From Carol:
I am not a hypochondriac
I do not have Munchausen's Syndrome
I am SICK and need a referral to a hematologist
to be tested for:
Acute Intermittent Porphyria (AIP)
Psychosis - had two 17 years ago
Severe abdominal pain – intermittent over 17 years (diffuse to start and
then localized to the LL quadrant, peri-umbilical, pain 3-7 on scale of 1-10)
Purple urine - recent
Seizures – possibility
Severe fatigue - have
Severe restlessness recent
Irritability/mental confusion -recent
Insomnia have recent (despite taking Ambien)
HBP - mine has been bouncing from 140 to – 168 lately
Tachycardia - Only when I used a asthma relief inhaler
Constipation/or diarrhea diarrhea for 17 years
Gastrointestinal problems have for 17 years
Photosensitivity (usually in the cutaneous Porphyrias, but sometimes in AIP – possibility)
Neuropathy - recently have awakened with swollen hands 3 xs
Of note: (Symptoms have been known to worsen over time – I'm worse)
Drugs (illicit, anesthesia, sulfa drugs and others)
Hormonal Changes
MOL 1995 – I think I was around48 yrs old
SEVERE STRESS: (stalked by ex-boyfriend for a month)
SOLVENTS - Took oil painting class for 2 yrs
Used cheap turpentines from hardware store
Had PSYCHOSIS (classic Paranoid Reaction) – 6 mos. to 1 yr later - PSYCHOSIS (2d one and was hospitalized in Charter Hospital 2 weeks)
Am still on anti-psychotic medication (Current: Zyprexa – also Zoloft, Xanax and Ambien)
I have been going since then to Dr. Bonnie Saks' office. I saw Dr. Saks for about a year and a half and then moved on to just seeing psychologists in her office when needed and 15-minute meds check with the nurse at her office.
No abdominal pain that I can remember except hard cramps during menses.
I did not continue with art class.
During this time or a short time after this, I went into pre-Menopause and was put on HORMONE REPLACEMENT THEREAPY until 2 years ago.
MOL 1990 - SEVERE STRESS – over rommate problem
MOL 1990 - SUDDEN SEVERE GASTROINTESTIMAL PROBLEMS: diarrhea, cramping, bloating, heartburn, flatulence, burping one bubble at a time, over 200 times a day. It was like there was a rubber band around my trachea. The gas would “bubble up” and exert pressure in my throat, so I was forced to burp the tiny bubble out. Then, maybe 30 seconds later, another, ad infinitum. Drs. didn't believe it could be that severe, but it WAS.
I believe it was Dr. Corral (internist) who sent me for a colonoscopy. Dr. Stauffer, who did the colonoscopy, said I possibly had IBS. So I just assumed I'd have to “live with it.”
Went to gastro Dr. Weintraub
On Prilosec for a month.
Had endoscopy, and other associated gasto tests. All were normal.
Dr. told me to take Imodium daily. I did not return to him.
MOL 2007, I ordered a cocktail at a Christmas lunch one day. Immediately, I felt extremely nauseated and shaky. I have not drunk much since that day, the feeling was so terrible. I may have a beer 3 times a year, but sometimes it starts making me weak and nauseated so I don't finish the beer. I rarely drink ALCOHOL.
I took all kinds of OTC meds: Imodium, Gas-X, Peptol Bismol, Tums, Prilosec, Milk of Magnesia, tried a few herbal things and Metamucil. Did not help at all. Dr. Corral thought it may be lactose intolerence. Tried Lactaid for a month before every meal. (Dr. Corral suggested it again in 2012 and I tried the Lactaid again for 2 weeks and it did not work). Besides, I eat ice cream and food with milk in them with no problems. The only thing that bothers me is whole milk on cereal and I get stomach bloating, regular burping.
Symptoms subsided on their own a couple years later except for intermittent diarrhea, stomach bloating, lots of flatulence for the last 17 years. I take Imodium to control somewhat.
Also a few UTIs and sinus infections over the years.
After mowing the lawn MOL 1995-2000, felt nauseated. Came inside house, drank some water, and severe urge to urinate (severe tenesmus) (inability to urinate but with a strong urge to is sometimes noted, I later, read, in PIA). NOTHING would come out. All of a sudden was gripped by horrible PAIN (10 – one of the worst pains I have ever had). Called sister to take me to Memorial Hosp ER. As we pulled up, the pain subsided within about 2 minutes. Went in anyway. Dr. said I may have been dehydrated from mowing grass and said it was probably a bladder spasm. I still had mild pain (can't remember if it was on the Right or on the Left of my bladder). Dr. put me on antibios and antispasmotic. Followed up w/ gyno. No problems after. I NEVER mowed lawn myself again – the pain was that intense.
