Watch this movie and get informed about the world :)

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Feb 4, 2018

for anyone who wants to know more about food and our body, and if you've heard or read here on the forum that vegans do well with healing their body from anything, I have a fantastic movie for you to watch. It's called What the health.

This goes along with the microbiome problem (meat is full of bacteria, that is a fact, and the reason it always needs preservatives and rots easily). Our microbiome is contaminated with a lot of harmful bacteria.

I encourage everyone to try eating better and less, and less meat. Between taking tons of medications, going to the hospital and wasting your life away, I think it is a really small "sacrifice" to try not to eat meat for a few weeks. Every day people literally waste their lives away doing things like watching television for hours, or sitting on your laptop doing nothing.
You know it's true.
Instead of watching politics and the "news" from the world of bad politicians and "famous people" with probably much more complexes than an average person, try watching a documentary about SOMETHING.

There are a lot of things people don't know and were not taught in schools. I am a biologist and I for a fact know that even with a biology diploma (after FIVE YEARS), many people don't understand what's going on in their bodies and in the world. So I can only imagine how much other people DON'T KNOW. I didn't know.

I'm sharing this movie because it addresses the most important things from different angles. For me it's not vegan propaganda, I'm not vegan YET, but I'm getting to it. Every vegan I know is happy and full of energy, I cannot ignore what I see. Think about it without prejudice, because what we've been "taught" about the meat industry, and many other industries (for instance, the fashion industry, there is a great documentary called "The true cost"), is plain wrong and is for the bigger interest of many, many people working in those horrid industries.
Yes I checked this out at one time, its a shockumentary with biased interpretations of certain data. Just because people aren't willing to talk to this guy doesn't mean there is a conspiracy.

good things about meat: dha, taurine, choline.

bad things about meat: heme iron, neu5g

basically fish and poultry are the healthiest meats, while meat from mammals seem detrimental to our health. antibiotics given to these animals make the meat unhealthy too. Mercury in the fish make things more difficult as well.
You can call it a shockumentary, but yes, the truth about things that are happening in the world is shocking. In a world where everybody, from politicians to the owner of the market you buy your food in, just wants to take your money in exchange for anything, I don't think that this kind of documentary should be viewed as bad or biased. They made the documentary for a good cause, to inform the people about everything and they are doing it very openly and are being honest in their search for answers. And any corporation that didn't do nothing wrong would come up and say honestly what they do and how they do it. In front of your own eyes they are not letting you see what they do in their factories, but you still somehow think that the story revealing that fact is biased?

You can get everything you need from plants, including choline, taurine and omega 3 fatty acids.

Humans today are eating anything they can get their hands on, including meat, just because someone else is farming the animals and slaughtering them, bringing the meat to the stores where people buy them just like they would, and do, anything else if you bring it to their table. That doesn't mean that humans are supposed to eat that. I wonder how many would kill an animal on their own and prepare it if there weren't butchers. In this documentary it is explained how our digestive system differs from both that of a carnivore and an omnivore.

I'm not trying to get people to become vegans. I want people to know the truth about things and then decide for themselves. They can decrease the amount of meat they eat. It's not black and white. I know how little people know about these things, I know how little I knew before, and I want to help people by letting them know what's going on.
what i liked about the documentary was that it encouraged people to think, but some relatives of mine were ready to become vegetarians based on the documentary alone which does not provide sufficient information to come to that conclusion.

Dha might be obtained through algea supplements, but there nothing natural about that route, and as far as I'm aware, taurine is only found in large quantities in meat not plants, I've read studies on this. also iodine is only found in animal products, therefore the argument against meat isnt a good one.
Some of those chemical compounds come in smaller amounts in plants, but vegans eat much more plant material then meat-eaters eat meat, so that is how that works out. For all of the compounds you're mentioning, DHA, iodine, taurine, it's wrong to say they are not present in plants. That depends on which plant you are talking about (there are many, many species) and which part of the plant, so talking that much in general is plain wrong. All of those compounds are found in plants.

People who are not eating meat do need to watch out to get all the nutrients they need, but I know people who never eat meat and they know how to get their nutrients. So that is a long story but since there obviously are vegans alive on this planet, a lot of them, there is a way for someone willing to make a change and not support the animal-killing meat-making machinery of this world.
A much bigger problem is the amount of people that are taking care of their daily meat intake, but are not taking care of many plant nutrients they're never taking, I know how an average person eats so that is a very low amount of veggies and fruits, and nobody is concerned about that. But when it comes to eating vegeterian or vegan, suddenly everybody is concerned with the right intake of nutrients. I know the reason is that it is so hard to stop eating meat after a long time of being thought that you must eat meat regularly, and you get used to the taste.. But the truth is very different, and that is what this movie shows.
well said DeeDee :)
I often take a curious look in the other customer's shopping baskets when in line in the supermarked.

Often I see like 60% grain-based products, 20% meat based products 0-10% veggies, and 10-20% sweets. Most of it processed.
It should be the other way around: 60% veggies, 20% grain-based products, 10-20% meats and sweets (maximum). Where most of it should be unprocessed.
We don't need more than 50-70 grams of protein per day, and much of could easily be plant based.

The conundrum is that shopping this way is more expensive, and it does not easily provide the same rich taste that salt-stuffed, flavour-enriched, protein/saturated-fat-loaded "foods". Not unless alot of time is spend on planning and seasoning the meals.

In my family we try to get more than 60% of our calories from organic unprocessed fruit/veggies, the rest from grains/meats. That comes to a cost of about 450 $ / person / month for our family. About double of what other families that buy mostly cheap, processed, non-organic foods report.
i would check out this review of "What The Health" done by a VEGAN nutritionist,
She is a registered dietician and has a Masters in public health (both qualifications that i have little respect for, but qualifications nonetheless).

A Vegan Dietitian Reviews “What the Health”
As a vegan health professional, I am sometimes mortified to be associated with the junk science that permeates our community. And as an animal rights activist, I’m disheartened by advocacy efforts that can make us look scientifically illiterate, dishonest, and occasionally like a cult of conspiracy theorists.

I don't want to rag on vegans, it is extremely normal to be absolutely appalled by modern food production but keep in mind all those herbivores roaming the plains built up incredible fertility over millennia and were instrumental in carbon storage.
It is CAFO factory farms (only made possible by monoculture grains) that is responsible for our current situation.

It's not the cow, it's the how[1]

Eating less meat of better quality is the best option for your health, community and planet.

[1]educate yourselves, for example.....

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