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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. Rebecca85

    Which diseases mimic crohn's disease.

    Appendicitis Gallbladder disease (at least, my Crohn's was mistaken for those) NSAID induced colitis/ileitis
  2. Rebecca85

    No appetite

    There are prescription medications out there (like some types of antidepressants) which also have the effect of stimulating the appetite. I would go to your doctor and see if they would be able to prescribe you something along those lines.
  3. Rebecca85

    Mixed Signals Between Nausea and Diarrhea

    I have had instances where I have been in the middle of diarrhoea and suddenly felt like I was going to vomit. I attributed this to stomach cramps since I had no nausea before hand, it felt like I was being squeezed in the middle forcing everything up or down. These instances seem to happen when...
  4. Rebecca85

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    Cat- for future reference instead of Q-tipping your ears every day, put a couple of drops of olive oil in (followed by a plug of cotton wool) a couple of times a week. It softens any wax and allows it to drain naturally, then the cotton wool soaks it up.
  5. Rebecca85

    Severe abdominal pain!

    When I read about the purple appearing in the sunlight, acute intermittent porphyria came to mind immediately (thank you Scrubs!) (unfortunately, I have no idea what porphyria even means) I would go back to your doctors with your discovery, if they don't take you seriously then find a doctor...
  6. Rebecca85

    Accidents in the middle of the night

    You can get disposable bed pads too, they're designed for bedwetting children. My SIL had some for my neice, they're made by Pampers I think. Then if you were to have an accident, it would be easy to bag, bin and replace in the middle of the night.
  7. Rebecca85

    How many other people have aspergers syndrome? how do you cope?

    I am not officially diagnosed with Asperger's. My counsellor at uni said it was very likely I have it (but wasn't qualified to make the diagnosis). As well as the Aspie quiz I have just done (which said I am very likely an Aspie), I remember taking the Autism Quotient test at uni, again I scored...
  8. Rebecca85

    Worried wife..please help.

    Blood results are not that reliable- about 90% I think (if it's the Prometheus IBD test you mean). So it is perfectly possible to have Crohn's and a negative blood test. I would go on the colonoscopy/ capsule endoscopy results as they are more reliable. Pentasa on it's own is quite a mild med-...
  9. Rebecca85


    In the months leading up to my first big flare, I don't remember weighing myself but I do recall buying clothes in a size smaller than usual (size 8 for the first time since puberty). I then lost weight rapidly (a couple of kilos a week) during the big flare, mainly due to vomiting my meals up...
  10. Rebecca85

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    Sorry to hear so many others are having neurological issues as well. All I can say is hang in there, it took me 18 months to get a referral to neurology. I managed it in the end by focussing on a single symptom- pins and needles (had them now for 28 months and counting!)- and not complicating...
  11. Rebecca85

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    Cat- yes, pretty much, if I had another attack which was confirmed to be from new brain lesions rather than a worsening of my current symptoms or something unrelated (like b12 deficiency), then I would get an MS diagnosis. So in practice, I would need another MRI or something to confirm new...
  12. Rebecca85

    Quitting smoking

    I have successfully quit smoking since over a year ago. But before I quit, I made a conscious effort to cut down on smoking, rather than not having a cigarette I would defer having one as long as I could. For example rather than having a break mid housework to have a cigarette, I would tell...
  13. Rebecca85

    Upper and pain and burping - flare?

    Have you tried Gaviscon? I have a suspected hiatal hernia (I would pit money on your hernia being the cause of your symptoms!) and find Gaviscon is better than antacids, it forms a protective layer over your stomach contents and suppresses the vurps.
  14. Rebecca85

    Crohns question

    I believe it can in rare cases, eg if the bowel perforated, a person became extremely malnourished and wasn't treated, complications of surgery, that sort of thing.
  15. Rebecca85

    Undiagnosed Club Support Group

    MS does not necessarily require a spinal tap to diagnose. Firstly, a spinal tap is only positive in around 90% of MS patients. Secondly, the diagnostic criteria require evidence of several (hence the 'multiple' in MS) episodes of demyelination. The evidence can come either from lesions being...
  16. Rebecca85

    The pill...

    I have been with my partner for 10 years, throughout that time the only method of contraception we used was the pill. I became ill with Crohn's just over 2 years ago. When I stopped taking the pill, I became pregnant within 2 months. So I am guessing that the pill was effective for us! But I...
  17. Rebecca85

    What is your blood type?

    I found this table online, telling you the percentage of general population with each blood type. So far I'm not seeing any significant variations in the blood type of people with IBD. Yes there are a lot of As and Os, but that's because they are the most common blood groups! ABO Blood Group...
  18. Rebecca85


    Eating a moderate amount of salt can help increase blood pressure (I think the health agencies say no more than 5g of salt a day, so aim for 5g). If you're feeling dizzy, then eat a salty snack and wash it down with a drink. But I agree, you need testing to check for any underlying problems.
  19. Rebecca85


    If it helps, I went through the same thing last year, and am only just now getting to the point where I don't need a nap every day. I found some useful tips on dealing with fatigue by googling chronic fatigue syndrome. It really is important to rest when you need to, doing too much will set you...