Yeast infection

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Sep 16, 2012
Sigh, I have a gross question. I've been having a very bad flare and my GI is going to put me on prednisone but before we do that he wants me to give a stool sample just to rule out that I don't have an infection. Thumbs up for him being thorough. I don't have the lab order right in front of me but I'm pretty sure that one of things they check for is cadida.

However, I got a sinus infection on Monday and have been on Augmentin which has resulted in me getting a pretty bad yeast infection. I took diflucan last night. I'm due to give the sample tomorrow but I'm worried that if I have a yeast infection that it might show up in my poop too and make my doctor think that's what making me flare? When actually my flare started over a month ago and my yeast infection has nothing to do with it. Anyone know? I realize this is a pretty edge case scenario!

Thanks, ladies. Sorry for all the unfortunate over-sharing.
Hey there,

This a place to share and over share as much as you need to:). I dont think that your doc would think the yeast infection would cause a flare. Im not sure if they can. I have had more than my fair share of yeast infections, and they never made my flares worse. The flare could have even cause the yeast infection, if your body is freaking out and has too much to try to fight off, leaving it more vulnerable. I hope everything gets better for you, God bless.
Hello from the other side of the hill in California. I think you are first Los Angeleon I have found on this forum. I don't know if the yeast from your vaginal infection would show up in your stool. I would just be very clear with your doctor about the progression of symptoms so that he knows which came first.

Good luck!
Thanks, ladies and fellow Angeleno! I'll my give my doctor a heads up just in case. If it messes with the results and I have to re-submit another sample I will be devastated! The first time I had to do it over the summer it was THE grossest thing I've done (and I've had colon cancer which came with its own set of gross tests!) and I dry heaved through the whole "collection" aspect of it. Just gotta hold my breath and close my eyes (I wish) and get through it!
I think that the medications you are taking might skew your stool testing. If I were you, I'd call the doctor's office and talk to one of the nurses. Tell them the latest illnesses and resultant meds, and ask them if you should wait a specific period before collection the specimen.

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