Half-heartedly, oil painted at home – just a few paintings in span of 5 or so years.
MOL 2008 - WEAKNESS and hay fever symptoms shortly after cleaning a very dusty ceiling fan – WEAKNESS ATTACK came on gradually during the day til about 2:00 every afternoon and, at work, I could barely sit up after 11:00 or after. I often woke up weak and missed a lot of work.
Went to Dr. Corral to explain the WEAKNESS. I was at a loss of words to try to explain it, because it was so strange. Dr. Corral asked if I could just be depressed. But recently I am better able to verbalize it as:
I will start gradually feeling weak, then weaker and weaker. I will lay down on the couch and try to watch TV, but my muscles (whole body) feel “abuzz” or “just barely imperceptively vibrating.” But then, laying there watching TV is too strenuous. So I go into the bedroom to read. As usual, reading is somehow “too strenuous” too. Then I lay on my stomach perfectly still and try not to move even one little finger. One of two things will happen: I will feel severely RESTLESS and will go through this cycle of restless activity, laying on the couch, reading in bed, laying on my stomach perfectly still, and several times through the whole process. However, this past Sunday after a trip to Publix, while laying on my stomach and not moving I was able to fall asleep for 2 hours and when I awakened I was fine (once in awhile I have this good fortune). I then went to a Superbowl party (no alcohol for me) and laughed and had fun with some friends (now that's not depression), although I can understand how the laying on the couch, bed, could appear like depression.
Then, would have sudden ABDOMEN PAIN, at first diffuse over entire abdominal area, burning, burning, which would progress to LL quadrant and then to a specific spot several inches to Left of umbilical. The subsequent “attacks” would always be like this.
MOL 2008 - Saw gastro Dr. Hanan for first time re SEVERE ABDOMEN PAIN (5-6 off and on) (lasting for 4 weeks) in LL quadrant periumbilical. He put me on antiobiotics and said it could be diverticulis. He also gave me Reglan because I was having the little bubbles in my throat again. Reglan did not help the bubbles.
MOL 2008 - Thought I had another sinus infection so went to an ENT. After a couple of appts (and putting me on antibios) and me having same complaints of extreme WEAKNESS and hay fever, feeling headachey, he sent me for a CT scan: normal.
I was desperate for help because I was so WEAK and headachey so I tried an allergist thinking it might be that.
(Put on Singulair, Claritin, Nasonex, and allergy shots twice a week)
Was given a shot in butt of prednisone and 5-day script: prednisone – immediate resolution of symptoms while on prednisone.
As soon as prednisone was stopped 5 days later – return of symptoms.
After 4 weeks more of SEVERE WEAKNESS and hay fever symptoms, I begged allergist for one more round of pred – shot in butt then 5-day script. When pred stopped, symptoms completely resolved.
I told Dr. Corral.
Then, a few years of just the usual IBS diarrhea, bloating, flatulence. Some abdomen burning, but not bad.
MOL 2009 - Began line dancing.
Oil painting again in a class with other painters 2010 – present
Use Mona Lisa odorless mineral spirits (which are supposed to be safest)
Since MOL 2009, I have been experiencing what I call “low blood sugar attacks” while shopping in department stores. I get very shaky and feel I will faint. I go up to the front counter and buy anything to eat, preferably a candy bar. I then stabilize. Or, I will quickly exit the store and drive quickly to a restaurant and eat. I then stablize.
2012 began belly dancing. Still do.
Felt WEAK. Went to MLK Walk-In and was put on antibios for a UTI INFECTION). Had severe ABDOMINAL PAIN (7) a week later (first diffuse, burning, then like someone was pointing a burning laser to a specific spot a few inches to left of umbilical). Symptoms lessened, but I was still extremely WEAK, and had some Ab pain left. I was so afraid of the level 7 pain returning that I went to Memorial Hospital ER since the weakness/pain was not gone. They gave me some intravenous pain meds and a urinalysis. Found nothing.
Missed bellydance class.
After DIETING and losing 10-12 lbs.
Same round of ABDOMINAL PAIN and WEAKNESS. Missed a couple of belly dance classes. Spontaneous remission.
MOL 2012, I had severe STRESS building because of a situation at work.
