You know you need a new doc when...

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You know you need a new doctor when yours can't stop talking about the color of your eyes and asks if you've ever wondered of there is a connection between Crohn's and blue eyes. Yes, I'm serious, that actually happened to me.
That's weird about the blue eyes. Maybe you should start a survey, LOL!

I have blue eyes.
I knew I was finding a new doctor when he said, "Why the hell did those F'ing nurses call me in now. You are nowhere close to delivering this baby. I've got patients waiting for me at the office. Get the vacuum attachment".....Three minutes later, "Wow, that was a big have quite a large tear."
I no longer go to male gynecologists!
My next two deliveries were c-sections....
When he held my 5lb baby up in one hand and said "there is NOTHING WRONG with your baby... But there is something wrong with you, so I'm going to send you both to the hospital so you can have a break"

one hour later at the hospital apparently healthy baby has been put on a ventilator because his lung has collapsed, and apparently sick mum is thanking god that she followed her mothers instinct.
When they keep you on an elemental diet for 3 months despite it doing nothing to make you feel better at all.

Please note people.. never trust a doc that wears green tights!
When you have an obstruction and the GI tells you, it's all in your head, go home.
Moments later as I'm puking on his feet and perhaps smiling a bit, I tell him. Nothing's wrong doc, take the rest of the week off, YOUR FIRED!!!
I like my Dr. but he has lousy bed size manner. Last week he said:

"You look fat"

As if I was not self conscious enough as it is.
When you're in the ER with a 102 degree fever and an abcessed fistula with your rear end in the air with a spotlight on it, two doc's and a nurse staring and finally the one doc says, "Um, none of us have ever seen a fistula, could you point to it?" Thank god for my husband, who threw all of them out and demanded to see a GI surgeon.
D Bergy said:
You wake up from your Colonoscopy and the doctor is smoking a cigarette and sends you a dozen Roses the next day.


I knew I should of fired my doc when he did that. I feel so violated!
CrohnsHobo said:
I like my Dr. but he has lousy bed size manner. Last week he said:

"You look fat"

As if I was not self conscious enough as it is.
Ha!:ylol: I totally have been there! They give us pred for months on end and then feel the need to point out the weight gain-my doc actually took one look at me and handed me a Weight Watchers pamphlet!
When the Doc looks at the perianal abcess the size of an apple and says ...'that looks painful!!'
CrohnsHobo said:
I like my Dr. but he has lousy bed size manner. Last week he said:

"You look fat"

As if I was not self conscious enough as it is.

classic. I was getting an epidural for an operation I was about to have a few years ago when the anethetist stropped out and announced he couldn't get the line in because the patient's back was too F*ing fat...

In fairness before I got crohns bad I could have been described as cuddly but seriously, way to destroy a girl's self esteem...
This is a godo thread. I think I ahd another red flag. I was going to a new nurse practioner and she was keying in stuff in her laptop msot of the time. I need someone who can look me in the eye and *listen*.
I'm also thinkign I need someone younger. A lot of the odler doctors or those who have been around... are fatigued. A new person in my life called it "compassion fatigue". Often it's stuff that has gone on in their personal lives too.
Mountaingem said:
Ha!:ylol: I totally have been there! They give us pred for months on end and then feel the need to point out the weight gain-my doc actually took one look at me and handed me a Weight Watchers pamphlet!

I admit I am a bit self conscious about my weight. Even though I am only 5'8/160 LBS, which is still in the normal range for BMI. So hardly fat, but I guess compared to the 149 I was at last time I saw him I can see the difference. Still made me feel really self conscious.
I cant believe some of these stories. The doctors tell u have crohns disease and then put you on pred and pentasa and then conduct the colonscopy wilst on steriods erm course it gonna mess tests up, when your gi cant even pick the phone up to call u and when they stick there finger up your backside to which you reply OOOOOOW, doc: ooooh thats painful thats quite tender. me: Nah as if i didnt notice
I asked my orthopedic doctor after being diagnosed with avascular necrosis (bone death) in my left wrist if it was possible to get it in my right wrist. He said that would be extremely rare and I should have nothing to worry about.
I have now been diagnosed with avascular necrosis in my right wrist, both knees, and both ankles. I will have both knees replaced and ankle fusions.
If only doctors could understand that with Crohn's we are the exceptions to the rules.
I saw my GI (after waiting for a referral for a while) with a SERIOUS fever, pain, constipation and 6kg (about 10 pounds) weight loss from an already little person and he sent me home with a referral for a CT scan in a month. 4 days later I admitted myself to hospital and was soon diagnosed with crohns. When I asked if I could go home for a couple of hours to get some stuff (was going to be another week in there) he had the cheek to say 'Do you not know how seriously ill you are?' Well neither did he, obviously, since he originally sent me home with a stricture 3 abscesses and two fistulas!!!!
When I had my last flare the GI immediately started high dose steroids and said I better have an urgent colonoscopy to see what's going on....

