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  1. The Real MC

    20cm of ileum to be removed this Friday - need advice!

    My surgery was both, probably due to gall bladder removal. I wasn't allowed to drive because of muscle recovery and I still took pain killers on occasion as needed. My case may have been extreme due to my double whammy resection and gall bladder. I had a pretty long cut halfway across my abs...
  2. The Real MC

    20cm of ileum to be removed this Friday - need advice!

    You're going to have some real quiet days during recovery at the hospital. I can't stand TV anymore so I don't watch it at the hospital (too boring and the last thing I want to see are ads of gooey pizza and fast food). Bring some books to read. Find out if the hospital has free wifi for...
  3. The Real MC

    Does IBD mostly get worse as time progresses?

    It is natural to have some anxiety over IBD, especially with its unpredictable future. I have had CD since 2005. Mine has been mild and after some relapses I learned how to control it through diet and not medicine. I figured out the trigger foods and eliminated them, fortunately not many. My...
  4. The Real MC

    Severe right lower abdominal pain 11 days after illeocecal resection please help!!!

    When you are advised to seek medical help, do it. My mistake was waiting too long to seek medical help, which made surgery necessary. This is not a disease to take lightly. The longer you wait, the worse it gets.
  5. The Real MC

    Small intestine resection

    I was fine with epidural too, no reaction. Just before I went under for my first resection, I was offered the epidural. I have a high threshold of pain and turned it down. Big mistake, when I woke up the pain felt like a 12 on a scale from 1 to 10 and I was screaming in pain. Post op got the...
  6. The Real MC

    Losing my Wife to Crohns

    Patients who fear medical intervention are making it worse on themselves. Crohns is a dangerous disease with this mindset. My mistake was waiting too long to get help, I will never do that again.
  7. The Real MC

    Who Here Hates Colonoscopy Prep as Much as I Do?

    Suprep was the best prep I have had to date.
  8. The Real MC

    Coffee ground feces after illeocecal resection

    The frequent BMs will be short term after the surgery, they will get better with time. I still get the watery stools five years after my surgery, but not as frequent and not every day. Isolating the offending food(s) can help to reduce this. Not everybody has the same triggers, I found that...
  9. The Real MC

    Illeocecal resection yesterday , need help.

    That will be short term normal. As you heal it will get better. Give it time. Stock up on high fiber foods and cut back foods with saturated fats (esp greasy or fried foods). The high fiber helps to produce regular BMs.
  10. The Real MC

    Bowel movements after resection

    Stock up on high fiber foods and cut back foods with saturated fats (esp greasy or fried foods). The high fiber helps to produce regular BMs. I'm afraid the non-air gas will become a risk. I still get them five years after my resection. The key is to isolate the offending food or combination...
  11. The Real MC

    Resection Tomorrow Morning!

    Support sent. It has been five years since my sole resection surgery, been in remission since then and I hope it stays in remission.
  12. The Real MC

    Single or marry?... how to manage your situation?

    I developed CD a year after my divorce. For reasons unrelated to CD I have withdrawn from the dating pool. The good relationship material are fewer and farther between and there are too many flakes. I used to think that CD made me unsuitable but it dawned on me that some of those flakes are...
  13. The Real MC

    Chinese food?

    Chinese food doesn't bother me as long as I steer clear of known foods or condiments that trigger problems.
  14. The Real MC

    I loathe healthy people

    It's natural to feel bitter. I led a healthy life and when I developed CD at age 42 I often wondered why did I do to deserve this terrible disease. I had my resentments but when I saw other people stricken with diseases worse than mine who also did not deserve them, I was humbled. I'm not...
  15. The Real MC


    Probiotics are available in non-prescription form. They are called greek yogurt. My surgeon recommended them after my resection five years ago and it has helped my piping.
  16. The Real MC

    How are you feeling today?

    Ever since I have isolated and eliminated the trigger foods that cause cramps, I have never felt better in the past year. A couple of times I tested my tolerance and had very brief cramps - nice to know that my hypothesis works (and my GI agrees). I am now down to Pentasa twice a day and...
  17. The Real MC

    Abdominal cramps - causes

    Bowel obstructions aren't the only cause of cramps. My Crohns eventually developed a reaction to certain foods which would cause cramps, I had to isolate those foods which wasn't easy. Ask your doctor about a bland diet. One of the causes of abdominal cramps is foods that irritate the...
  18. The Real MC

    Gallbladder removal?!

    Not only did they find a small stone in mine, but they determined that my gallbladder was underperforming so out it came. Right at the same time when I needed a resection so I had both done in one surgery. At least they found the stone before any pain developed. Your body doesn't process fats...
  19. The Real MC

    The Computer hate it or love it?

    I work with computers for my day job. Started with the original IBM PC in 1981. Windows during the day, Mac OSX during the night at home. I don't like to spend the entire day on a computer - it strains the eyes and I enjoy other hobbies. I won't do everything on the computer - IE I still...
  20. The Real MC

    Traveling with to Disney Crohn's

    The first thing you should do when you get to the park is to get a map and locate every rest room. I haven't been to Disney since 1998 and don't know how much the parks have changed.