Had a classic fight-or-flight reaction (PSYCHIATRIC) and flew into a rage at work toward a woman whom I believe is severely narcissistic and who was giving me such grief at work on a daily basis. I screamed, “I'm sick of your head games!”etc., etc., etc. I even lunged at her, but didn't hit her though I wanted to. This was totally out of character for me. I am a people-pleaser and avoid confrontation at any cost. I was in a fog, uncontrollable, severe anger, SEVERE weakness, mental confusion for a week. Sliced my left arm with a razor blade to “get the anger out.” Followed up with some psychological counseling. Psych said it was a classdic fight-or-flight reaction and I probably had high levels of ADRENELINE, CORTISOL, TESTOSTERONE coursing through my body at this time.
Situation resolved MOL a couple weeks later since my desk was moved at work by Vicki Stolberg to a quiet area next to a girl who is very quiet and works very hard just like me. (I'm surprised they didn't fire me, but as you know, I've been at Stolberg/Townsend 17 years and am an excellent legal assistant and they admitted that the girl was “very hard to deal with, but good at her job.”
Throughout 2012, after shopping and going to Publix – severe WEAKNESS, headachey and feeling as though I were going to faint in store; had to lean on grocery cart. Every other time I go shopping and to Publix, the same symptoms. Have to go home and lay down. I thought it was hay fever (until just recently I read about PHOTOSENSITIVITY and its relationship to the Porphyrias). I then realized that Publix has hundreds of flourescent lights.
MOL 10/12 – had cataract surgery so, of course, had ANASTHESIA (don't know what kind).
Dr. Rinde in Dr. Corral's office sent me for a cat scan. Machine was broken so symptoms had partially subsided by the time I had the cat scan (drinking the white stuff).
Result: Negative. During this attack, I felt nauseated and had one bout of projectile vomiting and one bout of regular vomiting. ABDOMINAL PAIN subsided for 2 days spontaneously, during which time I had increased energy. I oil painted 4 hrs on Saturday and 4 hrs on Sunday. ABDOMEN PAIN returned.
Blood pressure has been bouncing from 140-168 (Dr. Corral's, Walgreen's, St. Joseph's, gyno Dr. Newton's).
Purple urine on pantiliner – on Web for cause, didn't eat beets, rhubarb, only other cause listed was ACUTE INTERMITTENT PORPHYRIA. Read and read and read. My head was exploding! These were my symptoms!
Went to see Dr. Rinde at Dr. Corral's office. Was put on Amox-Clav by Dr. Rinde, then after culture, put on Nitrofurantoin, then Bactrim. Yelled at Walgreen's pharmacy tech because when I got home from drugstore, Bactrim was not in my bag and I had to drive back to Walgreen's sick (IRRITABILITY. I never do things like that). Told Dr. Rinde about Porphyria and requested a urine test for same.
ER – St. Joseph's
Was sent home with scripts for Cipro, Metronidazole.
While I was waiting in the bed for the doctor to return, I heard a woman screaming. My eyes popped open and the doctor and nurse were standing at the end of my bed. It was as though they had floated through the door like ghosts. I stared at them. I recognized them as the doctor and nurse, but I couldn't seem to speak. The nurse said, “Are you okay?” And the doctor said, “We didn't mean to startle you.” I suddenly realized I had been the one screaming. Confused, I told them that I must have fallen asleep and had a nightmare (this could have been a PETIT MAL or alternately called an ABSENCE SEIZURE as my internet research later led me to).
CT Scan: Abnormal. Several loops of small bowel thickened. Focal enteritis not excluded.
(some theory suggests that constricted blood vessels in bowel cause the intense pain. Was my finding consistent with a constricted blood vessel?)
Mouth: Over the months of 12/12 and 1/13, I have awakened with purple sores inside my mouth that heal after 2 days (twice), jaws sore several mornings. I also cracked my denture in half (sometime during the night). I also awoke one morning feeling like my teeth/dentures were chattering and for some reason wondered if I had had a SEIZURE (I had not yet read that nocturnal or petit mal seizures have been reported for people with AIP). I awakened on two occasions yelling.
Was extremely WEAK on Christmas day, but the weakness came and went. Would wake up at 2, 3, 5 o'clock in the mornings for a week and putter around house, go back to bed. This is highly unusual for me since I take Ambien for sleep and usually sleep like a log.
Began high-carb diet as I read this sometimes relieves AIP symptoms to see if it relieved symptoms. Felt a little better.
Dr. Corral's office called me in for f/u after St. Joe's ER visit. PA Cobb said to go ahead and take the Cipro, Metronidazole prescribed by St. Joe's since I still had blood in my urine. She also gave me a script for a muscle relaxer, Cyclobenzaprine.
