Making your own Farmers Cheese or Dry Curd Cottage Cheese
Picture: Sorry, couldn't get the link thing to do it's thing correctly. But click on the link and you'll see.
It worked! It was so easy! The picture isn't the greatest. It's actually a lovely, white curd. Soft and creamy.
I made 2 batches, one with lemon juice as the curdler and one with apple cider vinegar as the curdler. They both taste the same though the lemon is creamier and I got about 2/3 of a cup more cheese from that one. I got 3 cups of cheese from the apple cider vinegar batch and 3 and 3/4 c. of loosely packed cheese from the lemon.
1 gallon of milk (I used whole but you can use skim or any % of fat)
1 candy type thermometer (In the video, the lady didn't use one, just stopped cooking the milk just before it boiled. I used one.)
2/3 cup of lemon juice OR 2/3 cup of apple cider vinegar (I used 1/2 c. at first and it didn't too much So I added more and it worked instantly.) ***Update: You can use white vinegar too. I was reading the "Breaking the Vicious Cycle" Book last night and she mentions that white vinegar is just fine.
A scant teaspoon of salt to season with, after the cheese is all done.(You may want more.)
Pour milk in large pan and set the stove on medium. Stir constantly, or often, especially when it starts to get pretty warm. You don't want it to stick and burn.
It takes about 25 minutes to warm the milk up to between 175-180 degrees, or just before it boils. Turn off the fire. Pour in the curdler and stir. That's it!
Let it sit for 15 minutes.
Put a cheesecloth or a cotton cloth (I used a bandana and it worked great. Don't use terrycloth. You'll never get the cheese out of the loops.) in a colander in the sink and pour the cheese in. The whey will drain out. Let a lot of the water drip out-you can squeeze the bag to help, once it's cooler.
Tie the cheese bag around your faucet and let it drip there for awhile. I took a walk for an hour and it worked a treat for me. Many people let it drip for just 30 minutes or so.
Dump into a bowl and crumble up. Sprinkle salt over and mix it in. You can keep it loose like it is or press it into a container for a firmer type cheese but I think it's still going to be soft.
Now I'm going to go bake something and see how it works with almond flour. By the way, it tastes incredibly good!
**Used this cheese to make some almond flour bread this afternoon and it worked GREAT!!!