To me, urgent means today or tomorrow... The appt came through two weeks later. That's no problem, the steroids had kicked the crohns by then and I walked into the endoscopy unit feeling fit as a fiddle.

Results come back and GI wonders why they were normal if I had been in such a mess 2 weeks previous .... DUH????
Ooh... Thus one made me feel a bit weird...

An uber sexy GI, hugely chatismatic.... Just completed a rectal examination (and I swear to god he had gone up to his arm pits from the way it felt...)

He withdraws, gives me a cheeky slap on my bare bumcheek, and says all done for now Lishy...

It was wrong on so many levels...
Oh my goodness.....i can see that happeining tomoro!finally got my phonecall from the gastro dept and going in to the ward tomoro to get seen....and this registrar sounds uber hot and young on the phone...

....oh my god! what if i get a slap on the bum! oh great.....during my PR exam all i wil lbe thinking of is your post lishy......

.....thanks :p
You know you need a new doc when you go in for SEVERE abdominal pain and the doctor doesn't lay a finder on your tummy..

You know you need to stick up for yourself when the next 5 doctors also do not lay a finger on your tummy...

You know you need a whole new outlook on life when the last doctor actually feels tummy (after me practically begging), feels the huge lump I've been telling everyone about, and says "I am going to suggest a sports therapist...perhaps it's a muscle strain" - this to a girl who's had abdominal pain for almost 2 years!? It's not like I am doing crunches so much that I've torn the muscle!!! Yep, pass me along and maybe the sports therapist can tell me to ice and evelvate my tummy, perhaps wrap it in athletic tape
When I had my first colonoscopy, I was like 16 years old. My GI doc had me in the procedure room, ready to go. So I've got my rear in the air, and just as she's ready to start, in walks about 8 student doctors, all young cute guys. She says, "By the way, do you mind if they watch?" Then they start talking about me as if I'm not there. I thought my brain was going to explode right then and there.
That's horrible Mountaingem....I had that happen at the dermatologist's office. I was only 25 at the time, but I had a mole on my rear. It was quite embarrassing.....All these hunky med students gawking at my 'benign' mole.
When I was first in the hospital at 16 they brought in students to see my Pyoderma gangrenosum and take pictures. Not nearly as embarrassing at Mountaingem though.
My GI comes into the room smelling like an ash tray about 10 seconds before they put me out for a colonoscopy...

He refers to BMs as "taking a dump"

Tells me my untrasound showed nothing when I plainly heard the radiologist talking to the tech and saying "right there, lots of thickening and inflamation" whilst digging the probe into my lower right stomach. If they can see it, why can't he?
I was one of The GI'S test Study's Test Rat's for 2 case study test drugs.
Struggling all along and missing alot work, some for study, His assistant tells me Some the guy's are tanned and talking about thier golf game.
While She say's I'm pale and skinny as a Rail.
Crohns still active, losing my job, Bills Piling up, Done everything The GI ask's of me. I was a Great guy and all.
So I ask him if He will help me with Disability?
He say's no way!
I will just get Lazy and sit around and watch TV!
You know you need a new doc when you keep calling them about black stool, D, puss, mucus, blood, horrible cramps, erge to go, and more, and they have an attitude and refuse to help, and tell you they wont do anything different, but keep me on same one med that isnt doing anything, or very little "asacol".

They just take the money and do nothing to help me. Last time I went to the ER in he same town. The called the doc, and did nothing, except put me up in the nut house for saying I cant keep living so sick, and Im tired of it. They didnt check me out at all. I got up to leave and they had a big cop " who I know, and he Hates me" to keep me from leaving.

