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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. M

    On period and have appointment

    I have a male doctor as well. Ive had to only explain once that I was on my period when I had a low iron levels. He actually asked me before I even gave him an answer. Don't be embarrassed. You wouldn't be the first in their years of practice to be on your period.
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    Humira causing Asthma?

    So I've been on Humira for a year now and since then I've had multiple infections! I don't take the Humira when I'm sick and I follow instructions when to take it again after I'm well enough. I still get sick on and off it. I work in the schools as well so I'm exposed to everything there. Now...
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    Circle Of Crap

    Today I went to a lung specialist to just get reassurance that there is no underlining issue to why I keep getting infections of all sorts. I know the Crohn's Meds have lowered my immunity. Working in schools exposes me to all sorts of things. Basically at the end of the appointment he's just...
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    New member, spouse of patient

    I'm glad to hear that! Spending time on ourselves is the only control we have with all these hardships around
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    I've failed

    Today I was reminded how very different I am compared to young adults my age. While people my age are just finishing university I've held a job for nearly 3 years in fear of my unpredictable health. After graduating highschool I went straight to UNI to get education fast so that I have a cushion...
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    New member, spouse of patient

    First off all let me just say that your wife is extremely lucky to have such a supportive partner in life. My father has had Crohn's for many years now and my mother has experienced the ups and downs of the disease through him. When they married there was not nearly enough info about it so it...
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    Bad day, bad week, bad year

    I always remind myself when I'm ill that tomorrow is a fresh start---but I'm not buying that anymore. I had a great start to the year--I work in the schools-- and I had a great position that I loved. I wasn't sick as much like last year and then I lose my position to cuts in hours. Throw in it...
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    How are you feeling today?

    At my wits end. I'm tired and my bones feel about ready to snap like a twig. I have yet another chest infection(I have at least 4 in a month) I took 2 days off of work end of last week and I had to take another day off today. I dread leaving my bedroom as I'll get questions yet again about why...
  9. M

    My family...

    Gosh you wrote how exactly I've been feeling! The laziness comments are getting to me. I have a job where I don't have the ability to run to the washroom if necessary. I can't exactly tell a student with medical needs or behavioural challenges that I need to go to the washroom and expect them to...
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    Can't seem to catch a break

    I sure hope 2017 is a better year. I've been struggling with work demands, having to get documentation so I wouldn't get fired for frequent absences(was a pain and embarrassing thing I had to do),my 19 year old sister passed away and just the overwhelming feeling of not being well. It sucks...
  11. M

    How Long did it Take to Receive a Diagnosis

    7 long years of suffering prior to any sort of diagnosis. I was diagnosed with reflex sympathetic dystrophy at 15 when they noticed I had less blood flow in my left leg. Then that progressed to idiopathic pain syndrome. Unexplainable pain mimicking arthritis. Swollen limbs. Weird rashes on...
  12. M

    How are you feeling today?

    I'm exhausted. Work week starts up again today and I haven't slept much the entire weekend. Maybe 4 hours over the 2 days. I haven't been able to take my Meds as my entire household is sick. Thanks to my immune system I am sick again too. I'm always sick...I can't remember a week in months that...
  13. M

    Feeling utter despair

    So sorry to hear you are feeling terrible. I hope you find a treatment plan that gives you relief. Never feel like a burden to the doctors. If anything I have learned is you need to continue to push them and if they are not willing to look at you with an open mind then you should find a new team...
  14. M

    What was remission like for you?

    That is something I wondered as well. Haven't been in remission for long, I was just told mid October and I'm far from symptom free. What's the point in being given that title when it may mean not active but your still dealing with symptoms. I know there is no cure so isn't being told your in...
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    Young Adult Support Group

    can relate to so many of you who are struggling with work. Was diagnosed with Crohn's 2 years ago (now 23) and I purposely jumped into my education right after highschool as I was very sick then and knew I had to find stability quick. Wasn't diagnosed with Crohn's till 7 years after a long...
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    Ignorant Boss

    I wish it was that simple as discussing with the principal who I work under but with limited staff and our school districts cutting back hours we don't have extra bodies lying around to come relieve me if I need a break. Also with 'things' happening at any moment I prob wouldn't Beable to call...
  17. M

    How are you feeling today?

    Today I feel defeated. Last colonoscopy I had said I was in remission but I'm having a hard time accepting that. It's hard to believe those words when for months all my blood came back normal yet I indeed had Crohn's. Can I really trust those words when for years I was told there is nothing...
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    Disability/Unemployment/Financial Difficulties Support Group

    I started receiving disability assistance when I was 18. In Canada you can apply at 18. I had a very different diagnosis than Crohn's but at that point I didn't think I'd be able to work ever. It was crushing for my self-esteem. Forward a few years I was able to work more but then was diagnosed...
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    Ignorant Boss

    Work and sickness is something I know all to well. I work in special education and a lot of my job is 1 on 1 with students that need to be supervised. I can't exactly get up and go to the washroom if I need to. Therefore I have to take days off when my body is not working well. Last year I had...
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    What was remission like for you?

    The most frustrating thing for my Crohn's was that on none of my test was there ever any sign of Crohn's. Symptoms were present. Elevated inflammation but nothing too concerning. Everything blood related was normal. My colonoscopy was the on,y thing that came up with anything. That's why I have...