
And I will be 20 in December.
I'm 25, diagnosed 4 years ago a few weeks before my 21st birthday. Never had stomach problems before...after several months of eating college dining hall food, I developed abdominal pain in Spring 2010.