Weekend prior to MLK Day: SEVERE, SEVERE WEAKNESS and MENTAL CONFUSION, NERVE-LIKE PAIN in Right buttock for couple hours, ABDOMEN PAIN. Stayed in bed for 2 days sleeping 3 hours, getting up for 1-2 hours, back to sleep 3 hours, etc. Thinking it may be the muscle relaxer, discontinued it after 3 days on.
Found out at Dr. Corral's office that lab tech didn't send in urine specimen to test for AIP.
Saw PA Phillipa Cobb at Dr. Corral's. Gave another urine sample and lab tech sent in
Result: negative, .07 m/l (??) but at time urine was sent in, pain was no longer acute (and my research says you should only have the urine test done when you are acute. My stomach pain and weakness had subsided somewhat).
Also, porphorobilinogen test did not test for ALA and porphyrins.
Purple urine in pantiliner.
Month of January, missed 3 belly dance classes because of ABDOMEN PAIN and WEAKNESS.
1/28/13 – went to bellydance class, felt good afterwards.
1/31/13 – extreme “blanking out” at work. We all forget why we entered a room, but this was more like short-term memory loss because it goes on and on and on and on.
Pain subsided to 2 or 3, felt better, but fatigued after activities.
2/2/13 – Extreme blanking out at home. WEAKNESS. Went to coffee shop and helped art teacher hang our art classes' paintings. Ate Greek yogurt parfait and dessert. Felt better.
Came home and the WEAKNESS returned. 2/3/13-2/6/13, the WEAKNESS is almost always there. Seldom have remissions.
2/3/13 – awoke with left hand swollen, not really asleep. I shook it and that did nothing so I slapped it front and back and it went away.
Between 1/31/13 or 2/3/13 or so – to gyno as recommended by PA Cobb at Dr. Corral's. Uterus and ovaries normal. Will return for annual pelvic in 1 month. Dr. William Newton.
2/5/13 – awoke with right hand swollen. It did not feel like it was asleep at all. There was resistance when I tried to use it and I couldn't make a fist. It took about an hour for it to feel normal again.
Noticed that the palms of my hands were red and splotchy (liver activity? Alk Phos was high at St. Joseph's).
2/6/13 – awoke with right hand swollen.
2/6/13 – went for 3-month f/u after cataract surgery to Dr. Levitt. Told him I have been very ill and would he please let me know if there was anything “unusual” about my eyesight. He said no, just my usual dry eye and that I should use warm compresses and wash my lids for my usual blepharitis. Used Refresh drops.
2/7/13, awoke WEAK and headachey. Called in sick to work. Went to Publix, My headachey feeling turned into an actual headache. Rested and ate a hamburger. Felt a little better.
Miscellaneous Health Problems over the years.
Plantar fasciitis Left foot. Dr. Sharma gave me a cortisone injection and it was cleared up. A few years ago, I had a nerve-like pain in my Left ankle. Another cortisone injection by Dr. Sharma and it cleared up. Dr. said the x-ray had shown just a tiny little white spot that may have been a tiny fracture like you get when falling off heels, not enough even to bother with a cast or soft splint.
A few sinus infections.
A few UTIs.
2/7-2/10: New symptom: Headaches. Previously I had been just “headachey” but it's worsened.
5 yrs ago, Right upper arm very painful while driving, would lock up, etc. Went to FL Ortho and got cortisone shot and had physical therapy for 6 weeks. Pain subsided. Feel some pain in the R upper arm from time to time.
Hip joints “grind and burn” when I walk several hundred feet (but I can line dance and belly dance w/ no problems at all - strange).
Sharp Left knee joint pain sometimes when walking.
AIP Is Genetic
My daughter had horrible menstrual pain for many years. Her legs would go numb. She was told it was endometriosis. AIP commonly strikes young women during menses. She has also been diagnosed bi-polar but won't take the medication because she doesn't believe she is bi-polar. She will take antidepressants and antianxiety meds.
My sister's hands tremor (for years) (tremor is known to occur with AIP). She just lives with it and never found a cause. She also has nystagmus. She had a few months where she could not swallow medication. She felt that her throat had swelled. Had all tests – normal. She also has bad shoulder pain – all tests negative. My sister was never a complainer about any of these symptoms.
OF NOTE: One of the dozens of hypotheses about Vincent van Gogh was that he had AIP. And, no, I cannot stop painting. I have had my work in 3 shows over last 3 years and I just got my first commission to paint the CD cover of a blues singer/harmonica player. Brought my paintings of musicians to a blues jam recently, and my head swelled from all the compliments. Next time I paint at home, I will wear a mask and open the door.
I believe these symptoms warrant a blood test for AIP. Am asking that you write me a referral to a hematologist, preferably one who understands something about AIP, because I cannot get an appointment without a referral. :ack: