I need a new outlet

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Apr 21, 2011
i need a new outlet

In every advice magazine, leaflet and brochure i have read through it is said quite blankly that smoking only increases the severity of crohn's disease, due to this i need a new outlet and i was wondering if anyone had any ideas?

i smoke because its the only thing tht seems to calm me down when im feeling anxious etc and im not prepared to quit unless there is something to replace it coz i am scared that i may go over the edge so any suggestions would be welcomed :D
Hello: In my opinion, exercise is essentially the #1 stress reliever out there. If you are too ill to exercise right now, deep breathing and progressive muscle relaxation (see: Google) is effective, too.

Best of success to you!
Hi george.

Im an IBS sufferer, i know i know, its not as exciting as having a real diagnosis with a "real" disease. BUT, when i was truly sick in 1992 a doctor told me smoking was "good" for my illness because it calmed me . well let me tell ya, i finally quite this past december, cold turkey. I started doing YOGA and Pilates to calm me down. I walk about 8 miles a day. not all at one time.

try the electric cigarette. i hear from lots of people that that works for them. the only "bad" time for me was driving in a car. after a few weeks the feeling of wanting one went away.

I keep thinking to myself, I AM IN CONTROL. i began to hate that cigarettes and food had all the control.

try music, get an IPOD with ear plugs and sit and relax. quite seems to work for me. I started doing Sudoku puzzles.

good luck & best wishes
i smoke because its the only thing tht seems to calm me down when im feeling anxious etc and im not prepared to quit unless there is something to replace it coz i am scared that i may go over the edge

I would not be concerned about going over the edge. I would be more concerned about lung cancer, heart disease, stroke, emphysema, etc,,,

Remember, smoking is one of the biggest single causes of preventable disease and premature death in the world.

OK now lecture over. :smile:

I take an herbal supplement from the naturopath for the management of mild anxiety, nervous tension and stress. It works extremely well.

I believe you can also get stress patches. They work on the same principle as the patches you use when giving up smoking.

I also find things like meditation, tai chi and yoga to be very de-stressing, especially if you practice every day.

The best thing I have EVER tried for stress, was ear acupuncture. I wore some small needles in my ears for a week, and every week I would visit my acupuncturist to have fresh ones put in. I was practically floating in La La land. I was able to go about my daily life with ease. I was so laid back and relaxed, it was amazing.

Hope you find a new healthier outlet soon?
The best thing I have EVER tried for stress, was ear acupuncture.

Here is some more info on ear acupuncture for stress:



I was having acupuncture to treat Ulcerative Colitis. Stress makes UC flare up for me. I am quite a nervy person, so the ear acupuncture was part of the treatment I was receiving for UC at the time. I loved it but I had to stop going to weekly appointments, due to losing my job and financial issues.

I only know one TCM practitioner who does this ear treatment, so its not like I had a wide range of perhaps cheaper TCM practitioners to choose from.

But it was fantastic whilst it lasted.
thank you to everyone for your feedback im going to take it all in my stride coz i want to quit more than anything i just really need something to replace it...keep em coming people :D :D xxx
Have you checked out your local Quit Line? Have you considered Chantix (don't know what that's called outside the US)? These are both great resources you could look in to.

As for a new outlet... yoga, walking, meditation, baking, quilting, knitting, rock climbing, reading, learn a new language... the possibilities are endless. You might try looking up some coping mechanisms for anxiety or even go to counseling a couple of times, they will be able to teach you some strategies. I wish you the best in trying to quit. It's a long journey but entirely worth it.
If you're looking to exercise/walk more, you might want to get a dog (if you don't have one already). I just got my dog in December and she's been wonderful. When I'm feeling sick or down, my dog will do something silly or just come and sit with me, and that helps me so much. And dog ownership has caused to exercise more, because the dog needs daily walks. If this makes sense, it helps me take care of myself better because I also have to take care of an animal.
Reading Cat's post above made me think, how about voluntering at an animal shelter, walking the dogs, playing with them.

biofeedback, not sure what it does, but i do know that ive heard it helps.
It sounds to me like you may have an issue with high stress. You will need to find other ways to reduce that stress. You can learn some breathing exercise that will help you for the short term. You will also find that exercise will reduce your stress level. You may also need to talk to your Dr as you may need an Rx to help you though the process. Best of luck to you. It will be worth it in the long run to stop ASAP.

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