My doc and the hospital, I wish I could sue them both. I Just found a new doc and hospital and there 100 times better. And Im finaly getting my small intestine looked at. I think its the culprit. So does the new doc. He upped the asacol and bentyl for now. He rocks.
You know you need a new doc when you ask if there are any dietary restrictions for Crohn's patients or if you need to be concerned about vitamn absorbtion... and his reply is, "Food has nothing to do with Crohn's disease."

ameslouise said:
You know you need a new doc when you ask if there are any dietary restrictions for Crohn's patients or if you need to be concerned about vitamn absorbtion... and his reply is, "Food has nothing to do with Crohn's disease."


That's what my GI says also. My GP says that is what science says but that other people including nutritionists and Naturopaths have diofferent opinions/ My GP is sending me to a new GI !! One he says is very good and also a nice guy.
ameslouise said:
You know you need a new doc when you ask if there are any dietary restrictions for Crohn's patients or if you need to be concerned about vitamn absorbtion... and his reply is, "Food has nothing to do with Crohn's disease."


Do you think that he means that the food doesn't cause the inflamation? And that the inflamation is there because of the immune system and only the pain comes from the food trying to pass?
Does this make sense?

In my experiece, I haven't hap food put me into a flare, just cause problems when I was in a flare and ate the wrong thing.
D Bergy said:
You wake up from your Colonoscopy and the doctor is smoking a cigarette and sends you a dozen Roses the next day.



When you bend over for the doctor to insert the suppository and you realized BOTH his hands were on your shoulders.
........... when the dr ask how many times a day i open my bowels? i dont have any bowels!!!!!!
On a serious note, when I have my follow up meeting to discuss the results of my colonoscopy, my GI Specialist was so "matter-of-fact" that I felt like I was just a number. She offered no advise, no guidance and the only information she gave me were pics from the procedure and a brochure for me to read. THEN, if I still have questions, I could pay another $500 for ANOTHER consultation. Ummm, I'll pass.

Even if someone goes in and finds out they are in the last stage of cancer and it's uncurable, you don't say, "You're going to die." "Next.... "
Ashley said:
Do you think that he means that the food doesn't cause the inflamation? And that the inflamation is there because of the immune system and only the pain comes from the food trying to pass?
Does this make sense?

In my experiece, I haven't hap food put me into a flare, just cause problems when I was in a flare and ate the wrong thing.

Yes, I think that's probably what he meant and he and I had prior conversations about what causes Crohn's... but my question to him was in regards to foods that I should avoid and if he thought I needed to be concerned about absorbtion. At the time I was in a MAJOR flare, plus I have no colon, and I had lost 20 lbs in 3 months. I was really concerned about retaining vitamins and nutrients.

It was just one of many dismissive comments that eventually led me to break up with him!
I went to the ER late one night, I was having trouble breathing.....found out it was because my heart rate was 120.....the ER doc gave me a some spray to numb my throat (cause I has lost my voice a few days earlier) and sent me home??????
I ended up in hospital the next week because of my crohns and complications.
merrywidow said:
........... when the dr ask how many times a day i open my bowels? i dont have any bowels!!!!!!

Me toooo! The doctor asked me when I last had a bowel motion....the look on her face was priceless when I told her....2003!
You know you need a new doctor when they don't even know what meds they've given you or what dose you're on. My last doc was like, "So, are the Methotrexate pills at 12.5 mg upsetting your stomach?" I just looked at him and said, "I've given shots IM for over a year-6 weeks ago you upped the dose to 20!" Then he says, "You need to get real about your disease, you'll die a terrible death if you don't take Remicade."
when you get to the infusion center and they make you wait 3.5 hours beforehand because your doctor didn't realize he doesn't have privileges to release the remicade at the medical center pharmacy, and he has to be interrupted while he is scoping people to call another doctor to call in the order. and then you sit for another 3 hours and get the infusion. long ass day.
You know you need a new doc when he begins the procedure before the anesthesia takes effect. (Sup, that's how I found this forum)
You know you need a new doctor when you're at the office for the second day in a row and your appointment has magically disappeared yet again.
When he sends you to get a barium xray, but forgets to tell the radiographer you have no large intestine! Oh the panic that followed was hilarous!
You know you need a new doc when he says "nope, you definitely don't have crohn's", only to later be sitting in his office as he says "yep, you defintely have crohns". Why don't they every believe us???? argh!
You know you need a new doctor when you see other patients walk out of the office refusing to come back. You better start following them!
You know you need a new doctor when he makes 2 apt for 9am and 2 for 9:15am and 3 for 9:30am and then shows up at 9:40am. He walks in and says good morning, everyone looks so cheery this morning. Hmmmm I wonder why?