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  1. hugh

    SCD/Paleo/GAPS Support Group

    Hi Lynda Lynda, I haven't gone there (although i am heading that way due to my own circumstances) Keep in mind most of the information out there on the web will be for weight loss dieters and not particularly relevant to us. My two go-to people for digestive health issues are Dr Ruscio and...
  2. hugh

    Best Diet To Improve YOUR Gut Health -Dr. Ruscio

    great podcast, general gut health, not IBD specifically but still relevant. starts at the beginning, goes through so many procedures/techniques and tries to put them in a logical order - promoting his (well worth reading) book "Healthy Gut, Healthy You" (ask your library to get it....) Best...
  3. hugh

    Watch this movie and get informed about the world :)

    i would check out this review of "What The Health" done by a VEGAN nutritionist, She is a registered dietician and has a Masters in public health (both qualifications that i have little respect for, but qualifications nonetheless). A Vegan Dietitian Reviews “What the Health” As a vegan health...
  4. hugh

    Oatmeal - safe?

    if i could tolerate oats i'd be looking at the finely cut ones (steel cut) and even put them in the blender first to cut finer again. The other potential problem is that one of the main functions of the large intestine is to absorb water,and all the grain/starch meals can dry out and stop moving...
  5. hugh

    SCD London/Paris

    Google paleo in those locations you are visiting and you will find a huge number of SCD legal foods and eateries
  6. hugh

    Ways to gain weight

    I understand, There are two things you want to concentrate on. One is removing anything that may cause harm, and the other is add nutrient dense foods. On the harm side is processed foods, gluten and seed oils (corn, canola, soy etc.) replace with coconut oil, (ethically sourced) palm oil, olive...
  7. hugh

    Ways to gain weight

    Can i ask if e is willing to change from being a vegetarian?
  8. hugh

    Ketogenic diets, any risks?

  9. hugh

    Can you eat mushrooms without getting GI problems?

    So, Short answer - if they don't cause FODMAP symptoms then they aren't an issue, (well, not a FODMAPs issue anyway) Long answer - FODMAPs......It gets complicated....... - "FODMAPs are a collection of short-chain carbohydrates (sugars) that aren’t absorbed properly in the gut, which can...
  10. hugh

    Can you eat mushrooms without getting GI problems?

    Dried mushrooms (some of them anyways) can be ground to a powder and used to thicken soups/casseroles etc..... Due to being virtually totally predigested i'd start with small amounts and work up
  11. hugh

    Can you eat mushrooms without getting GI problems?

    please take it easy :poo:
  12. hugh

    Ketogenic diets, any risks?

    Once again. - i’m just some guy who likes to share his opinion about food online, doesn’t mean I know anything…… That said, i don't come to the same conclusion.... Obviously if you try mushrooms and notice any worsening of anything then stop immediately…. Some people react to yeast, so they...
  13. hugh

    Ketogenic diets, any risks?

    I'll say it again, I'm just some guy who likes to tell people what they are doing wrong, doesn't mean i know what i'm talking about...... Short answer - suck it and see..... I think dried fruit is evil (on it's own that is, a bit mixed into some paleo dish is fine) but.... So, you 'need'...
  14. hugh

    Don't know what to eat when feeling good

    make of it what you will....... Bowel Disease, Part II: Healing the Gut By Eliminating Food Toxins "Summary of Toxic Foods to Eliminate or Avoid In short, bowel disease patients should eliminate toxic foods from their diet: Eliminate all grains except rice. - Wheat, oats, and corn, and...
  15. hugh

    Semi-elemental diet - advice

    please check this post, also Paul jaminet, from the "perfect health diet" think about if it makes any sense and make up your own mind..... Curing Ankylosing Spondylitis If it's not a cure, even just having a huge benefit...
  16. hugh


    holy crap..... The 5 'D's of fecal transplants and not one of those 'd's is diet...... I'll wait till these clueless people work it out... Compare that to Glenn Taylor of the Taymount (more than 20,000 FMTs), from a podcast interview.... Getting a New Gut Microbiota via Fecal Transplant with...
  17. hugh

    Semi-elemental diet - advice

    elemental diet - to my understanding, - basically pre-digested, ready for absorption, with zero fibre.... The difference between elemental and semi-elimental is that some of the pepides are not already broken into individual amino acids [1] The way the diet works is by removing anything that...
  18. hugh

    Semi-elemental diet - advice

    mod, please delete this....
  19. hugh

    HELP PLEASE: Increase calorie/energy intake on SCD diet

    It is complicated, and i usually restrict my advice to saying 'play around with ancestral diets, avoid all potentially problematic foods until you can test them with an elimination diet.... SCD is a good starting point but it is an old and fairly unscientific approach. There are other...
  20. hugh

    Vegetable ideas/recipes

    The introduction stages of SCD is a fairly simple elimination diet, so everyone who goes through it gets an idea of what foods cause them problems and what they tolerate.... The Stages of SCD "Introduce ONE new food at a time- a two to four day interval is a great (but not mandatory) guideline...