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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. L

    Pain during bowel movement

    Does anyone have pain in the lower right quadrant durung a BM? I always have pain there, but sometimes it’s worse when having a BM.
  2. L

    Normal BM in the morning, but then urgency & pure liquid for the rest of the day….

    Does anyone else have this issue? A fairly normal BM in the morning, but then the rest of the day is pure liquid BMs, with urgency and accidents??? It’s so frustrating!! I’ve yet to be diagnosed b/c I can never get testing while I’m flaring (I’m in Canada, and waited 18 months for my first...
  3. L

    Normal fecal cal & clean colonoscopy

    But I still have lower right sided pain and intermittent diarrhea alternating with constipation. It’s so frustrating!!!!! My stomach is SO loud and bowel movements can be extremely urgent and unpredictable. I have negative bloodwork for celiac disease and my doctor is writing it off as IBS. Is...
  4. L

    Family history of Crohn’s.... anyone??

    Just curious: how many of you have a family history of IBD, and how many of you have no idea where it came from?
  5. L

    Low B12

    Anyone have low B12 prior to diagnosis?
  6. L

    Normal Fecal Calprotectin?

    My FC test came back not elevated. The gastro says since my FIT test and FC came back normal, there is no need for a colonoscopy. I am 42 and in Canada. I am worried about possible Crohns or something worse. How accurate are these tests, and should I be pushing for more? I feel like a...
  7. L

    What does your Crohn’s pain feel like?

    And where is it located? Would anyone describe their pain as ‘side stitch’ in nature, but all over?
  8. L

    Eye Problems / Iritis

    Is chronic iritis/uveitis a thing? And if it is, is it obvious you have it? Can it be diagnosed by an optometrist, or just an ophthalmologist? My eyeballs have been sore for a very long time. Like, they feel bruised. I’ve gone to two different optometrists, who tell me there is nothing wrong...
  9. L

    Diagnosed after 40?? Anyone???

    I have also had symptoms sporadically throughout my life. They have never been severe and have always disappeared on their own, but things have been more persistent over the past 12 months. Can I ask you what changed in your 40’s?
  10. L

    Diagnosed after 40?? Anyone???

    That sounds awful! I hope you’ve been able to resolve the fistula with medication. Thank you for sharing.
  11. L

    Diagnosed after 40?? Anyone???

    Can you tell me what your symptoms were like?
  12. L

    Diagnosed after 40?? Anyone???

    I’m 41. In the process of ruling other things out. I’m curious if anyone here was diagnosed between the ages of 35-45-ish??? I know there tends to be a spike in diagnoses after the age of 60, but I feel like I’m right outside of both of the ‘typical’ age groups for Crohn’s diagnoses. That said...
  13. L

    Loss of appetite?

    Can anyone comment if loss of appetite occurs during your flares? It’s a symptom I am struggling with. Not yet diagnosed, but Crohns is a possibility. I’m not avoiding eating to avoid pain, either, just not hungry! TIA.
  14. L

    Mouth ulcers as early symptom?

    I have been having issues since July. I got severe diarrhea for 6 weeks... did all the stool tests - all negative. Diarrhea went away for a while. Came back over Christmas, and is ongoing, although usually only once or twice a day. However, I have had TERRIBLE mouth ulcers several times over the...
  15. L

    Pain AFTER bowel movement?

    Does anyone get intense lower abdominal pain AFTER a bowel movement? If I strain at all, I get intense pain on the lower right side during, and for a little while after a bowel movement. It seems like most other people get the pain before, but mine is definitely more intense during & after...
  16. L

    What were your symptoms at diagnosis?

    Did you have classic symptoms? Did you have blood in your stool? Getting diagnosed isn’t easy!!! I appreciate the feedback!
  17. L

    Pain Question

    I am undiagnosed as yet, but I am wondering if pain in the terminal ileum can mimic ovary pain? My symptoms came on very suddenly one afternoon in July. I was fine in the morning, and was hit by terrible cramps and watery diarrhea that lasted 6 weeks. I did every possible stool test, blood work...