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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. DMS

    SCD Diet?

    One of the things that I didn't like about SCD was that I could never thicken anything (like Chilli, lasagna, stew or plum sauce), so I played around a little bit and have now got something that works quite well. I cook a squash - doesn't really matter what kind - spaghetti or butternut...
  2. DMS

    Flaxseed Oil Pills

    My son has flax seed oil in his shakes - have no idea if it helps him at all.
  3. DMS

    Just pissed

    Sorry Farm that your colonoscopy didn't give you better news. Did the Remi do anything good for you?
  4. DMS

    Other horse lovers/owners here?

    I LOVE horses, but my hubby would be with Dex on his last comment (he's not so fond of them). I've always had horses in my life, right now I've got a quarter horse that I've had since a baby (he's 3 now) - this is his baby picture. Also, a 1/2 Arab, that I got last year They have been my...
  5. DMS

    TPN - causes abdominal cramping

    Sorry, I was thinking elemental. How are you feeling now?
  6. DMS

    TPN - causes abdominal cramping

    I've read that some of the TPN drinks have poor quality oil in them and that causes some cramping / etc. My son is on Absorb Plus, it can definitely be used as a TPN, and has no oil, you add your own, he's not on TPN but uses it as a supplement (especially breakfast).
  7. DMS

    Our Surgery Journey

    My thoughts and prayer are with you and your family, I hope your daughter's recovery goes very smoothly, and I think your surgeon sounds wonderful. Take care of yourself right now too, so that you can be strong when she needs you.
  8. DMS

    Goin' on a picnic...

    I'm going on a picnic, and I'd like to bring a deep dish pizza, my hubby Gregg used to listen to Def Leppard and would really like to come -( but I don't think he can, can he?) I'll just bring the dog instead.
  9. DMS

    SCD Diet? Here is the list for the legal / illegal stuff The next website has some really good recipes My son has been on this diet for a year and a half, there are a few things that he eats...
  10. DMS

    The Person Below Me . . .

    I've touched many Jellyfish, live ones in a couple of aquariums, and poked lots of dead ones at the beach with my boys over the years. TPBM owns all the Star Wars movies.
  11. DMS

    My Stem Cell Transplant Blog

    Good luck - I hope you get accepted and that there will be another success story for stem cell therapy. Looking forward to your updates.
  12. DMS

    The Person Below Me . . .

    I DO love spinach, especially spanokopitas, and spinach salad, and spinach dip, and spinach quiche, and. . . oh never mind. The person below me has more than 4 animals.
  13. DMS

    New here but 15 years Crohn's Vet

    Welcome back Farm, looking forward to your posts here again.
  14. DMS

    The Silliest Thing You've Done Today

    haha, thought this was funny - when I'm running late the horses get fed before the family too - My funny thing; I just ordered a few things online, and even though I know it won't be shipped before Monday (or maybe later) I've punched in my order number quite a few times *just in case* they...
  15. DMS

    Don't know what to do anymore

    Sorry that you're having such a rotten time with getting a diagnosis and treatment. When looking for a Dr. have you tried this website My son will be switching out of a ped Gi by summer time, and I've started reading on some of the GI's close by here, there's no way that...
  16. DMS


    Well, hopefully the fistula has healed and won't bother you again. My son had a few fistulas, one stopped draining about 6 months ago and according to his Dr (whom we just saw last Tuesday) it has healed over with nice new pink skin and should not bother him again. His other fistula keeps...
  17. DMS


    My son's Gi approached us at his last appointment (just last Tuesday of this week) to participate in a Vitamin D study that he is a big part of. My son doesn't qualify because he's been taking Vit D all winter (thanks in part to the info I get on this forum), but it's very nice to see the Dr's...
  18. DMS

    Anyone in Canada on Cimzia.

    thanks for the explanation, I wasn't sure how that worked. Interesting, I saw that Cipro was on that list, but we weren't questioned when my son was put on it. Again, just trying to understand how it all works. Sorry that you had a bad response to LDN, would have been nice for you if it had...
  19. DMS

    Anyone in Canada on Cimzia.

    Sorry Pen - don't want to hijack your thread but. . . Glum Chump have you tried LDN? You talk about MS as well as Crohn's and LDN has some good results for both. Also, just something I was wondering about, LDN is not approved for Crohn's (like Cimzia) why does extended health pay for LDN...
  20. DMS

    I find this quite ironic Is it because we have so many genetically modified foods that now we need a genetically modified probiotic to help keep the gut flora healthy? Very interesting.