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    Victoria, The only thing I can figure out is I bloat when I eat to many starches or if I am partially obstructed. I try to really limit starches (mainly wheats). Maybe someone has the medical answer. Wendy
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    I am an accountant Monday - Friday 8 to 5. I am a holistic nutritionist and jewelry maker evenings and weekends. I also handle the books for my hubby's business. Looking into taking over the running of a health food store in my area. Yes, there a some times that the monster rears its ugly...
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    Ughh! Why did The Almighty and Beautiful God make poop !

    Lala- Have you tried a bowel massage? Just relax and gently trace your intestines around your abdomen. Take the palm of your hand and start lower right, come up to above belly button, across, and then down. Always start on the right! Try this while on the potty. It may help. This helps the...
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    I'm.... so.... tired!!!

    Ames, It took me a good 3 months to start having energy and then I had my resection which took 6 months before I could last an entire day. Your body is whipped. The illness and the surgery have been too much. (I hate when people tell me this) You have to give in to the tiredness. I hope you...
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    Claire Update - Scope Weds

    Tell Claire that I think NPO stinks! Makes me crabby, too. Julie, you and Claire are in my prayers. Make sure you ask if she is going to have "I have pee'd on myself" feeling so you can prepare her. Hugs! Wendy
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    Very Low Energy levels!?!

    From my experience, when docs say something is a little low, it is low. Get yourself to the health food store or vitamin shoppe and pick up a bottle of chewable Super B Complex. See if that helps. The B12 shots did not do much for me but the chewable B Complex does. Make sure you are getting...
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    When should I expect this to work?

    I noticed changes on and off from the beginning but all of the time around week 10. The countdown should start 2 weeks after you finish the prednisone. Do not give up. The prednisone really does a number on your body so you have to recover from that too. Wendy
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    The food in America is SO BAD!!!

    The hummus in Turkey is soooo much better than the hummus here! Wendy
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    Fresh Meat

    Bavaria- I was on Prednisone and 6mp when I had my resection. It did increase the healing time. Good luck with the surgery. Get up and walk as soon as they will let you. Wendy
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    Natural Treatments

    I use Boswellia. It controls the inflammation. The difficulty is finding the correct dosage. I take 1000mgs a day and bump it up if I feel inflamed. I also take L-glutamine to heal my intestines. I take DGL for acid when needed. I drink George's Always Active Aloe when needed. I am 80%...
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    Our Surgery Journey

    T- Make sure they check her protein levels... She is sounding a bit like me before I got better. Hugs to you both! Oh... Yep, the area around my stoma stayed irritated off and on for about a month. It will probably get better after the pred. leaves her system. Wendy
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    Dramatic results with Rhodiola Rosea

    Dan, Thanks for the info. I bought some and I have to say, it is working. My thought patterns are clearer. I do not hesitate when asked questions. When faced with a complex problem, I do not feel the panic or doubt. Decisions are easier. I am going to let my son try them. Hopefully it...
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    Someone give us some hope...

    Morning MinorFall! I am a Crohn's warrior since 1991. I have raised three beautiful children as a single parent for most of the time. I have a career and I am rarely out due to Crohn's. I am active and lead a normal (for me) life. I have learned what foods to avoid and what to do when stress...
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    LDN questions

    If you feel a flare coming on try a liquid diet for a few days. That works for me. Boswellia is wonderful. I take 1000mg a day and bump it up as needed. Hope it is not a flare. Wendy
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    From one Wendy to another- I have/had endo and Crohn's. My endo invaded my intestines. This last resection was partly due to endo and my hysterectomy was in 1991. Life is not easy with either one. I am so sorry you are going thru so much. My head would be hurting from the constant banging I...
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    Learning what to eat is hard...

    [ Then turkey & cheese wrap and I am SO GASY. Off the wall question but with a purpose- what "flavor" of wrap did you use? The garlic and herb ones always gave me gas. Plain ones did not. I have given up on bread and other things because of the gas issue. I think I have an intolerance for...
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    Cure Crohn's by going vegan?

    Well, my theory is this- we need the animal protein. I do think veggies and fruit are very important as well as healthy oils. I do best when I avoid bread, potatoes, pasta, and rice. Do I think there is a cure? Yes I do, I just don't think the right path to the cure has been stumbled on yet...
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    *Confused doctor with spouse who has Crohns*

    Doc S- Aloe- the best I have found that will not cause more potty breaks is George's Always Active. I drink it when needed. L-glutamine (I apologise for the spelling) is very good. The pure powder will help stop the diarreah and it is healing. If constipation is an issue always take the...
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    Eff you, crohn's

    Red- I hear ya! I declare war on Crohn's! No one should have this. Hugs to you and your daughter. Wendy:tank:
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    LDN and Marijuana

    Eric, The first 10 weeks on LDN were a roller coaster ride! I would improve then go backwards. It took around 12 weeks to really make a difference. During the 10 week ride, I generally felt better. I could easily track how foods were effecting me. I am now going thru the withdrawls from...