You are joking, what's wrong with me???

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Oct 16, 2010
Okay, now I do not use it all the time because I don't have to but I have a handicapped hang tag for my car. I only use it when things are kicking. Well today I can barely walk due to back/hip pain and my ankles are swollen to where I am wearing my husbands bedroom slippers...are you following this? I had a doctors appointment (otherwise I would have been at home on the couch) and I needed to go to (surprise) the pharmacy. So I parked in the handicapped spot WITH my hang tag, got my CANE and hobble to the door to go in. Do you believe that some nutso with a death wish had the nerve to ask me who I thought I was and that I had no right to park where I was parked! I almost beat her with my cane. I looked at her and asked her very politely if she would please take my "non disease" and my imaginary pain for one day. Then I shook my cane at her and began to hobble toward her with a very mean smile. She took off like a scared rabbit! Okay, I know it wasn't nice and she is entitled to her opinions but really! Thinking I am faking? It just really chapped cookies, ya know? Okay, I feel better and I hope that you all are giggling like I am now. Was really annoyed until I typed this all out.
yep giggling..... Im sorry you met one of those ppl. They seem to be everywhere. I have a great visual of you in large brown bunny slippers. Yes i know may not be the slippers of choice for you husband, but hey... thats what im visulizing. Im sorry you don't feel good. You have your tag for a reason, so use it when you need to.
Wow, some people are so horrible! That woman obviously has no concept that some pain isn't obvious to the casual observer. I'm sorry you had to go through such an annoyance on a day when you were already feeling lousy. I love the bit where you hobbled menacingly towards her, though! I did laugh at that. :) Hopefully that scared her enough that next time, she'll just keep her big mouth shut.
That was the plan. To be honest, as crappy as I felt yesterday, I giggled thinking of it most of the night. When I explained it to hubby I thought we were both going to be rolling on the floor. I just need to remember that she is a person and she has her problems...maybe she missed her nail appointment? He, he.
lol i love it! good blows my mind that people have the nerve...but ...wait..doesn't it take a village or something like that? LOL!
It is amazing isnt it. Congrats on the reaction not meam at all.

I had a woman at my university yell at me for using a handicap washroom because the mens was taken (1 stall bathroom) I said I wasnt aware I had to discuss my disease with her and walked off. She was shocked.
Good for you. Yes I was laughing.

I have to add that my mother is an amputee, and also has a handicap parking permit. I could not even begin to count the number of times I've seen people say mean and rude things to her about parking in the handicap spots....and to their shock and amazement they don't know what to do when she KNOCKS ON HER WOODEN LEG!!! People just don't think.
LOL, I love that you shook your cane at her. I love that she ran away. Maybe she'll think twice next time she wants to open her big mouth and express one of her opinions.

I have no problem with other's opinions. My problem lies in their sense of entitlement in expressing those opinions to me. It's none of their business. If she had a problem with you parking in the handicapped spot she should have called the cops. Instead she thought she'd get away with bullying you, but I guess you showed her.

I'm having a good laugh over this. People need to mind their own damn business.

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